

  • nanakiley
    nanakiley Posts: 10 Member
    My goal for the week is drink more water.
    have 1/2 cup of edamame for snack(to increase fiber and potassium as reports show I am deficient)
    hit the gym 3 times
    eat thoughtfully when I dine out - 2 luncheon dates this week
    Wish me luck, Nana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    Hi honies, I'm home!:drinker:

    Phew, that was a totally sleepless all nighter.:noway: :ohwell: :huh: But we got through it and arrived back in England to torrential rain! Driving down the motorway was an experience!

    We had the most terrific time. The last day was amazing! Clocked up around 800 cals of walking!:noway: :happy:
    We set off down the High Line, a converted elevated railway track, which is now all beautifully planted and has lovely views, and that took us to West Village. Oh my! Looooooved the brownstones and the peaceful atmosphere. We had a coffee in a neighbourhood café.
    Then we walked through to SoHo and the cast iron district, which was incredible every way you looked, I thought I was in a film. The queue to get into the new Central Perk café stretched twice around the block! ! ! ! ! ! ! Really!
    Then we strolled through to Little Italy, where I heard some accents straight out of The Sopranos.:laugh: We had a pasta and lemon/basil sorbet lunch in a pavement café. Excellent and we judged it very authentic.
    Then we strolled into Chinatown and, as it was a beautiful day and a Sunday, the Chinese community were out in force in the local park, playing authentic music, doing tai chi, playing maa jong and cards and just chatting. The very old women with wrinkled faces playing the games were quite a sight. We noticed a lot of funeral parlours!:laugh:
    Then we walked on to the Financial district and visited St Pauls Chapel and Ground Zero. All very moving. Then on to Trinity Church and Wall Street.
    Came back to the hotel on the subway. Taxi to the airport.
    HOME,!:happy: :bigsmile: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

    What a wonderful holiday. I snatched one hour's sleep this morning and will try to keep awake now.
    Alison - I saw New Haven on the board. So close!

    Haven't unpacked yet.
    I calculate, with all the walking, I have about 3, 000 excess cals to burn off. That can't be hard - about one week of careful eating. Must be careful not to stuff myself through extreme tiredness. Salmon tonight which I fished from the freezer.:laugh:

    Love Heather in rainy Hampshire UK
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Heather - So glad you are home safely!! Your trip sounds magnificent! Will you be my tour guide if you come again?
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Judyxshoes and all newbies: Welcome to a great group of supportive women. Stop by often to get to know people, and to give and get support.:flowerforyou:

    Beth in WNY: Did you get your pumpkin and gourd display set up? Lifting a stack of irregular objects takes a great deal of patience, skill and plain old luck. I wonder about using some sort of pins or dowls to anchor items together.:flowerforyou:

    Nana: Good luck with your meals out. I had a meal out yesterday and ingested a box of salt, figuratively speaking, as well as too much fat and too many calories. :grumble: :tongue: It showed on the scales today.:blushing:

    Heather: I’m happy you enjoyed your trip to NYC and that you are now safely home. What a glorious adventure and great way to celebrate your birthday. You have a rare talent for enjoying life.:flowerforyou:

    DH came downstairs yesterday and was more active than he’s been in quite a while. It shows that he is making progress and I’m hopeful that his quality of life will be much better than it has been in a very long while. If he cooperates with PT, he’ll have a good chance. PT will not start until healing is much farther along but yesterday's progress was very encouraging. :bigsmile:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    October Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    Good Morning,


    Welcome newcomers:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: .

    Beth interesting about magnesium and headaches. I know when someone comes in with a heartattack they will also give them magnesium. I try to take some at night to help with leg cramps. My doctor recommend a form that is more easily absorbed by your body. They are in capsule tablet form and hard for me to swallow. I am at work so I do not have the kind they are.

    Carol sorry about the repairs needed for your home. Hope it does not cause too much of a delay. Selling your home is hard enough already.

    Today I am learning about eating more nutrious plants. I am reading a book that discusses how our plants have evolved and how in making them less bitter we have lost some of the nutition along the way. She makes recommendations of what are good choices of the foods available to us. Next time I post I'll have the title.

