C25K & C210K support group...



  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    started week 2 again still struggling to get through this week without panting and keep up a steady pace.
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    W5D2 complete! Did my warm up walk and supposed to do 3/4 mile jog after that, but I did a full mile. Mainly out of necessity as it started to rain. I finished up on the treadmill. I jog at 5mph on the TM but had to slow down a bit because I had a stitch in my side. But at least I finished. Saturday will be W5D3 which is 2 miles with no walking. A little nervous about that one. We'll see how it goes.
  • e1lindsay
    e1lindsay Posts: 230
    So, here are my week three recap facts:

    W3, D1: I was so scared of this run but I did a great job; however, I dropped the speed a bit too much and really didn't get the calorie burn that I was hoping for. I forgot to stop my HRM so it marked 418 BUT that was 30 minutes after my run. Avg HR was 121 and max was 171

    W3, D2: I increased the speed a bit... took it back up to 5.6 and was breathing heavy but my head was not good that day neither. My average HR was 142 and my maximum HR was 176 for a calorie burn of 332

    W3, D3: I decided to take it to the streets and ran to the second range of our town. I chose to take the gravel roads because it offered more cushion. The elevation was certainly not at 0 like the treadmill and it showed in my HR. My avg HR was 153 and my max was 179 for a calorie burn of 363. I should say that I saw two deer on my run and I have decided that although it is more challenging, I think that I like outdoor running more. I like the change of scenery, I like the fresh air and I like the feeling of "going somewhere" BUT I don't like that I am forced to pace myself... I have to learn that skill yet.

    SO, that was my week of C25K and I am moving on to week four this week. I wonder how long it took all of you runners to see a difference in your running... am I really going to be a runner in 9 weeks? Can that happen? I hope so...

    Outdoor running is SOOO much more enjoyable for me than running on the treadmill...it is a little harder on your body, since the treadmill offers a little more "bounce back" then the road, but it's worth it, i think. Check out www.dailymile.com....u can track your mileage and figure out your mile pace...helps keep me motivated too, because it's fun to see yourself progress!!
    This program does get harder, but just stick with it! it's worth it and it will help you become a runner, so keep up the good work!
  • MsP90X
    MsP90X Posts: 1,053 Member
    So, here are my week three recap facts:

    W3, D1: I was so scared of this run but I did a great job; however, I dropped the speed a bit too much and really didn't get the calorie burn that I was hoping for. I forgot to stop my HRM so it marked 418 BUT that was 30 minutes after my run. Avg HR was 121 and max was 171

    W3, D2: I increased the speed a bit... took it back up to 5.6 and was breathing heavy but my head was not good that day neither. My average HR was 142 and my maximum HR was 176 for a calorie burn of 332

    W3, D3: I decided to take it to the streets and ran to the second range of our town. I chose to take the gravel roads because it offered more cushion. The elevation was certainly not at 0 like the treadmill and it showed in my HR. My avg HR was 153 and my max was 179 for a calorie burn of 363. I should say that I saw two deer on my run and I have decided that although it is more challenging, I think that I like outdoor running more. I like the change of scenery, I like the fresh air and I like the feeling of "going somewhere" BUT I don't like that I am forced to pace myself... I have to learn that skill yet.

    SO, that was my week of C25K and I am moving on to week four this week. I wonder how long it took all of you runners to see a difference in your running... am I really going to be a runner in 9 weeks? Can that happen? I hope so...

    Outdoor running is SOOO much more enjoyable for me than running on the treadmill...it is a little harder on your body, since the treadmill offers a little more "bounce back" then the road, but it's worth it, i think. Check out www.dailymile.com....u can track your mileage and figure out your mile pace...helps keep me motivated too, because it's fun to see yourself progress!!
    This program does get harder, but just stick with it! it's worth it and it will help you become a runner, so keep up the good work!

    Thanks so much for the feedback and motivation!!
  • e1lindsay
    e1lindsay Posts: 230
    doing my 2nd 5k tomorrow...nervous that it's going to be harder than the first, since i haven't done a whole lot of running this week, while i recovered from last weekend's 5k...
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    doing my 2nd 5k tomorrow...nervous that it's going to be harder than the first, since i haven't done a whole lot of running this week, while i recovered from last weekend's 5k...
    I'm sure you'll do great!

    As for me, completed W5D3 this morning on the treadmill. I slowed my speed down (4.5mph) in order to pace myself so I could make the full 2 miles without stopping. I ended up having to stop anyway...but for a potty emergency...LOL. So I added an extra quarter mile to the run. I also ran at my usual 5mph for that last quarter mile. I'm by no means fast, but I'm at least able to make required distances. That's pretty good, right?

    Hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend!
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    W6/D1 of c210k 4.29 miles 1 hour 20 minutes - I DID IT!!! YAY! I've had such a mental block on this week of the c210k. After staying on week 5 for 3 weeks (and moving my runs outside), I had a GREAT run today. I slowed down a bit, but was able to do all the runs and walks when I was supposed to. Didn't get out of breath and barely broke a sweat (but I think that was the weather more than my exertion). Pretty chilly when I started out, but perfect during the run.
  • e1lindsay
    e1lindsay Posts: 230
    TS65- i may have asked this before, but what program are you using for your c210k? i just ran my 2nd 5k today and i need something to help me with my endurance!
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    W6D1 complete. Used the treadmill again today. Felt pretty good. My legs are starting to feel it a bit though. I just keep stretching them out when I can. But I did do 2 consecutive days. I fell behind on W5 so did D3 of that one yesterday & wanted to stay on schedule so started W6 today. I am taking the recommended rest day tomorrow, so it'll just be my usual TF workout.

