Easter Sunday Famiy Tradition

This year will be the first year that my husband and I would be together for Easter. Last year, he was working in Kansas City and the year before, he was working in Mississippi. This year, we were smart enough to schedule our vacations during the same time. His family's Easter Tradition is to have an Easter Egg Hunt and HUGE crawfish boil. I LOVE CRAWFISH!!! I can honestly say that I have NEVER ordered less than 3 pounds in one sitting. Problem is, I have been doing SOOOO well this week that I don't want to mess it up in one day. Those little meaty salty yummmy morsels probably can pack on the calories and not to mention sodium. I have researched and researched, only to find different answers to this one simple question. HOW MANY CALORIES ARE IN CRAWFISH? Does anyone know the answer to this question? If not, does anyone have any advice on what I should do?



  • MattySparky
    MattySparky Posts: 771
    they are good arent' they... honestly I would think they would be VERY similar, pound for pound, with Shrimp or prawns. Of course how and what they are cooked in makes a difference but that would probably be a really good comparison.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    I want to know also - all I know is to drink A LOT of water to flush out the salt. I don't think crawfish itself is too bad....
  • MattySparky
    MattySparky Posts: 771

    I just searched this... only down side is it doesn't show sodium... maybe type it into your food diary and see what comes up in the sodium aisle.... I bet it's just like shrimp.
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    I feel your pain, sorry I cant help, I dont know anything about crawfish, but the fact that it is seems its going to be fried cant be good.

    I guess the best suggestion, would be to do a vigorous workout the morning before, to try and offset your eating for that day.

    Goodluck girl
  • coderchris
    coderchris Posts: 79 Member

    Found this on the web. This is for 3 oz , I am not sure how many 3 oz is. I do not think it is the calories that is going to get you but there is a lot of salt in the little buggers. I love shrimp the same way. I just count out a serving (2 doz) and that is all I eat, along with veg and a baked sweet potato. It makes a good meal. Good luck hope this helps.
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Love me some crawfish!!! Goes best with beer!!! Crawfish is usually boiled in a salty water with seasons. Usually spicy. It can be fried as well. Does not taste like shrimp though. I think I would rather eat crawfish than shrimp if given the chance. My entire family is from Louisiana. Makes my weight loss tough...
  • beevee84
    beevee84 Posts: 9
    I think you should just take the day for what it is...a Holiday! As long as you've been good up until, and don't get absolutely nuts, enjoy the family meal and back on track the next day. That's what I plan on doing for Easter Sunday.