Greetings... from a novitiate


Need encouragement as I begin to become more healthy.

61 year old male, type II diabetes, hypertension, moderately high cholesterol... the big 3, eh?

Started the Couch to 5k exercise program 1 week ago.

Current Weight: 278 lbs

Top Goal: Reduce the medications I take by exercising and modifying how I eat. On the road to that,....

Goal Weight: 198 lbs


  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Welcome and congratulations for getting started! You'll certainly get lots of encouragement here. Best of luck to you.
  • Ynnep1000
    Ynnep1000 Posts: 24
    It ain't easy but it's doable, how's it going so far?
  • sheri816
    sheri816 Posts: 5
    Celebrate each step along the way. Each day you exercise is great day. If you miss, start back the next day without feeling guilty. Health is the gift you give yourself!!! Life is all about choices. Make each choice count. You can do this!!! You can get healthy, fit, and shed the weight and medicine! Good job for choosing to put yourself first because you are important, you do matter. Health is wealth!
  • pixietoes
    pixietoes Posts: 1,591 Member
    Congratulations! Hang in there, especially after the first flush of enthusiasm passes, it's hard to keep going. But you're doing things that are going to change what the rest of your life is like. I've loved this site because in the hard times people have been encouraging, and because I've been able to educate myself on nutrition, exercise and some of the mental challenges that go along with making life changes. I hope you enjoy your journey as much as I am enjoying mine!
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    Welcome! I actually started a group called FireRunners about a week ago for people doing C25K if you'd like to join for some support and motivation! :) Keep at it, it's a great program!
  • ecmcnamee
    ecmcnamee Posts: 317 Member
    2 days here and lots of encouragement. It's awesome. Welcome :)
  • trishobr
    trishobr Posts: 120 Member
  • Robyn405
    Robyn405 Posts: 48
    My mom just found out she is a type 2 diabetic, about a year ago. Since then she has lost 80 pounds, so I want you to know it can be done. She is 50 years old and is also dealing with hypertension. You can do it!! :) It all begins here buddy!
  • PeterSabin
    PeterSabin Posts: 5
    It was mindfulness at the core of my growth. I have only been here a few days and have discovered the virtues of paying attention. No special foods, no strange directives, just paying attention is working.

    The exercise yesterday was very challenging. It was cold and damp when I went out for the 4th repeat of Wk1Dy1 of C25k. And my hips and knees were hurting before I began.

    But I completed the 30 minutes of aerobic exercise even if I couldn't run the entire 'run' sequences. I am not discouraged--I just know I'm eating less and moving more than I did last week.
  • Me again.

    Been steadily tracking the intake for almost 30 days now.

    Reset the goal to losing 2 pounds per week upon doctor's recommendation (actually, 1540 calories per day).

    The best news is that my fasting blood sugar is now controllable--down to 117 each morning.

    10 pounds lost since I've begun or 12.5% of my goal loss.
  • MonolithTMA
    MonolithTMA Posts: 62 Member
    That's great news, Peter, and encouraging to me!

    Keep it up! :-)
  • maemiller
    maemiller Posts: 439 Member
    Step in the right direction. Please add me as a friend