nanakiley Member


  • Thank you for all your input. I will ask for a K level at my next MD appointment. As a retired nurse I am aware of K's pitfalls. I obviously was low on K as my BP went to normal as I approached the daily recommended amounts obtained only through food.
  • Exceeding fiber intake, maintaining potassium requirements- not reaching protein as I am unable to eat more because I am so satiated. I am working on it though.
    in Fiber Comment by nanakiley October 2014
  • Thank, I was able to figure it out.
  • My goal for the week is drink more water. have 1/2 cup of edamame for snack(to increase fiber and potassium as reports show I am deficient) hit the gym 3 times eat thoughtfully when I dine out - 2 luncheon dates this week Wish me luck, Nana