

  • I'd like to be in this! I've set myself Christmas as a target to get down to my goal weight (probably being optimistic but worth a try?!) Is there still room?
  • It's my 27th tomorrow and my goal is to be slim at least once in my twenties! I don't even know what my goal weight is because I've never been down to it but I'm determined this time!
  • I tend to take cereal bars but as yet my festival resolve has been terrible, I think it's hard to actually eat well through the whole thing, especially with all the drinking so don't be too hard on yourself! There are loads more vans than there used to be too, you often get massive portions too so maybe splitting something…
  • I started May 9th and I've lost 19lbs so far, lots more weight to go but feeling SO much better already!
  • I love this site for recipes, I'm sure there will be some good sweet potato ones on here!
    in Help Comment by dodd84 July 2011
  • Honestly I don't even think a 4lb gain is that bad if you were going for it on the food and drink so hard and I agree with the other comments it'll probably come off quickly!
  • I'm thinking about doing this to help me get running, I've heard it's good and it starts you off alternating running and walking to build up your stamina so might be one to think about!
  • Have you ever had a look on this site? There are some amazing recipes and I'm sure some would be picnic appropriate, there are some pasta salads and skinny chicken nuggets that might be good for picnic food but I'm sure you'll find some other stuff too!
    in Picnic ideas Comment by dodd84 June 2011
  • You can get your BMR calculation on here, it's under the 'Tools' section so no need to spend your money!