C25K & C210K support group...



  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    Ok, now today is w1 d2, and it is harder with sore legs. I can barely go up and down my stairs, lol. Running outside is so different than using my elliptical. I could go for 45 min and still not be this sore. I heard its because of the impact of my body hitting the pavement and on the elliptical its just smooth movements. I don't know, but its tough and I will go again on fri. Good luck to everyone, and congrats to the people who have already made it.

    This is why it's very important to take a day off in between runs. You need to give your body time to heal/strengthen from the pounding it's taking.

    Don't worry though, once you start, you'll work out the soreness. Just consider this notice that you've done a good job. :laugh:
  • ccrams2
    ccrams2 Posts: 18 Member
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    After completely failing W6/D1 fo c210k (THREE times!), I finally remembered it's o.k. to repeat a week, so I backed up to week 5 and had a GREAT run. I'm going to stay on week 5 until I'm positive I can move on without fail. I may even add in an incline to emulate outdoor running.
  • Kellikat80
    Kellikat80 Posts: 591 Member
    After completely failing W6/D1 fo c210k (THREE times!), I finally remembered it's o.k. to repeat a week, so I backed up to week 5 and had a GREAT run. I'm going to stay on week 5 until I'm positive I can move on without fail. I may even add in an incline to emulate outdoor running.

    Thanks for your wonderful tips! You have helped me get out there and run. I know with these words of encouragement, you too can do it. I am so excited for you to be so far into c210k. I know you will do great!
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    C2 5K W2D1 1.75 miles walking 3 mph and running 4.0-5.0 mph, finished with 2.5 miles on the tredmill great workout over 400 calories burned.
  • Kellikat80
    Kellikat80 Posts: 591 Member
    Today is an off day, so its just yoga and a little weight training.
  • ritarampage
    I just started C25K today. It was totally manageable. I'm excited about moving forward and seeing how well I manage the more difficult days :)
  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    So I did day1 of week 3 today..... knowing I can run longer than 3 minutes at a time I wondered how it would go running it multiple times... well this is what it looked like! Supposed to be, 90r 90w 3minR 3minW 90r 90w 3minR.... right? Well mine looked more like this......
    90R 90W 3minR 2minW 2.5minR 90sW 3minR 2minW SEVEN MINUTE RUN!!!
    So I added a min to the second 90sec run AND I added a 7min run to the end!! Woot woot. Although I am sure next week may not seem so friendly ;)
  • allroundthesun
    I'm on my second attempt at week two.:frown: Week one was pretty easy (not *easy* easy, but I did fine) but I could barely do week two the first time around (I did it, but barely, and I felt like I was going to die), so I did week two over again this week during what should have been week three. I'm so disappointed in myself. :cry: I did it Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and plan to repeat the third week two workout on Saturday and maybe Sunday, and I think I'm ready to move on to week three next week, but it was really discouraging.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    I'm on my second attempt at week two.:frown: Week one was pretty easy (not *easy* easy, but I did fine) but I could barely do week two the first time around (I did it, but barely, and I felt like I was going to die), so I did week two over again this week during what should have been week three. I'm so disappointed in myself. :cry: I did it Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and plan to repeat the third week two workout on Saturday and maybe Sunday, and I think I'm ready to move on to week three next week, but it was really discouraging.

    Well, first off - doing monday, tuesday and wednesday was not a good idea. The instructions are pretty adamant that you are supposed to give yourself off a day in between workouts. Even if you have a strong heart/lungs, your joints need to build/grow/get used to the pounding you are putting them through. Doing it daily is setting yourself up for injury and, in effect, failure.

    Secondly, by giving yourself a day of rest in between, you're able to do a better run the next day. Trust me on this - YOU NEED TIME TO RECOVER. "REST" does not mean you can't exercise - just do something else... zumba, aerobics, swim... just don't run.

    Try doing the program every other day and see if that doesn't help a bit.

