Obese and new to exercise.....Ideas please



  • Hi I'm 4 stones over weight and I have bought the WII fit plus and do my exercises in my pyjamas, it's good fun plus I feel better afterwards.
  • You sound in the same state as me. I need to lose the equivalent of a whole person! Non-weight bearing exercise is also good - I have some a pedal exerciser - I can sit in a chair in front of the television and and exercise. It helps my knees which have been bad and my leg muscles.
  • wakeywildcat
    wakeywildcat Posts: 43 Member
    Walking for me also, I use sportypal app on my phone, it works for me. Good luck x
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    Yep! Definitely walking! Try and do more each time - another minute, 5 minutes, another mile. Before you know it, you'll be running a 5K!

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • Miamor582
    Miamor582 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, I have to agree that walking and swimming are excellent beginners for you. You have to take baby steps if that makes sense. Take it one day at a time and give yourself lotts of praise. Your mfp friends will also be there for you. In the swimming pool you can do allot of different excercises and it is easier on the joints. You can walk take it slow and only do a few min. as you feel like it inccrease the time and start walking alittle bit faster. I knew a man that started walking from the house to his mailbox once aday. He now runs races. I started out running a half a block so tired that I could'nt hardly breath, I am now a marathon runner. It took me about three years to get there. Soooo it is taking baby steps, increasing slowly and never giving up. be patient with yourself because you are worth it. You have already made that first step by joining mfp and asking for help. I am very proud of you. Good luck. :smile:
  • mdouhan
    mdouhan Posts: 22 Member
    Walking and swimming, I was 460 when I started but swimming is soft on joints and body
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    You really should speak to your dr first. Having said that, you certainly can start to eat right, and walk and swim. You can also start with light weights.
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Sounding like an echo but I cannot recommend swimming and walking enough... both low impact.

    Swimming is great because the water supports you so less strain on joints and if you can I'd recommend joining a gym with a pool as they are more private and the pools are usually 18m rather than 25m in municipal pools (and quite often the gym deal is just as economical as the council charges)

    I was also sent a link to the following Pay-It-Forward clip (unfortunately I can't find the original link I was sent but I found this via Google.) When I first joined MFP I was a hefty 113.8kg (17st 12½lbs) and was looking for exercise vids showing fat people working out (as all the commercial one seem to only want to show gorgeous fit & toned people doing exercise and personally, I find that off-putting as I know if I looked buff & toned I'd find it easy to work out, but when you're fat and feel ungainly then it seems like an insurmountable challenge.)

    The following shows a 400lb bloke doing a workout with P90X-guru Tony Horton and what I like about it (better than all those Biggest Loser vids) is that Tony comes at it with a great attitude of "you can do it, just take it gently!" rather than the "no pain, no gain - what do you mean you're not having a heart attack, you aren't pushing yourself enough!"-ethos. I sometimes do this workout when I'm away from home and haven't got the change to get out for a nice long walk or go for a swim.


    I think it's great that you've found MFP and I hope we can all support you in achieving your goals. The good thing about MFP is that we've all been in the same situation, you'll meet kindred spirits and nobody judges you.

    You can do it!!! :flowerforyou:
  • MPLB
    MPLB Posts: 14
    I know how you feel, I've at least 8 stone to lose myself and right now, don't feel energetic whatsoever. So I will start easy. I will walk and have mad half hour dance sessions to loud music to start. I will get my heart pumping fast n furious, won't take much effort but we've gotta start somewhere hey :-) Gradually I will bring in fitness DVD's and be on my merry way!

    I remember a couple of years ago when my daughter was at college, I used to pick her up quite often as it was around 5 miles away. I used to see this really big fella enroute, I bet he had at least 10 stone to lose, he caught my attention because I saw him so often at differing points along this 2 mile stretch of road. I watched that man get thinner and thinner over the months, it was really quite amazing to watch his transformation. He was obviously on a diet plan and decided to skip the bus home from work. My daughter left college so I never saw the fella again, I bet I wouldn't recognise him now.
  • cecilia0909
    cecilia0909 Posts: 188 Member
    I'd chat with your doctor about ideas and personally think walking is a great starting point
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    When I weighed 100 pounds more than I do now, I started off walking. I walked outside and did Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds...adding miles as I could.
  • mememe84
    mememe84 Posts: 35 Member
    I first started stepping on and off the wii it really helps x
  • I am in the obese category (for now :-) too and have only been on MFP for a couple of weeks. I suggest, walking, swimming, and dancing. Seriously, just put on some fun music and MOVE JUST A LITTLE. It doesn't seem like exercise at all - I PROMISE.

    Good luck, I KNOW you CAN do it! Feel free to add me as a friend it you need support.
  • floridagirl7264
    floridagirl7264 Posts: 318 Member
    March in place during commercials when you're watching tv. It's a great way to get started and then you can work your way to walking. For me, it's too hard to walk for me. Between my back hurting and my COPD, I need to get some weight off so that I can walk. So I march and when I get out of breath or I start to hurt, I can sit down.
  • I'm new to exercise too...so I'm starting out slow. I'm going to try walking, stationary bike
    and WII fit plus. Good luck to you. Add me to friend if you like : )
  • inspirem
    inspirem Posts: 182 Member
    WALK< WALK< WALK, to start...even if it is only 5 min...you can do it! Just get moving!!!