

  • Me again. Been steadily tracking the intake for almost 30 days now. Reset the goal to losing 2 pounds per week upon doctor's recommendation (actually, 1540 calories per day). The best news is that my fasting blood sugar is now controllable--down to 117 each morning. 10 pounds lost since I've begun or 12.5% of my goal loss.
  • Ow.... Ran my 4th instance of W1D1 and was able to complete 1/2 half of the run segments. My wind and heart are improving. But my goodness my thighs hurt when I was done. Oh, well. They're OK now. :)
  • My thanks to all who have posted of their experiences. I began the C25K program on 5/9/2011. Age 61 and 278 lbs. Goal is 198 lbs (and 34 years old, but don't think I'll make that). Want to run a half marathon with my eldest daughter by the fall of 2012. When I started, I could not complete any of the running portion of the…
  • It was mindfulness at the core of my growth. I have only been here a few days and have discovered the virtues of paying attention. No special foods, no strange directives, just paying attention is working. The exercise yesterday was very challenging. It was cold and damp when I went out for the 4th repeat of Wk1Dy1 of…