

  • Water first! Chug it, then re-evaluate in 20 minutes if those hunger pains are true hunger pains!
  • I never called you a troll, although I'm pretty sure I was called one. I would rather just be called a sarcastic person. Anywho, the article was interesting and thought provoking and I do understand how processed carbs can be in a person's diet and be totally acceptable in the terms of a person's body being able to process…
  • You've officially made me giggle.
  • Sorry...not my type. You eat processed things....
  • Ignorance by definition is "lacking knowledge" so, in this case...I very well have read your link as I do like to learn. But you were ignorant enough to call me ignorant when in fact, I read your link.
  • So what I see as personal benefits from eating the way I do, is...silly?
  • It's okay, I think it's kinda cute.
  • Wait, did I ever say "grains, dairy, and legumes are bad?" And did I actually say that I find a benefit in my own personal energy levels and lifestyle when eating a diet BASED OFF of fats, fruit and veggies? While cutting out processed foods. Oh, and that I actually live a sort of "revised" Paleo lifestyle. Goodness.
  • Maybe arguing makes his deadlift numbers go up! PR in arguing!
  • I think you may be one of those little guys that just likes to freaking argue for arguing sake. I like to applaud myself for telling you to go somewhere else. If you don't like the ideas of the people on this board, or in life in general...go away. Obviously, you find flaws in us all. Do I care, no. Because I don't go home…
  • You tough guys are so cute. The benefits of a "revised" (like I said) Paleo lifestyle are the following: 1.) Instead of your body fueling itself off of processed carbs, it in return fuels itself off of fat that you consume...which in return burns fat! 2.) The energy that is then generated is much more beneficial in…
  • That's awesome that you're eating your protein but you still may be low in your calories. Sounds like you've hit a plateau and you'll get there, but keep trucking along!
  • ^^ That's a silly thought. I basically live a "revised" Paleo lifestyle. Revised in the sense that I eat ice cream occasionally and if I REALLY want a piece of bread I will eat it. I think you can definitely work the idea of Paleo to benefit your specific lifestyle. For me, I can't live without ice cream and popcorn on…
  • I know this is going to sounds weird. BUT, if you are working out 6 days a probably aren't eating enough. Your body goes into starvation mode if you aren't eating enough to help rebuild the muscle you are breaking down when you work out, so in return it stores fat. 3-4 pounds a month means about a pound a…
  • Can't really "over due" the protein. The protein helps to rebuild and "heal" the muscles that you are breaking down when you work out. That means in return, you build lean muscle...the protein is the helper, so that your body repairs.
  • You're building muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat. If you are losing inches, that means in return you are losing the fat and building good lean muscle. Try not to concentrate so much on the scale now, but rather the inches you are losing, the good quality food you are using to fuel your body and the progress you are…
  • That would do the job, or like I said you can always fill water bottles (or any sort of containers) full of sand or something of the equivalent until you are feeling better. Heal up soon!
  • Light weight and high reps would do the job in the mean time. Water bottles get heavy. If you wanted them heavier..fill them with sand, or concrete. There is a true misconception when it comes to "needing more weight." Bodybuilders in general start out at lighter weight at high reps and then grow into more weight.
  • Overheard press with dumbbells (or water bottles if you do not have access to weights) *Sit down to do these obviously Bicep curls (with weights or water bottles) Tricep kickbacks (with weights or water bottles)
  • If you love to cook. Check it out. : ) I have really bad eczema (severe dry skin) and have realized that gluten makes my skin break out! Aha! My body telling me to stay away from the gluten!
  • I have been strength training through the avenue of "Strongman" for the past two years and have only seen amazing results. Along with the guys being friends with the majority of the guys you see on t.v. on "World's Strongest Man." I didn't bulk in the slightest, and have toned up, and it's AWESOME to be able to lift heavy…
  • My boyfriend asked the same thing. He was told that it can depend on a slight curve in your spine. Everyone has a bit of a curve, and so you may notice that one side appears larger than the other. : ) No worries!
  • The guys in prison are able to be completely jacked while eating only what is available to them for a few reasons. 1. They have nothing better to do! 2. Dominance in a prison setting to make sure that you aren't considered "weak" by the others is really important, work out..and work out...and work out! I have been…
  • Everyone that has responded is correct, protein powders are a great way to get in a quick meal (i.e. breakfast, snack etc.) and keep your metabolism going while fueling your body with quality nutrition. I would recommend Syntha-6 or IsoPure protein powders. IsoPure is low in sugar content and carbs, also tastes great. - I…
  • I think you have to realize that everyone carries their body weight differently too. I'm 5'7 and about 151. Depending on the morning. : ) Some people at my weight and height look overweight because most of their weight is carried in their middle, or in their legs...whatever the case may be. I'm not shooting for a number…
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