help :(

I have been dieting for about 2 months now. I am slowly losing weight which I know is good because losing weight too quickly results in a weight rebound. But I am starting to lose motivation. I need some friends on here to help me stay motivated. Most of my actual friends are skinny and don't need to lose weight so they cant exactly go on a diet with me. Please add me and help me out. We'll help each other...


  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    Add me....I will help you all I can. We are all on this journey together and need to help each other out!

    You can do this!!!

    Good luck!
  • ShyBreasts
    ShyBreasts Posts: 91
    You can do it! Eye on the prize!!!

    Add loads of people on here so people are constantly commenting on your status to help you stay motivated!!

    I often struggle with motivation but I'm trying my hardest not to get disheartened as I can have a boob job once I get into my desired shape! (Hopefully Aug/Sept)

    I'm making video logs and following my journey on youtube to help keep me focused and motivated, please check it out and/or add me as a friend on here so we can help support each other!!
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    You can do it, you can add me if you would like
  • sushisuzi2
    sushisuzi2 Posts: 111 Member
    I'm not a great example but I can tell you that slacking off for too long isn't good. It makes your progress go out the window.
    I've lost 14 lbs this month by eating smarter, even if it is fast food!!!!!
    If I can do this, anyone can. Believe me. Keep going!!!!!!!!
  • slyder432
    slyder432 Posts: 475 Member
    You got this...keep logging on and talking to us!! Add me if u like.
  • amybarry76
    amybarry76 Posts: 15
    I understand. The weight loss has been slow and frustrating for me too. I workout about 1.5 hours a day. I run and do Insanity. I stay under calories and eat clean. I cut out diet coke, coffee, white bread, potatoes... I try to keep my carbs and sugar low. At the beginning of this year I did 3 months of weight watchers, trained for and ran a half marathon without losing anything. MFP has taught me so much about eating healthy and although I have only lost 13 pounds I feel like I am finally going in the right direction.