

  • Yeah. I have no idea what kind of root plants grow around here, though that shouldn't be difficult information to find. Though I know we have Lambs Quarter, Fiddle Head, and rose in the area. I was told the rose hip (the fruiting body) is VERY high in vitamin C. My stepmother used to harvest some and made us eat them. They…
  • Yup. Forest Chicken, iirc. There is also "Witches Butter" which is supposed to be edible, though I have never tried it. I only really feel confidant being able to identify a handful of species. Though, you can get a license and be authorized to sell wild mushrooms. A certain rare type around here sells for nearly 500 USD a…
  • I hope no one minds me chiming in. Now, I am only starting down the this road of fitness, and so what ever I say should be taken with a pinch of salt and shot of tequila. But it seems to be that you have no reason to be guilty. Granted, in the past couple of months, I have felt the same. There seems to me to be a satiation…
  • Thank you all for your input. I'm trying to avoid visiting a Doc as they are expensive (especially procedures like x-ray), and at the moment I don't feel as though the issue is impacting me enough to worry. Excluding the squats and lunges, the pain never gets to be any more than a bother. Typically my warm ups are a light…
  • Dang, there are some yummy looking recipes in here. I'm really gonna have to try a few of these. I'm so gonna have to try this later this week. Zucchini noodles One go-to lunch for me is a glorified grilled cheese sammich. Sounds horrible right? Ingredients: 1 Green bell pepper 1 Yellow bell pepper Whole Wheat Bread One…