In need of some motivation!!

Hi folks,
I joined this a while ago but never really kept it up. After putting on another stone I really need some help!
If anyone is in the same boat n needs a fitness pal then I look forward to hearing from you and your advice


  • Amykimber
    Amykimber Posts: 11 Member
    >waves hello<

    get some friends to join as well, that's really helped me.

    Make up your mind that YOU want to do this for YOU - filling in your profile fully will help with this.

    Good luck!
  • jrnkat
    jrnkat Posts: 1
    I look at my children and think that I want to be with them for as long as possible. That is my motivation.
  • sjmgde
    sjmgde Posts: 381 Member
    I can try and be your motivation and help you through it. Losing wieght is not only an everyday struggle but it is a lifestyle change. I actually just started this week ( i know it is only Tuesday) but i lost al lmy wieght last year and competed in trialthon and than for soem reason i thought i should reward myself with a treat well a year later i have added up all my weight again. I ahve competed in two more trialthons since than and boy was i out of shape. So now that i am pushing almost 200lbs enough is enough. So lets be each others support and see hwo far we can get. Lets challenge each other and together we can get back to where we want to be :smile:
  • Kiluvm
    Kiluvm Posts: 9 Member
    I also need motivation, the scale went up instead of down. That was so discouraging:sad:
  • palimagator
    Well what worked for me was that I found foods that I could eat on a regular basis that I could get easily and only did the diet Monday - Friday, Saturday and Sunday were for me, but I did watch the calories a little bit but if I wanted a huge burger I had it!! Once you find the foods that will help you with you calorie goal and you have them it's easier to maintain or restart some of the good traits that you were using before and could even do again. By the way I also downloaded My Fitness Pal and a scanner app for my Android phone, sure does make it easier to track the food just by scanning the barcode. Good Luck,
  • techiebunny
    Need a pep talk
  • dgribb11
    dgribb11 Posts: 11
    i'll need to get that for my phone give me a bit of a boosst knowing it's there lol.
    kiluvm i know how u feel it just makes me want to eat more when the scale goes the wrong way! i'm trying to get exercising hope it will help even a zumba game i heard was good.
    sjmgde well done on completing them in the first place hardcore! makes me feel better hearing someone say we can do it :)
  • dgribb11
    dgribb11 Posts: 11
    techiebunny amy said to fill out a profile and i highly recommend it...made me feel like i had made a start. just a couple of words and gave me a purpose. so did filling out some foods that i liked