High Heels & Fishnets!!!!!



  • angelwings2000
    angelwings2000 Posts: 357 Member
    Found ya!

    I will have to check out the challenges. My weekend and Monday were so busy I didn't even find time for getting online. It will only get crazier snice my son's (and my) wedding are fast approaching. I didn't have the healthiest weekend, I tried to control the damage in the amount of food I ate, but it was mostly high carb, high fat & sodium type foods.
    Time to check out the challenges and see what I can do today. As for meditation, I can't imagine that in ly insiane world.......but we will see. :noway:
  • bkthomas2004
    bkthomas2004 Posts: 130 Member
    Found our new home. I missed the challenge this weekend unfortunately. but I am ready to take on the next one whenever it comes around. I missed exercising yesterday and this weekend. 3 days of no cardio....shame shame. I am back on it today and I will try to add some squats or lunges to my routine today...
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    I am so sad that I didnt live up to "being a forced to be recconded with." I want to be a top contender! I only got 3 out of the 4 workouts for last week. I had company and they didnt leave quite when I thought they would on Sunday.

    I am trying the new challenge however! I tried the 200 sit-up challenge this morning. I got 20 in... I have a question though. Is the initial test to just see how many you can do consecutively? or how many you can do in 30 minutes? I thought for sure that I would get more than 20... but I will start from there!

    Okay... Question...Can anyone help me out here? I bought an HRM (watch) last night. Wore it to my class. My instructor said that he burns about 500 calories doing the class for 1 hr 45 mins with rests (he is up and around helping others) My watch said I burned 909 cals doing 55 minutes or the class.... Can that be right? I mean it is an intense class but OMG...
  • Home6
    Home6 Posts: 208 Member
    Found you ladies! I am going to do the sit up challenge this week, but I don't think I am going to make it to the gym. Sick kids = no day care = no gym time. So the Wii Fit is going to be my new best friend during naptime. :) Wish me luck!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Ugh, I'm lacking motivation at work today because I'd rather be outside running or riding my horse because it's gorgeous outside again today. It's supposed to rain this weekend, though. I'd ask to leave early today but since I have Friday off, I'm guessing they wouldn't let me leave.
  • KAskinny
    KAskinny Posts: 50
    I found it!
    I had a pretty bad day yesterday, but I started the situp challenge this morning. I was only able to do 35 but that should improve throughout the week. I also did a few curls and tricep workouts and I'll talk my 3 dogs for a 3 mile walk when I get off work (hurry!!!). I have a pot roast cooking away in the crockpot, I don't think that's unhealthy, so today should be a better day! :bigsmile:

    Good luck to everyone this week! I know y'all can do it! :happy:

    ps. while looking up these smiley things I found this one :drinker: is he making himself vomit? wierd. . . :laugh:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hi girls! Sorry I missed last week's check-in. I was home with my sick son and well, I am finally back to work today!

    SW: 255 lbs
    CW: 210lbs
    GW: 150lbs

    I'll be sure to check in this Friday!

    I jsut finished the 200 sit up challenge- all I have to do is the final test. I;ve been putting it off but since its the week's challenge I am going to go do it NOW


  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Hi girls! Sorry I missed last week's check-in. I was home with my sick son and well, I am finally back to work today!

    SW: 255 lbs
    CW: 210lbs
    GW: 150lbs

    I'll be sure to check in this Friday!

    I jsut finished the 200 sit up challenge- all I have to do is the final test. I;ve been putting it off but since its the week's challenge I am going to go do it NOW



    Yahoo, you'll be the first to finish the challenge if you post your results of 200 today.
    Let us know how you do.....have you done this before?
  • NewChapter
    Hoping to start the situp challenge but I don't know that work is going to cooperate with me today to allow a workout.....grrr........I will certainly do my best becuase I could really use it today.....
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    UHM OWWWWW! I just did 200 sit ups in a row...OMG my abs BURN!!!!!!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hi girls! Sorry I missed last week's check-in. I was home with my sick son and well, I am finally back to work today!

    SW: 255 lbs
    CW: 210lbs
    GW: 150lbs

    I'll be sure to check in this Friday!

    I jsut finished the 200 sit up challenge- all I have to do is the final test. I;ve been putting it off but since its the week's challenge I am going to go do it NOW



    Yahoo, you'll be the first to finish the challenge if you post your results of 200 today.
    Let us know how you do.....have you done this before?

    I DID IT!!! I have been working on the 200 sit up challenge for a month or so, I jsut completed week six last week but hadnt gotten to do the "FINAL TEST" due to my son being sick. I cant believe I just did that!!! On my first exhaustion test I was only able to do 31!!!! I FEEL AWESOME!!
  • hymiesmom
    hymiesmom Posts: 76
    Cris20056~CONGRATS! That is quite an accomplishment!

    I'm scared to try!!! I plan on starting the challenge when I get home from school and do my workout. Wish me luck!
  • apridgen
    apridgen Posts: 8
    I am starting the situp challenge today. I also noticed they had one for pushups and squats as well..I will definitely be doing those too!!!

    Time to get fit!!!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Congratulations to Cris :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good job, Cris! Week 6 of C25K and 200 situps? You're an exercise machine!
  • NewChapter
    Ok, did the initial test for the situp challenge......35.........my core is much weaker than I had anticipated :ohwell: but at least it's a starting point and I look forward to saying I did 200 like Cris did..........Awsome job Cris!!!! (side note: I also decided to do the push ups as well which starts with 15, not to bad.........might as well hit it big :smile: )
  • jarelary4
    jarelary4 Posts: 141 Member
    Found ya! I'll check out the challenges. thanks!
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    (side note: I also decided to do the push ups as well which starts with 15, not to bad.........might as well hit it big :smile: )

    I am going to do the pushups as well!
    I am going to wait until Friday to do the push-up challenge though. That way I can give my body some rest and really push hard to do the sit-ups right now. Good luck to you!

    As of now this is what my weeks look like:
    Monday: walk 30 mins at lunch, bootcamp class 1 hr
    Tuesday: week 1 sit up challenge, walk 30 mins at lunch, Aerobics/Abs class 1 hr
    Wednesday: walk 30 mins at lunch, bootcamp class 1.25 hrs
    Thursday: W1D2 situps, Aerobics/Abs class 1 hr
    Friday: pushup challenge, treadmill 30 mins
    Saturday: W1D3 situps, Moving!!!! Yay! (maybe do Aerobics/Abs class 1 hr)
    Sunday: Day of rest :D
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I can do about about 5 half pushups (on my knees). I hate, hate, hate pushups and have no idea how to get where I can actually do a few.
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    easily found :)

    Also did the initial test today for the first part of the challenge. Then to fit in 3 of the workouts from the column :happy: