foxywife75 Member


  • You rock Mommamills :bigsmile: It is a great feeling when people are noticing your lifestyle changes & how the new you makes them feel motivated to make their own changes. Many friends & family members around my husband & I have wondered what we are doing too. They are shocked when they hear it's something as simple as…
  • CW: 226 lbs Wasn't able to keep up to the water challenge....just way too much water for me. I was successful in staying within my daily calorie goal. I did my workouts all week but I've slacked on the 200 sit-up challenge. I'm hoping to get back on track with that. It's been 9 weeks since I started my healthier lifestyle…
  • Week 3 Whoooooo!!! My plateau is over. CW - 227.7 lbs Still working on the 200 sit-up challenge, on WK2D2 of it so far. I won't be able to complete the water challenge......just not possible for me to drink that much. I never used to even drink 1 glass per day. Yesturday I drank 12 glasses.....that's the most I've ever…
  • Week 2 CW 230.9 lbs GW 145 lbs I have started the 200 sit-up challenge, on wk1d2. I will continue to follow it for the complete program. I'm just so happy that my plateau seems to be over :happy:
  • My sugar intake was so HIGH when I first starting my healthier lifestyle change. I went through the worst withdrawl for 3 full days. I was poping advil like it was going out of style. I wanted to die.... Then on my 4th day, it was as if I was in a new body. I wasn't tired anymore, no headaches, no gravings & because I was…
  • Found you! Heather, not sure if you had me down for completing your challenge or not. Just in case, here's what I did: Mon - Biggest Loser routine & 30 min brisk walk (3.5 mph) Tues - 30 min brisk walk (3.5 mph) Wed - rest Thurs - You On A Diet beginner work out & 23 min brisk walk (3.5 mph) Fri - biggest loser routine on…
  • Hello Ladies! I am super excited about this journey, lets kick some serious FAT to the curb. SW: 246 lbs CW: 232 lbs GW: 145 lbs Exercise challenge up date: I've walked 2.4 km @ 3.5 mph for 30 min (3 days so far), done Biggest Loser Challenge on the wii & my beginner workout on my YOU: On A Diet DVD.
  • The specalist told me to NOT to eat ANY animal fat when I was having attacks. Mine where so bad that my galbladder was being removed within the next couple of weeks. Hope it this helps & good luck.:flowerforyou:
  • Congrats!!!!
  • Count me in!!! My husbands dream will finally come true :wink: I will see you on Friday with my weigh in ladies.
  • Feel free to add me as a friend. My dad has suffered from MS since I was 12 & I just had an uncle diagnosed as well. I can give you some tips to help you out.
  • Natural sugars from milk, fruit & veggies is the best sugar for you. If sugar has been added, then that's when it's an issue. If you enjoy your yogurt, then try greek yogurt. You could also start taking a probiotic supplement. Psyllium seed husk is also very good for your digestive system & it's got lots of fibre. Fibre is…
  • That is awesome! I love it when our kids speak to us because they tell us the truth & as parents we seem to listen to them better than anyone else. My girls told me today while I was working out that I'm getting skinny because they can tell from my pants. It feels so good to hear their compliments & I love it when they…
  • I've noticed that MFP doesn't know the difference between good sugars (from whole foods) & bad sugars (that are added to food). Personally I make sure that all my sugar comes from whole foods. Since doing that my daily intake of sugar has dropped from over 160 g per day to around 30-50 g. Too much sugar isn't good for your…
  • Having support from friends is an awesome motivator, I've sent you a request :flowerforyou:
  • Welcome Connie526! I can relate to your situation because I am in the same boat. I've been on my new healthier lifestyle for 6 weeks now & plan to never go back to the old one. Being home with kids all day does change how you behave & eat but it's time for change. Feel free to add me as a friend :flowerforyou: Time to kick…
  • In my house we've introduced so many new foods: salmon, chia seeds, psyllium seed husk, ground turkey, quinoa, agave, beans, cacao nibs, & soy milk :happy:
  • I drink a soy protein shake every day. It's from Dr. Oz's website with a few modifications. 1 scoop soy protein (great health benefits for women & does the same thing for muscles as whey) 1/2 tbsp flax oil (omega) 1/2 tsp cinnamon (reduces blood sugar & cholesterol) 1 tsp psyllium seed husk (fibre & helps to keep you full)…
  • My sugar intake is extremly important to me. You should stay away from foods that have had sugar added to them & HFC's (high fructose corn syrups). If you are reading your food lables you will notice that a great deal of packaged foods have these indgredients in them & the amounts are very high. Try to eat food that have…
  • You should make sure that you are eating a great deal of fibre, protein & nuts. Both of these will keep you full throughout the day. Here's a sample of what I eat each day: Breakfast - Dr. Oz's Breakfast Blaster Shake ( I eat both servings for breakfast. Mid morn…
  • I make an amazing marinade for the pork tenderloin. I made it from scratch so my measurements may not be right on, taste as you go to balance the flavour: 4 cloves of garlic, chopped fine 1 tablespoon of Old Fashioned Dijon Mustard 1 tablespoon of Balsamic Vinegar 1 tablespoon of soy sauce 1/4c of maple syrup or sweeten…
  • I just picked it up today as well! I've heard a great deal of good things about it. My 2 girls love to dance & I thought it would be fun for them. I just might have to try it out too :happy:
  • Congrats on the progress you have made so far :flowerforyou: My husband & I are both on a path to a healthier life. The one important thing that I can suggest is to read "You: On A Diet", by Dr.Oz. I spent some time on his website before I started MFP. I started to follow his Rule of 5 for my first week....& WOW! I lost 5…
  • So I've started to look into some of these awesome suggestions & here's what I found: A good chunk of these bars have a HUGE amount of sugar or HFC's in them. I really need to keep my sugar intake to 4g or less per serving & I am doing whatever I can to stay away from HFC's all together. It's also costing me big $ to keep…
  • You could either decrease your calorie intake by 100 calories or increase your exercise. Green tea & red pepper flakes help to keep your metabolism up. Try to consume most of your fiber & protein in the morning because it will help make you feel full all throughout the day. Doing that will help you decrease your calorie…
  • Thanks aareeyesee for the heads up but I am taking supplements to ensure I am getting everything. I do eat a 4 legged animal once a week. Too much iron for me makes me very sick.
  • Thanks for the great feedback. I will look into them all. I am making sure to keep my sugar intake 4g or less & I am not eating any animal fat. My main sorce of protein is from soy, chicken & fish. I agree with the all-natural things aswell.
  • Learn about psyllium seed husks. Has great health benefits for you & it helps you feel full. Eating nuts like almonds or walnuts will also help you feel full.