

  • I've been doing TurboFire since May. I started with the Prep (easier) schedule, and "graduated" to the regular schedule. I've lost 24 pounds and 24 inches, and have gone from a size 2X down to 16! It's a fun workout, with different routines every day.
  • I'm wondering if diet soda is responsible for the plateau I just hit. I went from losing 1-2 pounds a week since May to not losing any at all for the past 2-3 weeks. Until recently I wasn't drinking anything sweetened with nutrasweet, now I'm having soda every day or two.
  • It's very "up", bouncy & energetic, so I do look forward to exercising each morning. You work up quite a sweat - I exercise first thing in the morning so I can shower right after. You have to be able to block out a 30-60 minute block of time (depending on that day's routine) when you know you'll be able to do it. It's a…
  • It's a Beachbody program, using Cardio, Toning, and Interval Training. There are about a dozen different routines, some short, and some up to an hour. The basic moves are a lot like kickboxing - punches and some kicks, with an emphasis on building strong core muscles. Chalene Johnson is very high energy, and the music is…
  • Keep up the good work! Yes, you'll put on "baby weight", but you can keep eating healthy and exercising! I'll watch your progress - as you lose weight, you look more and more like my sister! :)
  • Fire 45 today. I must admit, this is my least favorite routine so far. The music isn't as inspiring, and the moves just don't flow as smoothly (although that "Tina" move was pretty cool); even the Fire Drills weren't as In-Your-Face! as in Fire 55 or 30. It feels like it was the first Turbofire routine she put together,…
  • I started Turbofire back on May 9th and love it! In 7 weeks I've lost 15 pounds and over 10 inches! I started with the easier "Prep" schedule because I'm 50 and took all the warnings that come with the program to heart. :) After 6 weeks I switched over to week 1 of the regular TF schedule. (Prep week 7 is when the HiiT…
  • Yay - I finally found your posting again! I really wanted to share your pics and story with my husband. Great job! You're an inspiration!
  • Half a serving of Veggie Straws and 2 tablespoons of hummus - about 115 calories.
  • Hi Rosie, It's working for me - I've been doing Turbofire for 4 (going on 5) weeks. I've lost 12 pounds and about 8 inches. I've also been very good about watching what I eat. I'm 50 years old, about 80 pounds overweight, and not in top physical condition, but I've been able to keep up so far! In another thread, someone…
  • Why I like Turbofire: 1. Chalene is so *up*! More spunky than Debbie Siebers in Slim in 6, and so much less corny than Tony (in Power Half Hour). 2. The video takes the form of a "class" full of people that you are one of, instead of just watching 3 people on the screen. It's fun to hear their reactions when Chalene tells…
  • I started with the Prep schedule, because all the "make sure you are in good enough shape to do TF" warnings scared me a little :) I'm on week 4 now. My joints are doing fine! I'm tracking my food here, but also using's SuperGym to track my workouts.
  • Hi, Swaymyway, There are several people here doing Turbofire! I started on May 9th, with the prep schedule of workouts. I love it! I was interested to see that I'm starting off about where you were 3 years ago! I'm 50, though.
  • Good advice, Xaspar. Cutting calories way down is actually counterproductive -- your body will go into starvation mode and jealously hang on to every bit of weight/fat it can. Good luck!
    in HELP!!! Comment by mlecin May 2011
  • Are you doing the regular schedule (on the poster sheet)? I'm doing the Prep schedule in the book, and it starts off a lot easier. It alternates the same 5 routines for the first 3 weeks, before moving on to other routines, so it's easier to get the hang of things. You can also pick the "New to Class" option on the…
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