

  • So I have been out of the loop lately. I can't seem to get back into the swing of things. I didn't work out all last week and don't have any numbers to post. But I am motivated again and starting anew today. Need to start my Insanity work out over now. Sham on me but my jeans are still loose so hopefully I didn't gain…
  • You put it right under your breast plate. Like where you bra strap goes.
  • So, my first full week back and I am so proud of myself! As you all know I have been doing Insanity and keeping a blog about it. I also finally made it to the gym Saturday morning and went hiking yesterday. Grand total is 3340 calories burned. Ready for a new week! I have another week of Insanity before I do my fitness…
  • Sure, I don't mind :happy:
  • Trying to get back into the swing of things is hard. I have been trying to eat better this week but it isn't working out as well as I hoped. Better then the week before but not like it was when I was on track. I am going back to the gym tomorrow and keeping up with Insanity. So next week I should have better calories…
  • OMG!!!! Just finished Day 3 of Insanity. Burend over 400 calories! I hope this is all worth it and I see results in the end. I started a blog about it if anyone wants to know what the work outs are all about. Have fun and Keep Moving!!!
  • Finished Day 2 of Insanity and burned 482 calories. I had to stop so many times. This work out is CRAZY!!!! I could barley catch my breath. We shall see what tomorrow brings. I was brave and took a before picture in a pair of shorts that I swear fit last year. They were a little tight. So hopefully they will fit well when…
  • I finally got moving last night. I did my fitness test for my first day of Insanity. Only 60 more days to go....:laugh: I did better then I thought I would. I had to stop a lot. Those Power Jumps SUCK!!!! Hopefully I can stick with it and by the time I need to wear a bathing suit...I should look at least a little better.…
  • Ok, I'm back! It is Monday, a new week and a new day. So I guess it is time to start moving on. I am starting my Insanity tonight. Should be fun. Probably not!!! I haven't done anything in over a week. I did walk around DC yesterday for hours. ccaruso219-Would you please pass some of those calories burned my…
  • Thank you all for the kind words. I am planning to jump back in on Monday. I received my Insanity DVD's the day I found out. So it is there ready for me when I am. I will be walking around all day Sunday at the Cherry Blossom Festival in DC. So I will get some exercise. Should be good to get up and moving, maybe make me…
  • Sorry I have been on lately. I will be try to get in the swing of things this week but it may have to wait another week. I just lost my father on Wednesday and was not in the mood to do anything or nor do I care what I eat. I wanted to pop up to see if I can motivate myself but naaaa, don't feel like it. :sad: :sad: :sad:…
  • I am starting with Insanity because you do not need any weights or equipment. P90x requires you to do pull ups and have weights and/or resistance bands. I only have weights and no way to do pull ups unless I am at the gym. Insanity is high impact though so it is not meant for people with lower body injuries. I hope this…
  • I am supposed to receive it tomorrow. I will be starting on Monday! I need something to get me motivated. I was doing good for a couple of weeks now I am feeling lazy and don't feel like doing anything. I took the weekend off because I was visiting my sister. Should have went to the gym yesterday but I didn't. I figure…
  • I ordered Insanity today. I wonder how far along I will be in 60 days on my journey to lose weight and be fit.
  • Good Morning all and Happy Monday! I went to my sisters over the weekend and didn't get a chance to open up my computer and track what I was eating. I tend to munch on long car rides. I ate a whole bag of chedder cheese combo's by my self in two days. And I didn't get a chance to work out. I was walking the zoo for a few…
  • Hey girls! I just ate at Duclaw's for lunch and can't find nutrition info anywhere on the web. Does anyone have any idea where I can look up this info? Carolyn...I have no idea. I have a basic Polar to just count calories and my heart rate. Yours sounds really fancy!
  • It's never to late. It is just a weekly challenge to meet your own set goal on how many calories you want to burn a week. Welcome and good luck. Keep Moving!
  • I was feeling motivated last night and made it to Gold's and took the step class and burned almost 600 calories and after that was the body pump and I burned about 350. I actually wore a tank top to work out in and was feeling confident. I just hope my hard work shows on the scale. I weighed myself last night and hadn't…
  • Good Morning and welcome! I am so excited to see that people share my enthusiasm for the HRMs. Good Luck and Keep Moving!
  • So, I went to Famous Dave's last night and cut my sandwich in half and everthing. But....I had a mudslide and boy was it good and had the same amount of calories as my dinner. Amazing enough I was still under my calories because I did two classes before hand at Gold's and burned 869 calories. I am doing another two classes…
  • Spring is almost here.:flowerforyou: I am so excited. There is still snow in my yard that is not completely melted yet. I'm thinking 80 inches of snow in Maryland is just stupid. But it is supposed to be in the 60's this week. I feel like dancing :drinker: I got to my spin class last night and didn't burn as many calories…
  • Good Morning all and welcome to a new week! Well, I fell short of my goal last week. But I still burned a total of 2623 calories. I am even down three pounds in two weeks. I think that is a pretty good start. As always the clocks really got me messed up. It always takes me a couple of days for my body to get in the swing…
  • Good Afternoon all! Back at the gym this weekend. Did step and pump today and burned crazy calories! :bigsmile: I think now I am not going to do anything but sit on my behind. No baby this week so nothing else to do. Miss him like crazy all ready :frown: Not much to say today. Keep Moving :tongue:
  • I took another break last night :ohwell: I was thinking about doing my new DVD's I talked about earlier but I was just too tired. Marcus is at his fathers this week so I am going to the gym tonight to do Spin. I always burn some major calories in that class. I was thinking about what jrobertson wrote about earlier. I…
  • I got two more DVD's today so the days that I can not make it to the gym I know have five workouts to choose from. That way I will not get bored. Hopefully that is. I bought the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders Boot Camp. :laugh: It may sound silly but I really liked it. It was medium paced and everything was counted off so you…
  • I was so bad yesterday. I didn't work out at all. I just didn't feel like it. I think today I will go home during lunch and get a quick DVD in. Has anyone tried the Biggest Loser Body Sculpt? I need something to do when I can't get to the weight class at the gym. Hope everyone is doing well, Keep Moving!
  • The more the marrier!!! I am right there with you. When Marcus is at his fathers house I am always at the gym. It's the weeks that I have him that are the problem :laugh:
  • Hehe, everyone else was using initials, I thought I would sound like a work out regular and do the same :laugh: BLCM=Biggest Loser Calorie Max. It is a good workout. I like it cuz like every other Biggest Loser/Jillian DVD you can customize it. So you can do 20-40 minute cardio plus a 5 min warm up and cool down. I am…
  • I couldn't make it to the gym today for the spin class. Marcus and I had to run errands instead. He went to bed pretty easily tonight though and I got in 30 minutes of BLCM. Burned over 300 cals. I am so proud of myself that didn't give in and got moving for at least a half hour. Good Night all and Keep Moving!
  • Hey! It's weekly. But I check in almost daily to keep me motivated. :bigsmile: