

  • Check out this Link It is about Lentils but a little further down it tells you how to cook beans so that they are easier on the stomach.
  • My husband has Crohn's Disease. Since his diagnosis I have really studied up on how diets effect the whole digestive system. He and I now eat a Gluten-free, dairy-free, specific carb diet. We eat TONS of fruits and veggies. With lots of fish and chicken. I make his yogurt at home to ensure that it is lactose free. He has…
  • Try making a snack that hasboth protein and some carbs. Nuts are great for fending off a growling stomach. They take longer to digest and have lots of fiber. They're in your stomach for up to 5 hours, which should help give you a full feeling. Eat just a few, though--they're high in fat. I usually snack on an 1/8 of a cup.…
    in Overeating? Comment by laurajg May 2010
  • I recently went to a naturopath to see about hives that I had been experiencing--for which the doctor kept prescribing steroids and antihistamines. She immediately ran a food allergy panel and sure enough it came up as lactose as one of my major problems. She said that at least 60% of her patients who come to her with a…
  • I have 4 kids. I have just have adjusted what I buy for them to eat. The sweets and special treats for them are things I know I won't like, but they will. They've actually started eating much better and I feel better about it. I make them sliced apples, grapes, carrots, yogurt or cubes of cheese as a snack. It's easier to…
  • Actually there's not that much caffeine in Green Tea---about 20 mg. There is about 80 mg in coffee. It is something else beside the caffeine that speeds up your metabolism.
  • I have a similar issue. I generally make the same food for my self, and then skip any sauces, cheeses or gravies. I will make extra veggies for me, load my plate and then put the butter or cheese on after for everyone else. I usually make a pasta for everyone, but I don't even touch it. I also put bread and butter on the…
  • My 2009 new years resolution was to stop and do as many pushups and sit ups and I could for 1 minute each, three times a day. I cannot tell you how the combined six minutes a day has made me stronger and more fit. I've always worked out (strength and cardio, 3 times a week), but this just really gave me and extra push.…