C25K & C210K support group...



  • beancurdie
    beancurdie Posts: 85 Member
    I'm going to ditto the other ladies. This is my fourth pass at c25k to get to the speed I'm running at currently. My first try, my runs were 4.0. Slow down and you'll figure out a running rhythm that works for you.
  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    I finished Week4 Day 1 yesterday. I go very slow (maybe a 3.5?) but just couldn't care less... I'm just thrilled to be able to do it at all!

    Thanks for sharing the C210k rules too. Might have to try that too at some point :bigsmile:
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    I love talking about C25K :)

    I finished the program about 2 weeks ago. I did the whole program on the treadmill, but now that it's nice out I'm trying to get myself outside to run at least once a week. I ended up doing 2 outside runs this week and tried to pick routes that were close to 5k, so that I would know how I was doing.

    My first day out was 2.8 miles and it took me about 39 minutes and yesterday my route was 3.17 miles and it took me about 46 minutes, but the route I took was extremely hilly, but I was happy that I wasn't too far off my treadmill time even with all of the hills.

    My best 5k so far on the treadmill was 40:30, so I'd really like to improve my time over the next 2 months before I do my first 5k, my daughter and I have 2 planned for June. So I guess I really need to work on my speed!

    I think my next move is to start Bridge to 10k. I love the long runs, but I also like the break sometimes of doing intervals, even if they are long ones. I think I'll give myself a few weeks before starting this, but it's good to have a plan.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    Bump for me as im thinking about starting this
  • danniibella
    danniibella Posts: 23 Member
    Omg i started C25K today w1d1 and i havent sweated that much for a while felt great to be running again and i cant wait for my next run :)
  • wolsteem
    wolsteem Posts: 17
    I've just started c210K week 2. Got to week 8 last year before work & family commitments got in the way and I couldn't devote an hour. This year I have done shorter 30min sets on the days I could not get 1 hour... at least I have not had to go back a week to restart. :happy:
  • MsP90X
    MsP90X Posts: 1,053 Member
    Anyone care to share their treadmill speeds with me?

    I walk at 3.9 MPH
    I run at 5.5 - 6.0 (The 6.0 I saved for the last interval because I wanted to try it.)

    I think that for right now I am comfy at 5.5 but I am wondering if it will get me to do 3.1 Miles in the 30 minutes. This week I am running/walking 2.25 Miles during the workout ... my question is, "should I take it up a notch or will these speeds get me where I want to be?"

    Where do I want to be? I want to be able to run a 5K in 30 minutes or less. Really, just being able to run for 30 minutes or more would be excellent too because I have a friend who is coming to visit this summer and she is a marathon Mom... I would like to go for a run with her and keep up.

    ANyway, just thought that I would ask those of you who are running on a treadmill to see what your speeds are.

    Make it a great day!
  • MooseWizard
    MooseWizard Posts: 295 Member
    I completed C25K the week before last. I walk at 3.4 and run at 5.0 with a 1% incline. I started the program at 3.2 walk / 4.5 run and no incline. That being said, a couple of weeks ago I got a HRM with footpod, and the speed it shows me going is much different than what the treadmill says. I need to check the footpod with a known distanct--it may need calibrating. However, my research has led me to believe that the treadmills can be quite a bit off as well.
  • labgirl3
    labgirl3 Posts: 171 Member
    I run outside and track workouts with a GPS app on my iphone (Runmeter). I assume distance and pace are pretty accurate. I'm running around 12:30 min / mile (which is about 4.8 or so on the treadmill).
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    Woke up tired; had to rush to make it to the gym in time; felt like my legs were made of lead; struggled through every run. BUT... I did it and that's all that matters!

    W5/D2 of C210k (running portion)
    1.41mi 23 minutes 16:18 pace

    W5/D2 of C210K (walking portion)
    1.79 mi 35 minutes 19:33 pace
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    Anyone care to share their treadmill speeds with me?

    I walk at 3.9 MPH
    I run at 5.5 - 6.0 (The 6.0 I saved for the last interval because I wanted to try it.)

    I think that for right now I am comfy at 5.5 but I am wondering if it will get me to do 3.1 Miles in the 30 minutes. This week I am running/walking 2.25 Miles during the workout ... my question is, "should I take it up a notch or will these speeds get me where I want to be?"

