meglo91 Member


  • Dude! Bummer about everyone losing their history. I would be so pissed, even though I'm only 5 weeks in. I might just spend the 10 bucks and buy the whole SL 5x5 suite. Workout A today. Holy balls, my *kitten* is kicked. Squats: Warmups then 5x5@120. These still felt good, though my butt is feeling them now. Bench: Warmups…
  • In the first trimester you should be good to go, pretty much. After that, your mileage may vary. The general consensus that I've gotten from doctors is that you can continue lifting SOME weight all through pregnancy. Should you do deadlifts and push presses while 7 months preggo? Possibly not. But it's very individual.…
  • Love this. Weight lifting has taught me that my body is powerful and useful. I have thick thighs and big shoulders. Even when my waist was 26.5", my thighs were 23" -- each. I was not meant to be skinny. I will NEVER be skinny. Not ever. I was meant to be strong. And that is not bad. When I am lifting, I feel free. I feel…
  • First off, thanks for the kind words. You are always so encouraging. I work out at a gym that does not have fractional plates. While I'd love a home gym, we don't really have the space for a squat rack at the moment (we live in urban DC). But I think it will be fine in any case. I'll just do combo sets of 70 and 75 or 75…
  • Workout B kind of kicked my butt today. I had to way scale back on accessories. Squats: Warmups 1x8 @ 45 lbs, 1x8 95 lbs, then 5x5@ 115 lbs. These still feel pretty easy. OHP: Warmups 1x8@ 45 lbs, then 5x5@70 lbs. The wall is looming. I can feel it. I think 75 lbs will be my Waterloo. Deadlifts: 1x8@ 60 lbs, 1x8@95 lbs,…
  • Am I too late to post goals? Ah, screw it, I'm doing it anyway. 1. Log every day. I've already flubbed this one, but from here on out, it's straight loggin' time, friends. 2. Get weight below 172 and keep the scale going down 3. Get in 2 sessions of cardio per week in addition to SL 5x5.
  • I will buy this shirt. I will. I will buy it.
  • It's nice to have something to measure yourself against, I agree. Per this chart it appears that I am somewhere between a novice and an intermediate lifter, depending on the lift we're talking about. Yay? I am as yet still under 40, so no adjusted standards for me ... yet. Though time doth march on and all that. I agree…
  • Hey there! Haven't posted here in about a week. I did Wednesday's workout, but skipped Friday due to a conference. So y'all get 2 reports: Wednesday Squats: Warmups then 5x5@105 lbs OHP: Warmups then 5x5@65 lbs DL: Warmups then 1x5@110 lbs Accessories: Assisted Pull-ups 4x6 with a 64 lb assist (12 lbs less than last month,…
  • Whizzlers, do squats hurt you only when you're lifting heavy or do they hurt with just your body weight as well?
  • I skipped posting the last few workouts but still did them. But today was Workout A so: Squats 1x10@45, 1x5@70, 5x5@100 Bench 1x10@45, 1x5@70, 5x5@ 95 -- but these are getting harder. Barbell Rows - 1x10@45, 1x8@65, 4x5@90, 1x4@90 -- I kind of whiffed the very last rep, so will repeat 90 lbs. next time. I want to make sure…
  • I don't have a really strong preference in this area. I guess I like my guys tall, but I've gone out with short dudes in the past too. I'd actually rather date a guy with some extra pounds than a guy who is reed thin, though I certainly have girlfriends who love the emaciated rocker look. If a guy is in shape and muscular…
  • You're not annoying me, sir. Keep posting. You look awesome.
  • Good advice about the trying, then buying. Thanks folks.
  • Folks, I wrote above that I was using the "couch potato" setting on both sites, which means that they were accounting for NO EXERCISE. (Yes, I exercise -- just wanted to see if the baseline was the same on both). So that does not explain the difference. I agree that 120 calories is not that big of a deal, but I'd like to…
  • Totally agree. Eating is fun. Eating is pleasurable. Eating is emotional. If you told me I couldn't eat for pleasure anymore, it would be as though you had cut off a limb or deprived me of something important like my sense of smell. And eating like a robot, with no focus on pleasure or indulgence, is no way to spend the…
  • For me, it helps to pick out the stuff I really want -- the good quality stuff. I'm sure you know this, but part of tracking for me was figuring out that I was eating a lot of stuff that was just meh. You know, eating the rest of my kids' goldfish because they were there, or eating a crappy chocolate cookie that tastes…
  • Today was a Workout B day. So: Squats -- warmups 1x10 @ 45, then 5x5 @ 85. OHP - warmups 2x10 @ 45, then 5x5@55. Deadlift - warmups 1x10 @ 40, 1x10 @70 lbs, then 5x5 @ 100. It all still felt too easy, though I can tell that I will soon hit the wall on OHPs. With those muscles you can feel golden at one weight, but adding…
  • Did my 4th workout today. Am loving, LOVING Stronglifts. So simple. So elegant. Today was Workout A so: Squats 75 lbs 5x5 Bench 80 lbs 5x5 Barbell Rows 80 lbs 5x5 Squats are still super easy and will be, I imagine, until I get up to around 140 or 150 lbs, since I've been doing those for some time. The bench is getting…
  • Looks like I'm the lone person who works out (mostly) fasted. I wake up around 6, have a cup of coffee with a little milk, work out, and then finally eat somewhere around 10 or 11 am. I have gotten the advice several times that it's better to work out on an empty stomach. I don't really buy that, but working out before I…
  • I've had two kids and breastfed both. Pre-kids I was a size 6. Post-kids I'm a 12 (that's why I'm here). I can tell you that for some women the baby weight just falls off with breastfeeding. That did not happen for me. My body tends to hold onto the baby weight for about a year and then it SLOWLY starts coming off. I do…
  • Thanks guys! I did feel a teeny bit sore the day after workout 1, so clearly some muscles are being worked in new or better ways. I stuck with the program for workout 2 and will continue to do so. I love how totally simple it is -- I just go in with my smartphone, do the moves at the weight it says, with the best form I…
  • He is a putz for many, many, many reasons, like promoting herbal supplements that absolutely will not help one to lose weight.
  • In! Megan 5'5" 178.6 lbs 33/F Trying to lose the extra 35 lbs that 2 pregnancies in 3 years deposited all over my body. I've never stopped working out, so for me the change has to be tracking, tracking, and more tracking. 159 lbs by Christmas? Yes please. My weekly weigh in right now is on Thursday, so I'll probably post…