Oh dear I'm starving.. What's wrong?

Okay I'm a good dieter I'm a good healthy eater I make good choices.. Problem? All of a sudden something's changed I'm not craving chocolate or sugar but I'm going over my calories and I'm still hungry what's going on?


  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    An open diary would make it much easier to offer advice. :smile:

    Define "all of a sudden"....how long have you been "dieting", do you exercise, if so do you eat back exercise cals, what is your daily goal? How about macros - carbs, fat & protein - how do you come in with those?
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    What is your daily calories set at???
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Maybe you're hungry? Like legitimately hungry?

    Just a thought
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    What's your daily allowance?
  • timc_73
    timc_73 Posts: 6
    If you've been abstaining from other foods, you might be deficient in some vitamin or mineral...just a thought.
  • joan23_us
    joan23_us Posts: 263 Member
    Okay I'm a good dieter I'm a good healthy eater I make good choices.. Problem? All of a sudden something's changed I'm not craving chocolate or sugar but I'm going over my calories and I'm still hungry what's going on?

    seems like your metabolism is improving, if what you said is true, for me hunger is a sign that your body's metabolism is changing and this is the time your body will use fat as energy source, THE RIGH AMOUNT OF calorie deficit does this, not seeing your diary im guessing thats what's happening, usually in a deficit you feel hungry, if you dont feel hunger at all in between meals in my opinion you are in either maintenance level or surplus.
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    You can be hungry from micronutrient deficiencies. A good place to start for supplementation is Paul Jaminet's recommendations:

    3 egg yolks daily, 5 yolks daily for women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant (for choline, folate, vitamin A)
    A bowl of bone and joint broth soup, 3 days per week (for calcium, phosphorus, and collagen)
    Vegetables such as tomato, avocado, potato, sweet potato, banana, green leafy vegetables, and seaweeds such as dulse, daily (for potassium)
    Dark chocolate (>70%), as desired (magnesium)
    ¼ lb beef or lamb liver, weekly (copper, vitamin A, folate, choline)
    fish, shellfish, eggs, and kidneys, weekly (for selenium)
    OPTIONAL: 1 tablespoon red palm oil, weekly (vitamin E)

  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    1. Make sure that you're calorie goal is set reasonably and appropriate to your size and activity level.

    2. Look for foods that have more protein, fats, and fiber. These help us stay fuller and more satisfied longer.

    3. Drink plenty of water.

    4. Play around with meal timings. Some people find breakfast helps keep them fuller throughout the day, others find it makes them more hungry. Some people do very well with six small meals and others prefer only one or two large meals throughout the day. Find what works best for you.

    5. Wait it out. Bodies are weird and sometimes the hormones that control hunger get a little out of whack. If you're certain that there's no physiological reason that you need to eat more then you may just have to wait for your body to sort itself back out.
  • paula5077
    paula5077 Posts: 57
    I have been having the same troubles. I was advised to look up my IIFYM and subtract 10-15%. using that total as my daily calorie intake. (www.iifym.com can tell you all you need to know, including % of protein, carbs and fats) Then upped my protein intake. from 20% to 35%. Has helped!!!
  • kerrywhittaker1991
    Well I've always been a healthy eater so to speak but this time I've been eating well for about 11 months since I had my lo.

    I'm not sure how to set an open diary?

    Today -

    8:30am granola and skimmed milk and coffee

    10:30am wholemeal toast, 2 scrambled eggs, 2 unsmoked bacon medallions

    1:00pm warburtons thin with prawn mayo red onion and cucumber and a bag if velvet crunch rice crackers

    2:30pm - frusli red berry and oat bar

    4:00pm - wholemeal toast and some grapes

    5:30pm - large chicken breast with nandos sauce, large serving of asparagus and a bag of Birdseye Mexican rice

    I'm supposed to be having 1580 calories according to mfp but the past 3 days I've been going over this and still feeling hungry. For the past 5 weeks since I started lifting weights more and got advice I always eat back exercise calories too.

    I'm currently 52.9kg and 168cm.

    Today's carbs are 149 and protein is 114

    And it's 100% not boredom
  • GlitterrMagpie
    GlitterrMagpie Posts: 302 Member
    This might sound strange but are you getting enough sleep lately? I find I get really hungry after a bad night's sleep.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member

    I'm not sure how to set an open diary?
    Click Settings at the top, then Diary Settings, then choose Public at the bottom and Save Changes.
  • Tabithas_Transformation

    I'm supposed to be having 1580 calories according to mfp but the past 3 days I've been going over this and still feeling hungry.

    If it's just in the last 3 days, could it be nearing your time of the month? I know I feel absolutely RAVENOUS the week before and try to quell the feelings with litres of water (to no avail!)
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    My first few months of lifting heavy made me want to chew off my arm. It was such a strange feeling. I upped my cals just a little on lift days and after a while, it moderated. I still have to fiddle around with my calories to stay in a calorie deficit, but not be under eating too much.

    Maybe once you open your diary, someone will have some other ideas.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member

    seems like your metabolism is improving, if what you said is true, for me hunger is a sign that your body's metabolism is changing and this is the time your body will use fat as energy source, THE RIGH AMOUNT OF calorie deficit does this, not seeing your diary im guessing thats what's happening, usually in a deficit you feel hungry, if you dont feel hunger at all in between meals in my opinion you are in either maintenance level or surplus.
    I'm sorry that's just nonsense
  • paula5077
    paula5077 Posts: 57
    lower your carbs and raise your protein and fiber maybe. Has helped me.
  • hestia1986
    That seems to be perfect weight for your height, or actually getting close to the lowest end.
    Perhaps your body just doesn't want to lose anymore.
  • kmglennie
    kmglennie Posts: 40
    I'm with the protein & fiber crew. Up your lean proteins and include them in every meal/snack.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Not enough protein. Carbs won't fill you up very long.