Obese and new to exercise.....Ideas please

Hi everyone

I am about 10 stone over weight and get out of breath just climbing stairs (hence why I am doing this) so therefore am a bit apprehensive about doing exercise.

Any suggestions on what for of exercise I can do to start with and how frequently I should do it to build up.

Thanks in advance



  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    honestly, walking is the best starting point :) do what you can and add more time on when you can. if you can find it, Leslie Sansone (i think thats her name) has Walk Away the Pounds DVDs...different lengths and i loved them when i started. i still do them every so often!
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    I agree, walking is fab - just whatever you could manage would be fab. You will probably find that as the weight starts to come off things will get quite a bit easier quite soon so just change it up when you can. Doing some weights even if they are reasonably light weights - just what you can manage to start building up your muscle strength and preserve your muscle tissue would help too.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    walk walk walk walk walk. bring a friend or music if you need it or want and then walk some more. it's pretty much all I did for my first 40 lbs. or so I lost. also comfortable shoes really goes a long way.
  • Generalle
    Generalle Posts: 201 Member
    the first steps are the hardest, but the only way to start is to do just that - start. Try setting small goals like walking to the end of the road, then the next day walk further. Or climb those dreaded stairs and add a few more each time.
  • Huskychemist
    Huskychemist Posts: 75 Member
    +1 for walking.

    Start with a walk around the block, or some other small distance. If you're not too winded at the end, do another 'lap.' Then work your way up, adding distance over time. As your fitness increases and the pounds start coming off, you can work into more intense workouts.

    I would also suggest timing yourself. As you increase your fitness, you'll be doing longer distances in shorter amounts of time. These milestones can be really motivating.

    Good luck!
  • StephanieDJL
    StephanieDJL Posts: 130 Member
    Swimming is another option, like walking it's a great workout and you can slowly build up intensity.
  • Davali
    Davali Posts: 225 Member
    Another vote for walking - I had done NO exercise for so long, it was all I could manage at first, but slowly made me feel great and certainly helped with the weight loss.
  • ZoeSmith321
    ZoeSmith321 Posts: 21 Member
    Agree with everyone on walking.
  • boelyn
    boelyn Posts: 90 Member
    walking it is then........thanks guys
  • pretty_ribbons
    pretty_ribbons Posts: 154 Member

    i wish you luck on your weight loss journey :flowerforyou:
  • paf57
    paf57 Posts: 4 Member
    Walking is absolutely the best exercise! You can do it anywhere, all you need is good sneakers and there is less stress on joints than many other exercises. I find it to be the best therapy for mind and body. Find a walking buddy if you can and get out there every day! Wishing you the best of luck!
  • nk17
    nk17 Posts: 141 Member
    Walking, but if you are heavy like me, please, please investigate whether you need arch supports first. It will save you a lot of pain. Also good, sweat-absorbing (or is it preventing) socks. Lots of water. Good luck.
  • laurastrait21
    laurastrait21 Posts: 307 Member
    I'm a big proponent of swimming if you feel comfortable doing so - it is easy on the joints and one of my all time fave exercises. Or, water aerobics! Both are amazing workouts if you know how to swim and feel OK in the water!
  • Bevbl3
    Bevbl3 Posts: 39 Member

    I'm in agreement with walking being the best start...if you have a smart phone get the app called Endomondo. This will log how far you walk and how fast as will as your average speed and calories burned so you can see your improvements - it synchronises with their website and it's a really good tool.

    Hope this helps. I'll send a friend request too.

    Bev x
  • cassiejo84
    cassiejo84 Posts: 49 Member
    Leslie Sansone is wonderful. Love Walk Away The Pounds.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I started with walking, when I was 11 stone overweight. It's absolutely the best way to go. Set yourself reasonable goals and work to increase your mileage a little each week, and up your speed a little each week. When you're feeling good about that, you can start to introduce other exercise.

    Swimming is also good, if you have the confidence to get in a costume and get in the pool. I was really anxious about this, but was reassured when I got there and realised there are lots of people just as big as me swimming. You could also look into aquaaerobics.

    As a word of encouragement - I still walk most days. I also can run 4 miles, and am aiming to do a 6 mile run in a few weeks. I weight train. I swim. I use the crosstrainer and can go for 60 minutes on it now. Starting off with a walk is the first step towards better fitness. Good luck!
  • jomclaren
    Hiya ...... I have 5 st to loose and am soooooooo unfit .... I pulled my back at Christmas cleaning of all things and am starting really slowly with the exercise .......... I have been out walking with the dog and start swimming next week .......... Walking is a great way to start all at your own pace too ....... good luck xxx
  • Georganna1962
    Do you live near a pool? If so, I highly recommend water jogging or water aerobics. You get a great workout and it doesn't damage your joints. I am obese have lost 51 pounds doing water exercise. When I first started back in October I was trying to walk but with both of my knees giving me problems I was in tears during and after my walk - a friend told me about water aerobics. I love it! Now I do water aerobics twice a day and I am able to walk with out pain for an hour.
  • rocketmouse
    rocketmouse Posts: 143 Member
    I totally agree with everyone who said water aerobics and walking! But also, I think the only way to not get winded climbing stairs is to climb lots and lots of stairs. I can walk much faster and further now than I could three months ago, I can even run a little.... but stairs still give me trouble if it's an amount that I'm not habituated to. Like I can do the two flights up to my apartment easy, but whenever I have to do more than that, oof.
  • bloodynoraa
    Depending on your fitness level you could possibly consult with your doctor first just to be safe.

    Walking is great to start with but you must look after your knees and ankles. You'll want them to be in great shape WHEN you reach your goal. Also by being careful of your joints will prevent injuries that could stop you exercising for weeks. Treadmills are good if you have one as the impact on joints is lower.

    How often you exercise is up to you. Three to four times per week if the intensity is fairly high. If low intensity everyday is the best idea. Remember when starting out "exercise" could include walking to the store to buy things and then walking home (if not too far). Or if you have to drive there parking as far from the door as you can, do your shopping and walking back to your car - every bit will help.

    Above all this - sticking to your myfitnesspal eating plan. This site makes it exceptionally easy to count calories and it does not even feel like you are counting calories. If one day you go a little bit over (it does/will happen) not to stress about it - Everyday is a new one. If you go over one day it is a good idea to own it. Look at what took you over. Maybe next time reduce the amount of the thing that took you over or even exclude it for while. Mine is red wine - what goes with red wine? Cheese. I haven't excluded it from my diet but now I know it is one of my big issues. I only have it sometimes and I try to keep away from the cheese completely.

    My point is. Even without exercise or when you start out with lower intensity exercise you will still loose weight if you stick to your goal calorie intake - it just takes longer. In my case when my timetable does not allow for exercise I still loose a little bit of weight. I think this is a fantastic morale builder and helps me stick with the food diary - I now feel in control.

    I hope this helps and I wish you all the very best.

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