

  • Water retention and inflammation can account for that. You're not going to gain anywhere near that much muscle or fat in 8 days (nor will you likely lose that much, either).
  • Gaining weight may reflect water storage or inflammation (or de novo lipogenesis - fat gain). Weight does not necessarily mean you're gaining fat. That being said, I'd invite you to consider how many carbohydrates you're eating. As long as you have glucose in your blood, you won't burn fat. Your base metabolic rate will…
  • Personally, I don't think fat is generally the problem. Suppose the only calories you ate were from fat. Any fat you ate beyond your metabolic needs would be delivered to adipose tissue (fat tissue). In that event, you could easily determine how much fat you actually need, but it would vary greatly from day to day. That's…
  • If you've been abstaining from other foods, you might be deficient in some vitamin or mineral...just a thought.
  • I'm not sure I have advice on how to fix it. I believe sugar addiction is a real thing, and I'm not sure there are many solutions besides will power and moderation. I truly believe that sugar (and the bigger category of carbohydrates) are a major problem affecting our health, and I think the first step to getting healthy…
    in Sugar Comment by timc_73 March 2014
  • I make 6 cups of coffee in my coffee maker every day, and usually drink it all (or 80+%). I used to put sugar/cream based creamers in, but since I started cutting carbs, I use half-and-half with a dash of cinnamon, instead. FWIW, I've lost about 10 pounds since January 1.
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