    Keep up the great work everybody!
  • Starting W5D1 tonight! I've wanted to start since Saturday but it's been pouring non-stop since Saturday morning. :grumble: Still pouring, but I decided I'm going tonight even if it doesn't stop. NERVOUS about this week! Not so much the first one tonight, but definitely the other two!
  • ea1977
    ea1977 Posts: 3 Member
    Just finished my first 5K this past weekend and I used the C25K app on the IPhone to train. I was by far no way acclimated to running for pretty much my entire life. I've always gone to the gym sporadically to lift weights or do some cardio here and there. But I tell ya, the app made all the difference in the world. Now I actually want to go out and run. I think one of the biggest motivators was actually signing up for a race. Using that date as the due date I was able to use the app accordingly.
  • PeterSabin
    PeterSabin Posts: 5
    My thanks to all who have posted of their experiences.

    I began the C25K program on 5/9/2011.

    Age 61 and 278 lbs. Goal is 198 lbs (and 34 years old, but don't think I'll make that).

    Want to run a half marathon with my eldest daughter by the fall of 2012.

    When I started, I could not complete any of the running portion of the C25K. I just had no air. Air is increasing and so is the portion of the running segments I can complete. I decided that I wasn't going to move to the next 'day' until I can complete the first day's regime.

    But I am getting out every other day and chugging away. Any and all encouragement is appreciated.
  • KasandraKristine
    KasandraKristine Posts: 83 Member
    I just started the c25k program yesterday. I did a lot better than I thought I could and felt amazing afterwards!! I have physically induced asthma so I am a little worried with the weeks to come. My mom and I are attempting our first 5k the last weekend of July so I have to stick with the 9 week program! I could use any motivation/ support. Thanks!!
  • Well, I did W5D1 last night as planned, and it went even better than I'd expected! The first five minute run felt great and I did the first three minute walk according to the programme, but getting started with the second five minute run sucked for the first couple minutes. I've been noticing that right around the 2.5 minute mark, running suddenly feels better and by the 4ish minute mark it feels good, and I didn't feel like another stop and start, so I just kept running through the second three minute walk without a walking break and finished it all running. So 13 straight minutes of running at the end, my longest yet, and it felt great! It wasn't easy, but I also didn't feel like I was going to be sick from overexertion afterward, either! So excited. :bigsmile:
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    TS65- i may have asked this before, but what program are you using for your c210k? i just ran my 2nd 5k today and i need something to help me with my endurance!

    So sorry - I totally forgot about this post for the last couple of days.

    I do the iphone app couch to 10k (the brown one with the 10k in the center). It's designed to go from couch to 10k, though, not 5k-10k. You could do it, but the first few weeks may be really easy unless you're sprinting during your run times (which, I guess would help you on your times! :laugh: )

    Depending on how you like to run, you may want to look into:

    Bridge to 10k (intervals) - http://blog.c25kapp.com/about-bridge-to-10k/
    One Hour Runner (no intervals) - http://mindplunge.com/c25k/one-hour-runner.html
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    My thanks to all who have posted of their experiences.

    I began the C25K program on 5/9/2011.

    Age 61 and 278 lbs. Goal is 198 lbs (and 34 years old, but don't think I'll make that).

    Want to run a half marathon with my eldest daughter by the fall of 2012.

    When I started, I could not complete any of the running portion of the C25K. I just had no air. Air is increasing and so is the portion of the running segments I can complete. I decided that I wasn't going to move to the next 'day' until I can complete the first day's regime.

    But I am getting out every other day and chugging away. Any and all encouragement is appreciated.

    Peter, hang in there. On W1/D1 of c25k, I couldn't do half. I"m now on W6/D1 of c210k (I switched programs because c25k was a bit too aggressive for this old lady. On c210k, the runs are shorter, the walking/recovery is longer, but the workouts are twice as long and twice the distance).

    If it helps anyone, here's a progress report I did on a c25k website. I update it every run I do (well, almost every run. I think I may have missed 1 or 2).

  • MsP90X
    MsP90X Posts: 1,053 Member
    doing my 2nd 5k tomorrow...nervous that it's going to be harder than the first, since i haven't done a whole lot of running this week, while i recovered from last weekend's 5k...

    How did it go???
  • MsP90X
    MsP90X Posts: 1,053 Member
    So I am booking my first 5K... July 3rd! Off to do week 5, day 1 :P
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    So I am booking my first 5K... July 3rd! Off to do week 5, day 1 :P

    Good Luck! I need to register for another one!
  • PeterSabin
    PeterSabin Posts: 5

    Ran my 4th instance of W1D1 and was able to complete 1/2 half of the run segments. My wind and heart are improving.

    But my goodness my thighs hurt when I was done.

    Oh, well. They're OK now. :)