    2014 word: contentment

    :heart: MN Margaret
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    Sorry, will be replying to more people when I've come to, but wanted to say, Katla, so glad DH is making progress!:flowerforyou:

    Carol - what a problem about the repairs. Be careful about cancelling the mortgage payments. Is it in your ex's name? Don't want to get a bad credit record.:noway:

    Welcome to the new people. Love to get to know you.:flowerforyou:

    Heather UK

    Couldn't resist this pic of the DGC that my DDIL sent me. I can't get it to stay the right way up though.:ohwell:
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    Heather-so glad you got home safely. I enjoyed your tutorial of your NY
    trip. I go every spring on a bus trip, no matter how often we go, we always
    find new things to do.

    Well today is 2 wks and 2 days since my surgery and I went for my first
    walk, Turned out to be 70 min. I misjudged the distance, exhausted but
    feel good physically and mentally.

    Brenda from Md
    Welcome new ladies, you'll feel welcome here, we are all friendly.
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    Happy Monday,

    MN Margaret - would love to read that book.

    Yanniejannie - I would love to have some of that brisk weather down in south florida

    char316 - as one who stayed too long at my last job, I encourage you to change your career/job; it's so much less stressful

    Moeggep - I love water aerobics too and must find a place to take it around here

    janemartin02 - Happy birthday to your son!

    dedflwrs - weight training is soooo important and fun! go for it!

    Brought out the Halloween decorations and began trying to fit them into my new little apartment; was in a 5-bedroom house before. This will be an on-going project.

    Took a lovely 40 minute walk among the mangroves in the park next door. Only had to stop to rest 5 times; that's a big improvement.

    Wishing everyone a happy and healthy day!

  • georgiaTRIs
    georgiaTRIs Posts: 231 Member
    definately over 50 and love hearing from other women in any age group. You are never to old and we are working to get healthy. I did not run my first marathon till I was 60 so we can accomplish anything if we really want to.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hi! all,

    Lovely morning here. Going to see "Gone Girl" this afternoon. Made a pretty good omlet this am: Swiss, roasted tomatoes, and spinach
    just hit the spot! Already looking forward to the movie popcorn (unbuttered, of course!!)

    Welcome to all the newbies.......stick around, read, get to know us, and feel free to join in and comment on what interests you! Please let us know where you are from.
    rutbatars..........Is that Phlox in your picture? It's a favorite flower of mine!!!

    Carol.........I'm wondering why your real estate person didn't advise you on the structural defect from the first; maybe they did and I missed it. Good luck. Yes, I am with you on the "special" hours 20-somethings keep!!!!! DD has gone to lift, then 2 to 8 will lifeguard today.........and, I promise you, she'll still be up at 1am!!!

    Patty........Fingers crossed that your dizziness stays gone! Glad the dance was so much fun; still a bit green with envy here!

    Beth.........Ahhhhhhh.........concord grapes, we had them and my mom made jelly and juice every year. I used to go under the supporting structure to read in the summer; it was cool and dark----too many bees toward the end of the season, though. Glad to hear DS made it to school. Would using a stepladder help you get that display in place?

    Heather...........Welcome home! I am thrilled that you had such a good time in NYC!!! Thanks for taking us along!! The new pic is so cute (as always); they really are two adorable kids.

    Mary.........Happy decorating. It was just too cool here yesterday to scrub down the front of the house and do mine.

    Brenda.............Super first walk; no wonder you are exhausted!

    Katla...........Wonderful that your DH is doing so very well!!! May he continue to improve.

    Hello to everyone else!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good afternoon.
    Talked to my friend who has the cancer.She`s in the hospital to control the pain.I feel so helpless.All I can do is pray.She does`t want to talk or have visitors as she is in too much pain.
    Have a good day!
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Welcome Newbies

    Katia well done on DH going downstairs.

    My body is finally used to the Duramine and slept really well last night. No headaches now but still thirsty, helps me drink water though.
    I printed the meal plan for the week from Livinglite and going shopping today. Also made my training program and keeping to it now again.
    Feeling more in control again.
    Lesley in Tasmania.
  • Feistycat
    Feistycat Posts: 12,868 Member
    I'm Cat, age 54. I'm glad you're here and I've found you! I'm new to MFP.

