Females that are short!



  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    I say I'm 5 ft...on a good day:) My first goal is to be 130 lbs. I started at 172 and am down 18lbs. Once I hit 130 I could see myself going for 120 but we'll see. I def want to tone up....I don't want to be "skinny fat". Best of luck!
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    I am 5' 3". My highest weight was 184! Ugggh.

    I am now at 166, and my goal for now is 145, which is about the "top" of what I should weigh for my height. We'll see what happens after that :)
  • Lisa_222
    Lisa_222 Posts: 301 Member
    Depends on your bone structure and muscle tone. I am 5'1. At one time in my life, I was 112 and a size 7. I'd love to get back to that now, but I'd be totally happy with 120. When you're 80 lb overweight like me, there's no point in picking nits. I'll worry about it when i get in the neighborhood.
  • _Peacebone_
    _Peacebone_ Posts: 229 Member
    I'm 5'2ish and my body likes to stay around 112lbs when I'm not watching what I eat but exercising regularly. I've weighed as little as 95lbs and that just doesn't look good! I think it all depends on your frame and how you feel comfortable. I'd much rather be a healthy 112 than a sickly 95 any day!
  • AveryWays
    AveryWays Posts: 150 Member
    I'm 5'2" and a size 8 pants. I wanted to hit 150 lbs first but size 8 pants was the first ultimate goal that happened. I've never in my life ever recalled being in the single digits for pant size :noway: When I started this journey, my fat percentage was around 37% or as the BMI chart would refer to for my height and weight as "Obese" :embarassed: With strength training and cardio, I managed to get that body fat % now down to 29.3%- 8% body fat off my frame in 5 months. I'm aiming to get down to at least 20% body fat.

    Standard Body/Weight for my height dictates that 5'2" ideal weight is 135 lbs (ranges from 104 -137 lbs). My goal is to get down to at least 130 lbs and see how I look and feel about this weight. I know my body composition has changed. I have more muscles to help burn the fat in my body now. I've done the loose the weight first and then build muscle before and it didn't work out well. This time around, I'm doing it right- loosing fat and building muscle. It works for me. I'm smaller now than I've ever been before :happy:
  • DizzyLinds
    DizzyLinds Posts: 856 Member
    I'm 5ft...just!

    I'm 53.4kg...not sure what that is in pounds (i'm in the UK) I'd love to drop a bit more but i'm not sure if it's right for my body? I've never been skinny...i'm naturally curvy too, small waist and big bum!
  • SlinkyPinkyBunsOfSteel
    I'm 5ft 2 and weigh 155lbs. I'm ashamed to say that my heaviest weight was 191lbs. I would like to get down to... NO I am GOING TO get down to 129lbs :happy: ( 53.4kg is 117 and a half pounds) I think you probably look good as you are.
  • maemiller
    maemiller Posts: 439 Member
    im 5' 1/2" and im fluctuating between 118 and 120 (118 is my pre marathon weight). im pretty comfortable on where im at right now. If i start training again for a race, i know i would drop a few more pounds. I would like to drop more body fat, but gain more muscle. something like that would throw your weight off, so i would think more of bf% than what the scale says
  • auctoritas
    I'm 5'1" (and a half) and my current goal weight is 135, because I was 135 at the end of my freshman year of college and that's the lowest I've ever remembered being. I think I wore a pant size 10 then. Once I hit that goal I'll probably reevaluate, since I was still chubbier than I would have like to be then, but after getting to 171lbs, it was a reasonable goal for me. :D
  • chicklidell
    5'2 currently 116-118lbs..never ever a solid number..and it never should be. 7.9% body fat. I will compete in January at 110lbs and around 5-6% body fat
  • StatutoryGrape
    I'm 5'4" (barely) and my goal weight is about 130-135. If I get too much below that, I look skeletal (visible rib cage at 125 was NOT pretty). I don't really judge myself by dress/pants size, since I have a badonk and will never go below maybe an 8 in pants, no matter how hard I try. Besides, 15-20 to lose isn't so bad!
  • amybarry76
    I am 5'0" and 109 and STILL have belly fat. UGH. I have a small bone structure. My original goal was 105 but now I am going for 100.

    I started at 136 in May. Weight loss has been extremely hard for me at this height and size. I have had to work my butt off and eat very clean. I had to cut out all sugar, white bread, pasta and potatoes. I eat high protein/low carb.

    Feel free to add me.
  • Jensenstarr
    I'm 5'1 and 130 ... Working for 120... Just talked to my mom today about my goal and she says it's unrealistic because of how much muscle I have. I'm looking in to getting my body fat checked to see what I can lose. Definitely based on body structure unfortunately
  • jecka31
    jecka31 Posts: 284
    I'm 5'4" and my goal is 125 but I'm may go lower, depending how I feel (115 is low end for my height). My sister is 5' even and weighs in between 95 and 100. I think that if you get to your goal weight and you want to go more, I don't see it being an issue. Just don't get sucked into the you-must-look-like-this ideal that society has as a whole.
  • Plomk
    Plomk Posts: 4
    I'm 5 Ft also and I USED to be 120lb. When I saw that if I gained just 8 more boundes then I'ma be over weight I got really scary and started going on a diet .but know I'm 106 but my goal is 100 . And Good luck! :D
  • FitMissVicky
    FitMissVicky Posts: 51 Member
    I'm 5'3" and started here at 196 - right now I'm aiming to get under 150; we'll see where it goes from there. I'm down to 176 now,
  • akneal88
    I am 5'0" and usually i was anywhere from 115-120. I joined the Marine Corps and dropped down to 108lbs. I was thin, but i was also very toned and had a lot of muscle because of it. Even now, i don't think I would want to be THAT tiny, but the number doesn't bother me as much. I'd rather have a lot of tone and definition and be muscle instead of just a lanky flimsy weight. Now 5-6 years and 2 kids later, I am more than i have ever been but I'm takin it a day at a time, and so far have lost 8 pounds. small amount so far, but it's progress and i'm good with that.:smile:
  • KriscoOil
    KriscoOil Posts: 305 Member
    I am 5' and mfp has suggested 94-128. i set mt goal at 110 although i haven't seen that in 10 years. we will see how it goes. age has a little bit to do with it. i am currently at 135.
  • JeepsMcCreeps
    I'm 4'11" and 120 pounds. Try as I might, I can't seem to get under that number, but I'm not big by any means. I'm a size 5 and have a 26 inch waist, I still wanna be more toned in my tummy area and lose a bit more body fat. I want to be around 101, though.
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,845 Member
    I'm 5'1". My goal weight is 125 lbs. (When I reach that I'll re-evaluate) That will put me close to the middle of the healthy range.

    Edited to say: I'm 53 and not sure I will ever be as small as I was in my 20's.