Weight Gain

I weigh 3 lbs more this week than last week and I didn't even have easter dinner. This SUCKS!!


  • onmywaytoskinny155
    onmywaytoskinny155 Posts: 228 Member
    I weigh 3 lbs more this week than last week and I didn't even have easter dinner. This SUCKS!!
  • thejarviclan
    thejarviclan Posts: 465 Member
    Mexican food (or anything salty!) will do that to me temporarily. As will my cycle! Give it a couple of days and see if it goes away.
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Mexican food (or anything salty!) will do that to me temporarily. As will my cycle! Give it a couple of days and see if it goes away.

    it could be water weight!!! that happens to me too!!! Don't let those 3lbs get you down!! wait a week and weigh in again.. if they are still there then start to panic :tongue:
  • redlion54
    You weight fluctuates up to 5 pounds a day. That is normal. Either sodium or hormones can cause your body to retain a little extra water. So, you may not have gained weight. It could just be your body is in the process of getting rid of some of the extra water.

    If you stuck to your eating and exercise plan, then keep with it. Just weigh again next time and hopefully you will see the lower number you are looking for. Don't get discouraged by one weigh in. Some weeks, I just don't lose a thing, but I keep with it and the weight has been coming off. Good luck to you.
  • watch48win
    watch48win Posts: 1,668 Member
    ageed...most likely something high in sodium....I had Ham yesterday and I can still feel the effects....fingers are swelled...my queue NOT to get on the scale...