    Where do I want to be? I want to be able to run a 5K in 30 minutes or less. Really, just being able to run for 30 minutes or more would be excellent too because I have a friend who is coming to visit this summer and she is a marathon Mom... I would like to go for a run with her and keep up.

    ANyway, just thought that I would ask those of you who are running on a treadmill to see what your speeds are.

    Make it a great day!

    I am slow as a snail - 3.7 - 3.8 running; 3.0 walking (sometimes slower if I'm winded). I can see the gradual increase in speed though. I used to be 3.5 - 3.6 running when I first started.
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    I started the C25K walking at 3.5 and running at 5.5. When I got to the 20 and 25 min runs my HR was hitting 190/195 which obviously isn't good. It didn't get any better after a week at that pace, so I dropped to 5.2 and have been able to maintain a HR of 160-170.

    With the Bridge to 10K, which I just started, I've been doing 5.2 for running and 3.0 for recovery since it's only a 1 min break between 10 min runs and I really want to get my HR down.

    My goal in the past was always to sustain a 10 min mile pace, but I was never able to do much more than 1 mile no matter how in shape I was or how hard I tried. I think my legs are just too short to do it :P The fastest 5K I managed was at 5.7 mph.
  • MissKMN
    MissKMN Posts: 119
    Hey all...I am looking to start the C25k and I live in Florida...it's really too hot right now (and would kill my knees) to go running outside, so I am wondering how many of you do this on the treadmill?

    I just feel like on a treadmill you will constantly be adjusting your speed, especially starting out. Is it possible? Or is it just really annoying?
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    Hey all...I am looking to start the C25k and I live in Florida...it's really too hot right now (and would kill my knees) to go running outside, so I am wondering how many of you do this on the treadmill?

    I just feel like on a treadmill you will constantly be adjusting your speed, especially starting out. Is it possible? Or is it just really annoying?

    I do it strictly on the treadmill for now. It's really not bad. Yes, you're adjusting your speed ever few minutes, but believe me, you're ready to do it when he time comes! LOL!
  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    Starting week 2 this week! Saw this link in another thread... So I thought I would say hello!!! I am also blogging my ChaLean journey and including some c25k in there as well... it is easy right now.... but I am sure I will have more to say about it as i get further in! :-D
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    trying to start this too. I have been walking 2 miles nearly every day for 2 months so ready to kick it up. Going in for a running physical with a PT specialist on Monday hoping to get the ok from the Dr to start a running program.
  • e1lindsay
    e1lindsay Posts: 230
    I did the first 4 weeks on the treadmill, because it was winter...then i started running outside over the past couple weeks because i have my 1st 5k coming up on May 8th and my boyfriend kept saying i needed to get used to running outside...as he said, "The race isn't going to be on the treadmill!" lol...i still go back to the treadmill when the weather is icky but running outside is more enjoyable/engaging to me...
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    I did the first 4 weeks on the treadmill, because it was winter...then i started running outside over the past couple weeks because i have my 1st 5k coming up on May 8th and my boyfriend kept saying i needed to get used to running outside...as he said, "The race isn't going to be on the treadmill!" lol...i still go back to the treadmill when the weather is icky but running outside is more enjoyable/engaging to me...

    Did you find running outside harder? I've heard it is which is why I'm a bit scared to try to run outside. :embarassed:
  • e1lindsay
    e1lindsay Posts: 230
    it is a little harder, physically...the treadmill offers a little more "bounce-back" then the road, so it's harder on your joints...just make sure you have good shoes and i try and stick to only doing it a few days a week outside so i have time to recover. i make sure to warm up my knee and ankle joints before i go and stretch good after. But it is soooo much more enjoyable outside! you have passing scenery and your music and time goes faster for me. plus, if you chart your miles, it gives you a much greater sense of satisfaction and success! i use this website, you can map out your route, plug in how long you went and it gives you your pace time!
  • MsP90X
    MsP90X Posts: 1,053 Member
    Thanks for all your help everyone! I am going to stick with 3.9MPH for walking and 5.5 building up to 6.0 for running (so I can get in that 10 minute mile).

    Completed W1D2 and it was a breeze.