mdouhan Member


  • I am in the exact situation as you are but need to loose 200 lbs so let’s stick together, motivating each other is the best way to stay on track I am on day 7 of a looong journey
  • Sure I do it every day, just to know how different foods affect me, as long as the weekly trend is down I don't get frustrated
  • You are o right, until you realize you have to do it for yourself it is not going to work, start slow and gradually get used to more exercise etc, it will work I like you come to he conclusion a while back, doing it for me changed a lot, In times when you feel low come here and read some success stories it always helps…
  • Hi I lost 18 lbs first week I started, mostly water of course but that's always the first to o Rgds Matt
  • Walking and swimming, I was 460 when I started but swimming is soft on joints and body
  • Grapefruit hands down, the bitterness makes me smile
  • Loosing 132 feel free to add me
  • Hi I am looking to loose 133 lbs during 2012, tough goal but not much choice for me, it's do or die, on my way down from close to 450 lbs so it really is a question of life , I am currently 403 at jan 1 2012 Rgds Matt
  • Not yet but I am closing in on the 100 lbs lost on way down, my goal is to loose 220 lbs total, down from 423 lbs rgds M
  • I was just going to write the same thing. I myself is on the way down from 450+ lbs and I go to the doctors every two weeks to see her and my dietist and physio threapist and they monitor my progress every step of the way. The reason I am on this superfast weightloss program is that I used to be very fit but due to injury…
  • Hey ok so based on the answers I need to eat up to 2 hours before the workout to avoid starvation and at the same time its ok not to eat because the body burns calories better since its in clensing mode. This causes me a little dilemma :) eating 2 hours before workout means 4 AM and this is not going to happen and and…
  • Hey Since I actually live in China I mostly eat chinese food so I can give some advice as well. Basically all chinese veggetables would be ok they are cooked without to much oil or sayce, and the sauce they serve with can mostly be left aside As for the fried pork/chicken/beef this varies a lot, just be careful with the…
    in Chinese Comment by mdouhan April 2010