zenchild Member


  • Please seek professional help. You are on your way to an eating disorder. I've been to a therapist for a few other issues and while it is scary at first, it also feels really good to not hate yourself.
  • When I brought Zen (profile pic) and Fade home, I promised them the very best lives I could give them. I take that responsibility seriously. If $5000 meant they could continue happy, healthy lives, that's fine. If you can't afford a pet, don't get one. My pet peeve (pun intended) when I worked in a large, corporate pet…
  • Absolutely, positively NOT TRUE. Not even a little. The human body will not digest vital organs. The heart can be damaged by long term starvation (anorexia) but not just by a lack of carbs. The ketogenic diet is used to treat epilepsy. In children. For two years, the diet is mostly fat, with just enough protein to support…
  • I'm on Jolessa. It's one of the 3 month pills. I've been on them for 5-6 years and a 28 day pill for 5-6 years before that. I LOVE it. On the 28 day pill (I was on 3 types over the years) I had 5-6 days of bleeding and awful cramps preceded by 2-3 days of insane mood swings. The first year of the 3 month pill (I started on…
  • I would guess Bengal or one of the related breeds. It's hard to tell with out a full body profile shot. Not Maine Coons. They're not heavy enough or fluffy enough. ETA: Maybe Oriental Shorthair but impossible to tell without seeing more.
  • My husband has convinced me to try a bunch of things I never would have considered before meeting him. Caviar - several kinds. all tasty. Wasabi caviar - depends on whether or not the chef was feeling frisky that day. Eel - bbq eel is delicious Sea urchin - meh Pig feet - excellent in soup Blood jello - in a soup with the…
  • I compared my HRM (Polar FT4) to a few different exercises in the database and the closest one was Aerobics. The ab workout would definitely be less (though my husband swears it's the worst).
    in T25 Comment by zenchild August 2013
  • French press overnight in the fridge. I have a French press travel mug (Bodum) that I use. It was supposed to be a coffee maker for when we travel because hotel coffee is foul. It's turned into a "it's 104 degrees and 98% humidity and if I drink anything hot I'll die" coffee maker. It works great. Set it up the night…
  • My cousin had a food diary as a preteen. She'd been serious about dance and gymnastics since a very young age. When she was 3 or 4 her tumbling teachers wanted to put her on track to train for the Olympics. Her parents decided they'd rather have a daughter than a professional athlete so they declined. They let her take it…
  • Stretch. Stretch before you work out. Stretch after you work out. Stretch when you get up in the morning. Stretch after every meal. Stretch before bed. And drink. That helped both times I did Insanity. It helped get the lactic acid out. And I kept working out.
  • Idiot. He says he's "always been an athlete" but that he also gained 20 pounds. If he's gained 20 pounds through inactivity and a bad diet (common while developing a new product), then he's not still an athlete. It's like the guys who played football in high school and refuse to believe that they're out of shape when…
  • Just stay consistent and you'll be fine. I measure the narrowest part of my waist, the widest part of my general hip area (just above my pelvic bones) and where my leg meets my butt for my thighs. Those are the areas I'm concerned about so those are the ones I measure.
  • I'm just waiting for it to become available. I keep hearing July. Any actual date yet? How many different workouts are there? How is the program set up? Work out 5 days, rest 2? Any details would be great. I've done Insanity twice and I love it but between a full time job, a husband, 2 dogs, a house AND starting a…
  • That happened to a relative. He found out his wife was cheating and confronted her. She started hitting him and he called the cops. She cried abuse and they arrested him. He's a huge guy (6'6" at least) so no one would believe that she was assaulting him.
  • I never bothered. Water during and Muscle Milk Light after worked for me through the entire program, twice.
  • There isn't an automatic that can compare with a good manual. My mom's Mercedes (a ~$70k turbo something) still doesn't compare to the bone stock WRX, let alone the modified STi, both of which cost less than half what the Merc did. The Merc is a great car and has a lot of pep and will certainly go. It's still not as…
  • Manual. All the way. Automatics scare the crap out of me. I want the car to go when I tell it to go, not go just because I took my foot off the brake. A manual gives me more control, which is helpful when I need to get away from an SUV-wielding soccer mom who has a cell phone in one hand, coffee in the other and is looking…
  • Even in my limited gym experience (weightlifting one semester in college and the occasional trip as a friend's guest), I've seen, and been annoyed by, the people the OP is talking about. A few minutes after they walk past, you can still taste the perfume. You glance at a mirror to check your form and they are in front of…
  • Secular Humanist. Be a good person and help others because that is the right thing to do. "You don’t need religion to have morals. If you can’t determine right from wrong then you lack empathy, not religion." I don't care what anyone else believes or doesn't believe as long as they don't try to cram that belief or lack…
  • If he's just standing there till you take the headphones off, just take one out, say "what" in the most flat, annoyed tone you can manage. If he's not a complete moron, he'll stammer something and walk away. If he is a complete moron, he'll start talking. If he does that, your response is "is there something you actually…
  • I've done Insanity twice. The first week is definitely the hardest. Make sure you're getting enough to eat. Protein to help repair muscles, good fat to keep you full. And drink! I always felt better when I was drinking enough. I was doing it after work so I made sure I had at least 6 cups by that point in the day. I'd have…
  • Any time I know I'm going to be busier than normal I plan meals for the week and then take a few hours on Sunday afternoon to cook and prep anything that can be done ahead of time. My busy time is January so I will have all 4 burners going with chicken soup, black bean soup, chili, and lentils and a roast in the oven. I…
  • You do have to admit that if you heard a kid say that it would certainly get your attention. And if someone grabs a kid, they need to get the attention of every adult around. It's a little strange to be giving them this advice in a public setting, but if it helps one kid, I'm all for it. My aunt's in-laws are very…
  • I have a similar recipe that I've been making for a year or two. My husband hates the texture of regular oatmeal cookies so I started putting the oats through the food processor before adding them to the dough. I get them to a coarse cornmeal consistency and you can't tell the cookies have oatmeal.
  • It's horrible, horrible, awful and horrible. It's like slightly milky ice. Rock hard and flavorless. It's a pint of disappointment. ETA: I actually threw it out. And I never throw out ice cream. I have a pint of peppermint gelato that's been in the freezer since mid-December and I won't throw it out. I tried the Arctic…
  • Congratulations, you're anorexic. Burning off more than you take in means your body will not have enough to sustain itself. And by "sustain" I mean your "keep your organs functioning properly." Time to go see a doctor.
  • I am getting a tattoo as a reward for completing Insanity a second time. My appointment is booked and deposit paid. I'm going in on May 31 for my second tattoo. It will be two dragons (stylized version of Haku from Spirited Away) entwined up my spine. While the design is coming along beautifully it will be more than just a…
  • I've found that if I try to fight cravings and hold off until a planned cheat day, I tend to go a little nuts on the cheat day. If I have a craving, I wait a day or two. If I'm still craving whatever it is, I eat some. Most of the time I forget whatever it was I was craving.
    in Cheat Days? Comment by zenchild May 2013
  • I have a tattoo booked at the end of the month. I'm also looking for new shoes. And I just got a bunch of pants that fit (well, they fit a few weeks ago anyway). Food has become less important for me. If I want ice cream, I eat ice cream. Food isn't a reward. Some would argue that sitting for 4 hours and paying someone to…
  • I use an xbox, apple tv, a mat, and an old towel.