High Heels & Fishnets!!!!!



  • krcpugs
    krcpugs Posts: 16
    Second week weigh in: 171.2 Loss of 1 pound this week.
  • SW: 203
    CW: 197
    GW: 145
  • KAskinny
    KAskinny Posts: 50
    Well I didn't do so hot this week :frown:
    I lost 0lbs! :sad:
    but at least I didn't gain and there is always next week!

    S/W: 189lbs
    C/W: 165lbs
    G/W: 140lbs
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    HHF SW 178
    CW 178

    to be perfectly honest I didnt get to weigh in cuz I dont have a scale at home and didnt get a chance to go to the gym where I usually weigh in. so I'll assume I didn't gain/lose
  • SW- 154.4 ranges up to 157
    GW- 130

    I really didn't lose anything, I really wanted to lose more before my trip, so I will have to work harder in the next 12 days before we go.
    I have started the sit up challange, and my start was 50. So now I am just working though the steps to get to 200. I think I have even conviced my hubby to try it, which is very shocking.
    I have not done the meditation yet, I have never really meditated before and really not sure how to. So I think tonight I will just take a bath with the door locked, and take my 15 min. that way.
  • Week 2 Weigh In

    SW: 135.5
    CW: 134.2 (-1.3)
    GW: 125
  • Good Morning Everyone

    I haven't read everyone else post yet but I will. I wanted to post now before my meeting.

    Today I got on the scale really nervous becuase I haven't exercised all week due to injuries but the scale still blessed me with my efforts of eating. I am down 2 pounds. yay!!!

    SW 314
    CW 312
    GW 160

    Great job!!!!
  • Week 2 weigh-in

    SW - 171
    HHF SW - 160
    CW - 156 (-4)
    GW - 150

    200 situps mini-goal achieved
  • hymiesmom
    hymiesmom Posts: 76
    2nd week weigh in....142! I think I lost a pound...woo hoo!
  • kbhobbs
    kbhobbs Posts: 216
    Week 2- 168.2
    Small loss, but loss nevertheless! I will take whatever I get! k:smile: I picked this smile because itis simply a smile. I hope for a bigger smile at the end of the month!!!
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    Okay... So, I am hitting bottom for the first time since I really started trying to lose weight (1/1/2010) I am so depressed. I workout extremely hard and dont see any results -hardly. I am so happy that I can tell my endurance is up, but I can feel myself giving up. On top of all of that, I have been rather happy that my scale has been telling me I am 174ish... Now, understand this is not where I want to be... but better than 185! However, this week I learned that my scale is for sure broken. I compared on two different scales and they both read much higher than mine at home :( Like... back around original weight. ughh

    After all of this happened, I just really let this week go. I gave up trying really. I went to my gym classes, but not as much as I usually do. I let my food take over! I never went above 1,800 calories, but my goal is 1,200! I don't know what to do. I don't want to be in a slump. I want to show results. I have been at this for almost 5 months and only 8 lbs-maybe....

    One positive is that at my gym class last night a lady asked me "how much weight have you lost?" That made me feel better... it came out of nowhere. I think I was really flattered because she is the star pupil of the class-so named by me :D. She really is fabulous!

    I will weigh in later when I get around my scale. Dont know how much I can trust it though. I hate that I am already feeling sluggish today - partly due to the bad weather here- I believe I can blame some of it on my bad eating habits this week as well! I don't even feel like exercising today- but hopefully I will tonight at home. At least a little something.
  • jgstrawberry
    jgstrawberry Posts: 9 Member
    Week 2: 128
    no change :(
  • 33KIKI
    33KIKI Posts: 304
    2nd week weigh in :drinker:

    CW: 188.5 (-3.5):love:

    I almost completed the AB challenge and Ouchie:noway: ..but will keep working on it.

    Everyone keep up the good work!!
  • AlynnP1005
    AlynnP1005 Posts: 195
    My stats are the exact same this week...no up, no down. If I wasnt having such a great day, I would be bummed but I'm not!!
  • foxywife75
    foxywife75 Posts: 59 Member
    Week 2
    CW 230.9 lbs
    GW 145 lbs

    I have started the 200 sit-up challenge, on wk1d2. I will continue to follow it for the complete program. I'm just so happy that my plateau seems to be over :happy:
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    CW: 175 (up 2.4 lbs) :(
  • angelwings2000
    angelwings2000 Posts: 357 Member
    126 lbs, one pound lost this week! :smile:
  • hymiesmom
    hymiesmom Posts: 76

    Don't get discouraged! If someone noticed you look like you are losing weight, that is a great sign.

    With the exception of the weekly weigh-ins, I NEVER get on the scale. I go by how my clothes are fitting.

    We can do this....stay the course!!!!
  • candice26
    candice26 Posts: 27
    Happy Friday ladies!!! I hear ya shredder, it's that TOM for me as well, I feel like garbage, all bloated n disgusting!!! I'm weighing in late today cuz I've been at a conference for the past 3 days out of town! So stopped by the gym on my way home and the weight on the scale read

    I haven't done well in the eating dept. Nor exercising this week, I was all thrown off from being out of town, I really should have planned better!!

    Anyway, I'm so happy to see how many of us are still going strong!! Keep upthe amazing work ladies!

    Have a great weeked!
  • running_mom
    running_mom Posts: 204 Member
    CW: 140.4

    So, I cant find my last weeks post with my start weight or the spreadsheet that was made. Any ideas where to look? Dumb I know!

    Also, one of my mini goals was to lose 5 lbs in 2 weeks. Now I have to do it in 1! I don't know whats wrong with me!!! I've been eating like crazy this weeks. I think its because it's going to be that lovely time. But, even though I eat A LOT I make sure to work out enough to cover the cals.

    I know you don't care but I just needed to say it to try and convince myself that its ok. Oh well, tomorrow is another day!
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