C25K & C210K support group...

TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
Hi everyone. If you're doing the C25k or the C210K, let us know how you're doing. There's nothing like a bunch of strangers cheering you on to get you motivated.

I started on c25k on 3/1. After having to repeat EVERY SINGLE DAY, I switched over to the C210K (iphone app) on 4/8. So far, I haven't had to repeat a single day on c210k. My ultimate goal has always been to run for an hour and the c210k program is an hour each workout (give or take). Compared to c25k, the runs are shorter and the walking/recovery is longer. It's also 13 weeks vs. 9, obviously with the goal being 10k instead of 5k.

Today, I just finished W5/D1 (which I find amazing since I couldn't make it through half of W1/D1!)


  • rmcheathbabe
    I just started C25k this week. Today was day 2, week 1. I feel like I'm going to die, but I'm sticking with it. Great idea with the support group!
  • Munchiemooka
    Munchiemooka Posts: 176 Member
    Hia, I stared C25K today and was so amazed with myself for pushing though the give up point half way though.... I am now looking forward to day 2 on Tuesday :happy:
  • sarahlouisah
    hi im on week 5 c2 5k Im loving it but would love to know more about c 2 10k
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    The C210K app is made by the same people that made the c25k app I was using (Felt Tip, Inc.). As I mentioned before, I was a little frustrated with c25k because the workouts seemed so short (and hard!). I wanted a longer workout, but one that I could do without repeating every flippin' day. When I saw this, I thought... I CAN TOTALLY DO THIS. And I was right! So far, I haven't had to repeat a day yet. I'm sweating my *kitten* off AND I passed the 5k distance during week 4 (o.k., so it was walk/run, but who cares!!!).

    On c25k, I was having to slow WAY down in order to get through the longer runs (3.4 on the TM). With the longer recovry periods and shorter runs on c210k, I'm able to keep up a faster pace on the TM (3.7). Still slow as a snail, but I'm doing it.

    I don't mean to sound like an advertisement, i just think there's a lot of people out there who have quit c25k solely because they gave up on the longer run times. Like me, they probably just needed to build up more endurance to be able to do the longer runs.

    Here's the workout schedule from Week 4 on. Like the other app, you can run it with your own music playlist.

    W4/D1 - run 2 minutes, walk 3 minutes (11 times)
    D2 - same (9 times)
    D3 same (10 times)

    W5/D1 - run 2:30, walk 2:30 (12 times)
    D2 - same (10 times)
    D3 (10 times)

    W6/D1 - run 3 minutes, walk 2 minutes (13 times)
    D2 - same (10 times)
    D3 - same (11 times)

    W7/D1 - run 4 mins, walk 2 mins (10 times)
    D2 - same (9x)
    D3 - same (9x)

    W8/D1 - run 5 mins, walk 1 min (10 times)
    D2 - same (8x)
    D3 - same (9x)

    W9/D1 - run 7 mins, walk 2 mins (7x)
    D2 - same (6x)
    D3 - run 8 minutes, walk 2 minutes (5x)

    ~ ~ ~ (HERE'S WHERE IT KICKS INTO 10K MODE :noway: ) ~ ~ **not sure what 1 minute of walking in between accomplishes :laugh:

    W10/D1 - run 10 mins, walk 1 min (4x)
    D2 - Run 20 mins, walk 1 min, run 20 mins
    D3 - Run 22 mins, walk 1 min, run 22 mins

    w11/d1 - run 25 mins, walk 1 min, run 25 mins
    D2 - run 30 mins, walk 1 min, run 25 mins
    D3 - run 40 mins, walk 1 min, run 10 mins

    W12/D1 - run 45 min, walk1 min, run 20 min
    D2 - run 50 mins, walk 1 min, run 15 mins
    D3 - Run 45 mins

    W13, D1 - run 50 mins
    D2 - run 40 mins
    D3 - Race your 10k
  • applesandglue
    Interesting to read about C210K, wish I had heard of it!

    I'm doing C25K right now, I'm about to start week 9 tomorrow. I can't believe I'm nearly done! It really feels like yesterday and not 2 months ago that I could barely finish running for 1 minute. Now I'm up to 30!

