

  • You weight fluctuates up to 5 pounds a day. That is normal. Either sodium or hormones can cause your body to retain a little extra water. So, you may not have gained weight. It could just be your body is in the process of getting rid of some of the extra water. If you stuck to your eating and exercise plan, then keep with…
  • Actually, housework is in the exercise database. If you click add exercise under the Cardiovascular section, it is in there. Just do a search for cleaning. There is both light and vigorous in their. I log it in sometimes. As a SAHM myself, some of the typical day to day stuff is already accounted for in my activity level.…
  • Fast food places are just not known for nutrition. Even some salads are not on the healthy side. Our news uncovers an unhealthy meal each night. Last night they had a salad that had over 1100 calories!!! It is usually the dressing that overdoes it. so, if you can go with something light, a salad would be a good choice. I…
  • My favorite movies include: Ever After The Notebook Ella Enchanted Pretty Woman I hope you enjoy your day to do all things girly. I am sure you would rather have him home, but just make the best of it. You can always celebrate when your guy gets back. Love can be celebrated any day of the year. My hubby and I generally…
  • I have to say that I really love the freshly grated parmesan. It can be really strong so just a few nibbles will satisfy my craving. I could never give up cheese. I just make room for it in my allotment. Gruyere is really good too. We use it in our fondue, which is now a super splurge night like our anniversary.
  • I weigh myself every morning. Sometimes I weigh myself at night too. I think I just like to see the number go down by morning. If you weigh yourself everyday, then you cannot worry about the daily fluctuations. They are going to happen. If you follow your eating and exercise plan, then the weight should come off. I only…
  • There is actually a listing in MFP's Cardiovascular section for cleaning. Just go to where you enter your regular exercise in and type cleaning into the "search our exercise database by name" area. After hitting "Search", it will give you the option for either light or heavy cleaning. Most of my cleaning is done on one…
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