    A few weeks ago I joined a gym after a year of not working out. It's based on High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), which is very hard, but of short duration. MFP tells me that doesn't add up much in the way of calorie expenditure, so I'll need to work in some cardiovascular exercise: walking, bicycling.

    MFP also opened my eyes to the fact that what I thought of as healthy (Barbacoa salad with meat protein) adds up to 1000 calories. Holy cow! That's some valuable information. I'm trying to keep it under 1200 cal/day, which I think is very challenging.Because i love pasta, and wine, and perfect onion rings, and...okay, restaurants.

    So, while I am beginning to feel stronger muscles, my goals for the rest of October are:

    - keep going to the gym 3 times per week
    -work in some walking or bicycling sessions, or Zumba
    -cut back on calorie intake

    I know how to do all this stuff. It's just a matter of doing it. Just now for lunch I had a lo-cal frozen entree, and a cup each of raw celery and jicama. And I'm full!

    Once again, thanks for being here, Over 50 Ladies, and thanks for reading.

    Wasatch Front in Utah
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    The book is called Eating on the Wild Side by Jo Robinson. The Magnesium is magnesium citrate. I got them at a food coop. They are larger and harder to swallow than the nature made variety I bought before. These are from Source Naturals and called Utra-Mag.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! It's beautiful here again today! The kids had another day off from school (teacher in-service) so I didn't get to walk to school again this morning. I came to the studio at 10:00 to meet with a lady who does fiber art. She is going to put some of her work in my gallery for my holiday sale. I'm excited about that. It's great to have other local artists work here. I've been working on drafting so far today, plus I have made a few new pieces of pottery and decorated them with colored slips. I'm eager to see how they will be finished. I'll post some pictures if I get anything I'm happy with.

    Hubby and I went to KFC for lunch. I had the grilled chicken, which was apparently soaked for a week in salty brine and then dipped in fat. i cannot see how they can advertise that as "healthy". (I'm skeptical of their nutrition data.) I guess all things are relative. My mouth is now saturated with salt in spite of drinking lots of water.

    Here is today's joke of the day:


    A mother mouse and a baby mouse were walking along, when all of a sudden, a cat attacked them. The mother mouse goes, "BARK!" and the cat runs away.

    "See?" says the mother mouse to her baby. "Now do you see why it's important to learn a foreign language?"


    Which brings to mind the old joke about...if speaking two languages is bi-lingual and three is tri-lingual, what do you call speaking ONE language? Answer: American.

    Have a great evening everyone!

  • rhcour
    rhcour Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Everyone

    I am on my Phase 1 second week of SB diet and repeating this week because I think I didn't drink enough water, didn't eat a protein and veg at both snacks and may have had too much cheese Friday night. I lost 3.1 lbs first week and have 47 lbs to go. Interested in new food finds and recipes and anything to help loose the weight.

    Mary Anne
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Heather,DD loved hearing your posts about NYC & she looked up Keens. Being from Fl,her family is big on sea food.Happy
    to hear your DH also enjoyed the trip.

    We had lunch in an Amish restaurant today,so good! I had beef- veggie soup & salad.Then we found a few goodies in the bakery. I'm not worried,as we have spent 5 days on the go & 6 more to go. After tomorrow,will have dinner out every day.

    Someone mentioned crackers from Aldi,saying they are good? Would like to try them. Pat
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    So glad you are back home and you had a wonderful trip Heather. I have always said I would never go to New York city because of how huge and busy it is. But from your daily description it does sound tempting. And maybe with Brenda's suggestion of a bus trip it might be do-able. I know there are places I would love to see

    Nancyblum welcome. You will never see any bashing here. There are many, many different ways to weight loss and although we are not on the same journey you are one, it is respected and we will cheer you on.

    Patty, so glad to hear your may look up Quest community church. My daughter will be so happy- for you and for me. I can jsut see it now. Some one asks you how you heard of the church and you say that this woman in Evansville Indiana who had a daughter in Lexington

    Mary, if you are on face book, most cities have quite a few online yard sale sites. You could get rid of a lot of those decorations and make some one else happy while making some money.