    I'm not sure what I'm going to do after C25K. I've signed up for my first 5K, which is in 2 weeks (which I'm nervous about because I have yet to run a full 3 miles), but afterwards... Bridge to 10K? Or is there something better? It feels weird to go from running 30 minutes straight into a program that wants you to go back down to 10 minute running intervals with walking in between...
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    afterwards... Bridge to 10K? Or is there something better? It feels weird to go from running 30 minutes straight into a program that wants you to go back down to 10 minute running intervals with walking in between...

    It depends on what you want to do. I know of some people from the c25k forum I go to who have gone on to Bridge to 10k. Others have gone on to OHR (One Hour Runner). It depends on what "style" you like. Do you like intervals better (B210k) or would you rather just run without stopping (OHR)?

    From what you said, you may want to check out OHR. http://mindplunge.com/c25k/one-hour-runner.html
  • BroDave
    BroDave Posts: 249 Member
    I started the C25K 2 weeks ago and I feel like I am doing good no problems yet, but based on what I have been reading I downloaded the C210K tonight and will start it on Monday. I have always wanted to build up to 10K so why not just do it instead of the C25K. Any advice?
  • MaryD4900
    MaryD4900 Posts: 135 Member
    I just finished week 1 of c25k. I started last Thursday, so it took me 9 days to finish the first week instead of 7 days. Obviously I know this is not ideal, but if every "week" takes me a couple extra days to complete, does it really matter? I know it will take me longer than 9 weeks, but will the ultimate results not be as good?
  • 1FitMom326
    1FitMom326 Posts: 228
    I am working ont the C210K and I absolutely love it. I just finished up week 7. It is a great program, and I have actually signed up for a 10k run this July so this program will lead me right up to that. Please feel free to ask questions if you would like. I am not a running expert but have become familiar with the program.
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    I just finished the C25K last week and was contemplating the C210K. Thank you for mentioning the Bridge to 10K, I think it's just what I need! I wanted to continue increasing my mileage and wasn't sure how to go about it.
  • e1lindsay
    e1lindsay Posts: 230
    joining in on the post...getting ready to attempt week 6, day 3 of the C25k...30 minutes of straight running...hoping i can pull it off!
  • bugnbeansmom
    bugnbeansmom Posts: 292 Member
    I am on week 6 day 2 of c25k. Feeling pretty good. It has been really good for me because it is helping me ease my injured knees back to running. I have never stuck with running this long and actually enjoyed it! I find that I do slow the TM down to get through the longer runs (5.0-5.3 instead of 5.5-5.7). I can actually cover more ground faster when I run/walk in shorter spurts! But I am not worried about speed right now. I think I am going to look into bridge to 10k next for training. I love the iPhone app. Not sure I would be able to stick with it without her. Although, she is a bit bossy! LOL
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    I just finished week 1 of c25k. I started last Thursday, so it took me 9 days to finish the first week instead of 7 days. Obviously I know this is not ideal, but if every "week" takes me a couple extra days to complete, does it really matter? I know it will take me longer than 9 weeks, but will the ultimate results not be as good?

    Don't feel bad - it took me 8 days to finish week 1. Here's a progress report I've been doing:

    http://c25k.cze.dk/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=1042 (Whenever I'm down, I'll browse the "older" runners progress reports. It's really inspirational to see them running 10k's and training for half marathons - and knowing they felt EXACTLY like I did going through the process!)

    I look at it this way... every day I repeat, I get better than the last. The ultimate goal is to complete th c25k. Who cares if it takes you longer, you will get there. I knew starting out it would be closer to 16 weeks to finish. Now that I'm doing c210k, I haven't had to repeat, but I KNOW I might later on. and that's o.k.! I"m sooooo much further ahead than I was on W1/D1. (Yesterday, I ran 2:30 TWELVE times).

    Here's my advice:

    1. Don't worry about how fast you are running (there was an old lady (in her 70's!)) on the TM next to me walking almost as fast as I was running! :laugh: So what, I'm running!

    2. If you need to SLOW WAY DOWN (to where you can talk while running), do it. You'll be more apt to complete the level if you aren't sucking wind. You can work on speed later. (on c25k, I was running at 3.4 on the treadmill - that's a "brisk walk pace"; on c210k, I'm able to run at 3.7)

    3. Don't compare yourself to others. Do what you can and repeat if you must. (I tell myself if I can't finish the day properly, then I repeat it the next time.)

