

  • hemp > whey bioavailability of hemp > whey hope that helps
  • oh man, if you guys like the almond breeze version and silk versions of almond milk; you guys are gonna go nuts if you make it yourself! hella good, not kidding...the flavor is way more pronounced and delicious. The store bought versions taste very watered down in comparison to the way it should taste. give it a try guys,…
  • tabata protocol is great! just choose challenging exercises and do it circuit styles like what buffcupcake said. I just finished a tabata workout of four sets. Today was a kettlebell tabata day and i was dead after the four circuits. It will burn the fat! I do it four times a week, tuesdays and thursdays and saturdays I do…
    in Tabata Comment by jourelemode April 2012
  • in my opinion, mfp gives a very low estimate. I would never eat as little as it tells me too, but that's just me
  • sorry to be blunt, but those bars that were previously mentioned are trash :( clif for instance has palm kernel oil :( it uses soy protein for its main source of protein which is GMO :( the sugars they use are bad even though they are organic, still a bad source and pure protein bars are ultra trash... the only good…
  • get those dark greens in, they're high in protein...I think collards are the highest? Easy way to get those greens in though is to make a green smoothie. go buy some raw/vegan protein, the best out there is sun warrior as for your nuts and seeds, do you best to get raw and organic ones, sprout them so they become more…
  • THIS!! he hit the spot. read the link above and learn. IF is king! its all about what works best for you really. You don't like eating breakfast??? Then don't. Just be sure to eat the right amount of calories a day and nothing else matters. I don't have a bite to eat until 230pm each day. I don't remember the last time I…
  • try making your own almond milk and coconut milk. Its sooooooo much better! Of course you'll need a high powered blender like omega, vitmix or blendtec. But once you have one of those blenders...omg, its the best thing ever!!!! either way, almond milk is superior to cows milk. Keep on drinking that almond milk.
  • first of all its not a nitric oxide product as stated in one of the above post. The primary focus of this supplement is DAA (dimethylamylamine). When this first showed up on the market it was all the rage for a few months. all the supplement companies started adding it to their line of supplements then some negative…
  • like everyone else has said, if you got your calories and nutrition down you should be good. If you have 20 minutes to workout on a semi regular basis, I suggest not wasting your time on the treadmill. Just do some interval training, it'll help with your metabolism and possibly even give you a tiny bit of muscle. Try a…
  • not true...too much of anything will be stored as fat if exceeds your maintenance calories. Your body doesn't discriminate between protein, carbs and fats. Your body sees what you eat as calories, whether protein, carbs or fat. Calories in vs. out, that's it.
  • honestly, since you're breastfeeding I would start at the higher end of the calorie range that everyone is telling you to eat. If your doctor said its ok for you to eat 1500 calories then you should be "safe" I would try eating at the higher end, say 1600-1700cals a day and see if you lose any weight with that calorie…
  • take in 500cals over your maintenance calories. 1.5g/lbs of protein a day tuna, chicken breast, flank steak, salmon, ground turkey, anything thats lean...eggwhites etc. simple carbs are carbs like white rice, potatoes, white bread. the stuff that's white brown rice, sweet potatoes wheat bread, stuff like…