Anyone living with ulcerative colitis

aerobicgirl Posts: 354 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I was diagnosed about 3 yrs ago and some of the foods i eat trigger it, most greasy foods. (which i have been eating alot lately) so i have to remind myself on a daily basis that i can not eat like that if i want to take pills for the rest of my life. i work out 3 times a week and again just started today watching my foods. i had a stomach virus that started on sunday and had not eaten. i was just able to eat on tuesday. so my plan that i have mentioned before is to stop the greasy mexican foods, hamburgers fried chicken (which i don't eat at all) and well i love chinese so that will be cut to once a month as a treat. but i was wondering if anyone is on the same boat as me.??


  • raelbee
    raelbee Posts: 219
    I was diagnosed with UC 12 years ago. I am a vegetarian (17 years) and I believe that helps with the symptoms. I have also noticed a significant decrease in symptoms since eating clean, starting 2-3 months ago. This was suprising since I'm now doing the exact opposite of the medical advice I usually receive for this disease (eat less fiber and raw fruits and vegetables.)

    I think the better we treat our bodies, eating whole foods, no processed foods, etc., the better our bodies will feel. Being on this site will be a huge support as you try to turn around your eating habits. I promise you, you'll feel better, both internally and externally, as you begin to eat better. Good luck, and I am here for support if you need it :)
  • laurajg
    laurajg Posts: 8
    My husband has Crohn's Disease. Since his diagnosis I have really studied up on how diets effect the whole digestive system. He and I now eat a Gluten-free, dairy-free, specific carb diet. We eat TONS of fruits and veggies. With lots of fish and chicken. I make his yogurt at home to ensure that it is lactose free. He has gone completely into remission on the diet. We've both lost weight, too. If you're interested google Specific Carbohydrate Diet. It is a diet designed for people with Crohn's and UC.
  • aerobicgirl
    aerobicgirl Posts: 354 Member
    thanks bc im not completly sure what i am supposed to eat i jsut try to eat alot of chicken and veggies and salmon but we live here in south texas and my family makes alot or rice and tortilla so i try my hardest to stay away, beans not to much bc they have alot of iron and protein. but sometimes its kinda hard. so i need new recipes. i also try not to eat alot or red meat.
  • laurajg
    laurajg Posts: 8
    Check out this Link
    It is about Lentils but a little further down it tells you how to cook beans so that they are easier on the stomach.
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