Amykimber Member


  • Please to meet you old bean.
  • Yep, chinese food for me.... ok, that's all the time as well...ahem. But I also feel so sick that I only really like eating non-sickening things like mint tea and fruit. Oh and forget exercise, it's all I can do to get into work and down painkillers and chain drink tea - when I think I can make it to the kitchen without…
  • Fantastic plan to eat uber-healthily for a bit, it'll do your body good. Water, fresh fruit, leafy green veg (yummy iron) But please, be careful about the detox word :-) Read this: No - read it - go on, I'll wait - shoo. It's well written,…
    in Detox! Comment by Amykimber July 2011
  • A fab dress - you look great :-) But of course you know what you need to do now don't you? SHOES! Ahem... Amy
  • >waves hello< get some friends to join as well, that's really helped me. Make up your mind that YOU want to do this for YOU - filling in your profile fully will help with this. Good luck!
  • How much pain would we all save if we accepted this universal truth people? :-) >>hugs<< A
  • I do this - but I don't add anything to the banana - maybe some cinnamon - and it's amazing Pics and explanation here (yes, pimpin' my blog!) - - share your pics! (hmm, how do you add a link?)
  • I can't eat a Twirl chocolate bar without a packet of Salt and Vinegar crisps now and a mug of strong tea... I know, I know - sounds terrible, but twirls and salt and vinegar crisp go AMAZINGLY well together. I may be a freak, but try it - actually don't, Twirls are hidiously bad for you...