

  • Thank you all so very much. I have been SHOCKED at the improvement in my belly. After 5 pregnancies I thought I was doomed. My OB even said he felt my only hope for having a flat tummy would be a tummy tuck with abdominal muscle repair. I am proving him wrong. I want to lose more of that belly fat but even if I didn't I…
  • I am on round 2. I love/hate it.
  • I am 5'0" and 109 and STILL have belly fat. UGH. I have a small bone structure. My original goal was 105 but now I am going for 100. I started at 136 in May. Weight loss has been extremely hard for me at this height and size. I have had to work my butt off and eat very clean. I had to cut out all sugar, white bread, pasta…
  • WOW!!! Amazing transformation!!! Thanks for sharing.
  • I am on my 2nd round of Insanity and LOVE it!!! I usually hate dvd workout programs and quit P90X but have really enjoyed the challenge and results I have gotten with Insanity.
  • Thank you all so very much for all the comments!!! It keeps me motivated! I am not finished yet. :)
  • Thank you all. Insanity and Running. I also use a heart rate monitor so my calorie burns are more accurate. I was constantly searching for info on short/petite women and weight loss. I hope this is encouraging to other small ladies. I still need to lose some belly fat but I feel great and being fit and healthy is my #1…
  • Great Job!!! I don't know what to say that hasn't already been said!!! You look absolutely amazing and are a true inspiration to me. I am 5'0" and aiming for 105 or lower. Thank you for sharing!
  • I had mine done about 9 years ago and hate them now. I loved them in my 20's but feel like they are too big for my body now. I am a 35 year old mom of 5 kids and have been happily married 16 years. People always look at my boobs first. I feel top heavy. I am a runner and have to double up bras and they are uncomfortable to…
  • I understand. The weight loss has been slow and frustrating for me too. I workout about 1.5 hours a day. I run and do Insanity. I stay under calories and eat clean. I cut out diet coke, coffee, white bread, potatoes... I try to keep my carbs and sugar low. At the beginning of this year I did 3 months of weight watchers,…
    in help :( Comment by amybarry76 June 2011
  • I am 5'0 with a goal of 105. My frame is tiny though. My wrists are like the size of a 7 year old. I am currently 122 with a lot of belly fat. ugh. Friend me. :)
  • You look fabulous! Thank you so much for sharing. I have similar stats.
  • Me :) I started MFP about a month ago at 136. I have been obsessive about counting calories. I run 6 days a week. So far I have lost 11 pounds.
  • Could it be the heat? I live in Florida and the heat and humidity exhausts me much quicker during the summer.