

  • Gotcha...thanks!
    in P90 Workouts Comment by KB81 July 2011
  • Drea - How did you figure out your calories burned? I also do Power 90, but put my calories under 35min of "Circuit Training", and it's not a huge number. And yes, it's good to do the Sculpt too. I'm with you, I prefer the cardio, but we need it to build muscle, which will help with burning more calories in the future.
    in P90 Workouts Comment by KB81 July 2011
  • Hi! I'm getting married 6/25/11, yes, less than 6 weeks from today! From December through last week I was going to a 6am Boot Camp 3-4 times/week. The class was great for me, but focused a lot on weight training, and now I would like more cardio to slim down. Since then, I've been waking up to do a Power 90 DVD, yoga and…
  • I like the Fiona bra, made my Moving Comfort, for my D gals :smile:
  • I chew Spry gum, it's made with Xyllitol, which is a more natural sweetener. I also add liquid lemon stevia to water to make it more interesting. Oh, and PICKLES!! Dill, extra crunchy. Tends to wipe out cravings.
  • Having a "bowl" of quinoa, edamame and black beans for lunch today. Added a little hot chile sauce and it's good and filling.
    in tofu? edamame?? Comment by KB81 May 2011
  • I like to load up on protein so I don't feel starved and reach for carbs mid-morning. 2 scrambled eggs (you could also do 1 egg white) and a Morningstar Veggie Sausage patty is 224 calories and 22 grams of protein. And don't let "veggie" sausage fool you, it's delicious! Plus, Costco sells it in bulk for a very good price,…