    4. Know that all c25k graduates started out just where you were. W1/D1.

    5. Just Do It. We can all come up with a million and one reasons not to do it. None of them are valid.

    6. That website (where my progress report is from) is a also a great source of support for c25k-ers. Another great one is Dailymile.

    7. Know that there will be good days :drinker: and bad days :grumble: of running. Some days you will breeze right through it, others will be complete and utter failures. Focus on the good days, forget about the bad ones and just keep moving your feet!

    8. Oh yea... and this one is a biggie... 90% of your failure is going to be because of what's in your head. So much of getting to the next level is psychological. W5/D3 is a great example. On the other site, they call it the "panic post" people inevitably post the day before the run. And... amazingly... the next day, they almost all say "I DID IT!" When your head starts telling you to quit, dig deep (and use whatever works) to keep running. Silly as it sounds, I (in my best Dori voice - from Nemo) chant... Just keep running, just keep running, just keep running, running, running. :smile:
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    I started the C25K 2 weeks ago and I feel like I am doing good no problems yet, but based on what I have been reading I downloaded the C210K tonight and will start it on Monday. I have always wanted to build up to 10K so why not just do it instead of the C25K. Any advice?

    Yay, I don't feel so alone now. Advice? (see the other post I just laid out a bunch of advice) Have you started yet?

    You'll be surprised how do-able it is. I "backed up" a day from c25k because I wasn't sure where/how I was supposed to jump in.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    joining in on the post...getting ready to attempt week 6, day 3 of the C25k...30 minutes of straight running...hoping i can pull it off!

    You can! Download whatever music gets you pumped and go for it.

    Are you outside or TM? I'm hoping by that time I'm off the TM and outdoors - so I can just zone on the scenery.
  • applesandglue
    It depends on what you want to do. I know of some people from the c25k forum I go to who have gone on to Bridge to 10k. Others have gone on to OHR (One Hour Runner). It depends on what "style" you like. Do you like intervals better (B210k) or would you rather just run without stopping (OHR)?

    From what you said, you may want to check out OHR. http://mindplunge.com/c25k/one-hour-runner.html

    Hmm I had never heard of that. It sounds okay, although the first 3 weeks are only running 30 minutes, which is the same as the last week of c25k, which I think might get a bit boring. But it might be worth a try.
  • iDreamNEON
    iDreamNEON Posts: 112
    I'm currently on week two of C25K. I'd love to get to a 10K but I figured I'd start out small. So far so good and after every session I have a feeling of accomplishment. I go slow though. Thus far my top speed has only been 4.5 MPH on a good day
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    It depends on what you want to do. I know of some people from the c25k forum I go to who have gone on to Bridge to 10k. Others have gone on to OHR (One Hour Runner). It depends on what "style" you like. Do you like intervals better (B210k) or would you rather just run without stopping (OHR)?

    From what you said, you may want to check out OHR. http://mindplunge.com/c25k/one-hour-runner.html

    Hmm I had never heard of that. It sounds okay, although the first 3 weeks are only running 30 minutes, which is the same as the last week of c25k, which I think might get a bit boring. But it might be worth a try.

    I noticed that too - but no one says you have to do all 3 weeks of 30 minutes. I'd say start with the 30 min runs and then move up to the next level when you're comfortable enough with it. I'm guessing that first 3 weeks is designed for people who "dabble" in running and are just starting a program.
  • Coyotemama
    Coyotemama Posts: 206 Member
    I'm just about to finish week 2 of a very similar program called 5K101. It does the interval training as well with some coaching as well. I've been pleased with my results so far as I was never a runner before and my cardiovascular was always my worst area of fitness. I think I would have had more problems had I not been doing Jillian Michaels DVD for a month and a half before I started. I'm looking forward to trying my first 5K in a couple months.
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    I just finished week 1 of c25k. I started last Thursday, so it took me 9 days to finish the first week instead of 7 days. Obviously I know this is not ideal, but if every "week" takes me a couple extra days to complete, does it really matter? I know it will take me longer than 9 weeks, but will the ultimate results not be as good?
    I had to repeat a couple weeks due to illness and just not being able to keep up. Around week 6 I started doing only 2 runs a week due to time constraints, so it took me more like a week and a half to complete a week, but I still was able to finish strong :) When I started up with the treadmill again in January I could barely jog 2 mins straight. Then I started the C25K in February and now I'm doing 35 mins straight! It works, just take it at your own pace.