    Also, don't worry about having to repeat weeks. It's not a race. (well, not yet anyways!) The point is to build up endurance and complete a 5k. If it takes longer, it takes longer. Go at your own pace and you'll do just fine.
  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    I'm on my second attempt at week two.:frown: Week one was pretty easy (not *easy* easy, but I did fine) but I could barely do week two the first time around (I did it, but barely, and I felt like I was going to die), so I did week two over again this week during what should have been week three. I'm so disappointed in myself. :cry: I did it Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and plan to repeat the third week two workout on Saturday and maybe Sunday, and I think I'm ready to move on to week three next week, but it was really discouraging.
    I agree that if you are struggling-maybe rest in between. How fast are you running?? I tried training for a 5k last year (i didn't really stick to it though,obviously) but I was trying to run at like 6.0 and i was struggling with getting passed a few minutes. Once I slowed down and let my HR come down a little I found that I was more successful in my endurance. Keeping your HR closer to inside your aerobic zone can help with endurance and you should progress in time as well. You may already be "jogging" as appose to running, but if not... try slowing a bit. Keep at it! No worries on how long it takes you... just keep putting forth the effort and you WILL get there! :-D Good luck!!!
  • Jayni40
    Jayni40 Posts: 123 Member
    I started c25k this week. Had to start on the treadmill cause of bad wheather. I did ok .I did walk through 1 jogging interval. Thursday was day3 for me and I did it on the track It was def a lot harder had to walk through 2 jogging intervals but I did make them up at the end of my 1/2 hour. I will repeat the week again hopefully I can get through w/o having to walk though jogging intervals. I am happy to say that I got 2 miles in 1/2 hour it usually takes me 45 min to get 2 miles in.
  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    I started c25k this week. Had to start on the treadmill cause of bad wheather. I did ok .I did walk through 1 jogging interval. Thursday was day3 for me and I did it on the track It was def a lot harder had to walk through 2 jogging intervals but I did make them up at the end of my 1/2 hour. I will repeat the week again hopefully I can get through w/o having to walk though jogging intervals. I am happy to say that I got 2 miles in 1/2 hour it usually takes me 45 min to get 2 miles in.
    AWESOME attitude! Keep at it! 2 miles in 30 min is great! :-D
  • zoebea33
    zoebea33 Posts: 74 Member
    Hi i started w1 d1 of c25k yesterday i absolutly loved it it was really hard and i really had to push myself to complete it but complete it i did, was soooooo pleased with myself looking forward to doing it again after resting today, cant imagine i'll be ready to move on to week 2 after only doing it 3 times though :happy:
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    Hi! I'd like to join. I just finished W3D3 yesterday. I'm liking the program so far. I'm not fast by all means, but am liking the fact that I'm able to keep up with the program. Although W4 looks a little more intense. We'll see how it goes.
  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    Hi everyone! I've just completed W2D1 and I was jsut wondering if anyone else out there has to take their kids with them when they run? I have to push an extra 70lbs when I'm doing my c25k and just wanted to know if they're are any other parents out there who have the 'extra' workout? lol
  • cowpoke06
    cowpoke06 Posts: 171
    just a quick bump...i want to get back into running (used to do 4 miles at a time...then I stopped and put on 50 lbs :/) I did c25k before and think I'm going start again starting today after work. HI EVERYONE!
  • jac1976
    jac1976 Posts: 30
    Hello there, i completed week 7 this week of c25k which was to run 3 x 25 mins, i did it but i did struggle mainly down to the heat i think.

    So i will start week 8 on Mon which is 3 x 28 mins.

    I have loved the programme, if a non runner like me can do it then anyone can! :happy:
  • michelca
    michelca Posts: 41
    I'm doing W1D3 today. I can't believe I'm actually looking forward to it!
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    Great work everyone! I just wanted to tell everyone to keep at it, the program is totally do-able and worth it!

    I just did my first 5k race today with my daughter and it was awesome! I jogged most it, I think I was around 2.25 miles when I had to walk a little, but I was just proud of myself for signing up for it, spur of the moment and doing it.

    I came in at 41 minutes 4 seconds, a little slow, but it's my best outside time yet and it was a trail run, which I'm not used to at all, so I was hopping over trees roots, running on grass, sand, gravel, you name it.

    Good luck everyone with your 5k & 10k journeys!