I'm with Shanolap! And with that, my goal this week was not to lose any weight...just to hold steady. It was a suggestion a friens made and while I'm not giving myself freedom to go hog-wild, I'm giving myself a little slack ! Good luck!
Thumbs up!
Trickster! But congrats on not smoking and the weight progress you've made so far!
I think you should just take the day for what it is...a Holiday! As long as you've been good up until, and don't get absolutely nuts, enjoy the family meal and back on track the next day. That's what I plan on doing for Easter Sunday.
I also hate it when people don't watch their kids in public! Rolling on the floor, screaming, licking random items. Ugg.
Just climb back on the wagon. I am usually "good" for two days and then go into a frenzy. Then I get back on track. I feel your pain!
I am glad you are here, and I am glad you have made an appointment with a therapist. You are not alone, as you know by the stats you posted. I also hate the feeling the nearly frenzied need to eat. I'll ask myself what is really hungry - my stomach,my mouth, my head or my heart? Usually it's more my mouth or heart. While…