    Margeret, after my husbands heart attack and they found he was low in magnesium he was put on magnesium. But the doctor wrote Magnesium Oxide 400 mg on the prescription. It is not on the counters but the pharmacy keeps it behind the counter.

    Well I started on my ornament ting I am making. This is something I have never done. I am making one for both of my daughters and my brothers adopted son. he is the one who has such a low esteem and met my Mom, who declared him a Peterson, and she died 3 months later. It was devastating to him that he lost a Grandma just 3 months after he met her. So that's why I wanted to include him. To the new ones here, I took some of my Mom's old costume jewelry, took clasps and stuff off and am putting them on an ornament ball. His favorite colors are black and blue so I am using all her black and blue things for his. It is dangerous to tender fingers to use a hot glue gun! I can only do one in a day. So today my quest was find a stand for this ornament. Charlie loves these decorative eggs and they are on stands. So I took them to Pier One imports and asked if they had anything that would work. One of the stands I have looks exactly like a clear napkin holder. So Pier one had some really nice wooden ones for a little over $2! Well after trying to put the jewelry parts on in a half way coordinated fashion, there are many bare areas. Plus you just can't cover it all, each and every inch. So my next quest was to find cheap fake pearl bead or something like the Mardi Gras beads. Found a package of of Mardi Gras beads at the Dollar tree for $1. I think there are 6 necklaces in the package. But for Cedrics ornament I need something light in color. so I need to go find a white cheap pearl necklace. Dollar tree dies not have a jewelry section but a Dollar general might.

    Dancing with the stars is on so I sigh off now, Joyce, Indiana. 5 days until we leave for Florida!
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hello Friends ~

    Sooooo excited! :happy: :happy: :happy: Today, I booked myself for a one week trip to Panama in November. I have several family members there, and I’m giving serious thought to relocating there once I retire—whenever that is. My niece who grew up in Oklahoma, but now lives a few minutes away from me, has decided to celebrate her big 4-oh in Panama meeting family members she has only known via Facebook and pictures. So, I will help introduce her around. My DH will hold down the fort here and I’ll be back in time to spend part of the Thanksgiving weekend with him and Mars.

    Heather: Welcome back home. So glad that NYC fulfilled your expectations and made for a fabulous birthday. Thanks for the recommendation of Keen’s. It’s literally around the corner from my corporate headquarters, but I have never been there. :noway: On my list for December!

    Katla: Glad to hear DH is making progress. :smile:

    Margaret: I’d love to know the title of the book about plants. (Later: Okay, got it!) I try to read one book per quarter on fitness/health/nutrition, and this sounds interesting.

    Brenda: Love the new picture and congrats on getting out for a long walk! :flowerforyou:

    Mary: Good luck with retrofitting your Halloween decorations into your apartment! :glasses: Great job with the walk through the mangroves.

    georgiaTRIs: You rock! A marathon at any age is quite an accomplishment. Please keep coming back to this thread and share more of your story with us. :love:

    Janemartin: I am sending up prayers for your friend. Keep the faith. :brokenheart:

    Lesley: Glad to hear your headache gone and you have a directive for better nutrition. :drinker: Keep up your amazing resolve and discipline.

    Feistycat: Welcome and please keep coming back. :laugh:

    Sylvia: KFC…’nuf said.:tongue: Thanks for reminder for why to avoid.:grumble:

    Joyce: I think NYC is one of those cities every American should visit. I lived there for 4 years and DO NOT recommend that, but to visit, so much fun! Go for it. :smokin:

    Stay well. Stay strong. We can do this!

    Colorado Foothills where it’s incredibly warm and delightful

    October goals:
    > Minimize consumption of alcohol to two servings per week
    > Register for and attend 50% of Master's swim course
    > Once a week, call someone just to say hello
    > Make plans for how I will use up my remaining paid vacation days
    Word for 2014 = Release
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    October 6th,
    10,359 steps
    4.32 miles

    Does anybody else have back pain when walking and right after? My back is killing me. I did 7,000 steps earlier this afternoon and had back pain, then just now walked the last 3,000 at the mall and it hurts again. I think I must be doing it wrong.

    Good night ladies.
