mcdomi Member


  • I've been using Dietchef system for the last 2 weeks so its either: - Muesli with semi skimmed milk and chopped apple / pear - Apple and Cinnamon granola with yoghurt and chopped apple / pear - Spiced sultana porridge, and a piece of fruit after - Muesli Bar and piece of fruit - Weekends - 2 small pancakes with brown sugar…
  • Thanks folks, I will definitely try lifting weights and adding the fatty acids, I hope it will help! Thanks so much and good luck to all of you!
  • Thanks for the replies! I swim and hike and have lost 25lb so far with about 5 left to go. Maybe stage 2 will be toning now, I could try weights, something new! Thanks for the suggestions :)
  • Yes indeed! I only see my boyfriend on the weekends and we like to eat out quite a lot so I really struggle then!! I think setting a weigh in day as a Monday or Tuesday would help, and also just trying to remember why you are on this journey. And if you fall off the wagon on a Saturday, maybe train a little harder on…
  • Thanks so much guys, these are really useful suggestions, and I will give them a go! Hope you all recover soon as well :)
  • I am in exactly the same boat! I plateaued last year, and then got discouraged and gained it all back and then some. I'm trying a low-carb approach this time, something different for me. Good luck to you, I hope we all do great in 2013!
  • I just made a pork stir fry: 6oz lean pork 2 zucchini 1 tsp EVOO 3 frozen ginger cubes 1 tsp chopped garlic 1 400ml can mini corn 2 tbsp hot sauce 1 red bell pepper 1 230 ml can bamboo shoots 1 230 ml can water chestnuts 1 tbsp low sodium soy sauce Just stir fry in EVOO the pork and zucchini first with ginger and garlic…
  • Thats a really good idea - I'm going to try this as well - Thanks!
    in Help! Comment by mcdomi August 2012
  • Some things that are working for me this time around are tips I picked up at the gym: 1) Make your snacks from protein rather than carbs. So I will have a small can of tuna as a snack, or some cooked chicken or egg. The protein will fill you up and is not "moreish" as carb based snacks are. 2) Drink lots of tea! I drink…
    in Help! Comment by mcdomi August 2012
  • Wings - Fries - or Chocolate. But I could eat Indian or Mexican food all week long!!
  • The only gym I can think of that doesn't have a contract is KingWest Fitness in Liberty Village. I think there are a few others that you can do month to month as well, but they charge a fortune for the privilege. You could also look for a yoga studio or martial arts centre if any of those would interest you? Or if you have…
  • Just downloaded this last night, very excited to start using it!! My first pact starts on Monday - I said I would go 4 times next week so now we have to make it happen!! Such a great idea, I think the developers really hit the nail on the head when they designed it! Has anyone else been using it? Had success??
    in Gympact!!! Comment by mcdomi August 2012
  • Having a terrible day and not giving in to cravings :)
  • Awesome, well done!! I'm starting C10k as soon as the snow and ice is gone!!
  • Just ordered the complete collection from - they're on sale now, all 4 for $23.99! There are also workout schedules on the website, can't wait to get started!!
  • Just ordered the complete collection from - they're on sale now, all 4 for $23.99! There are also workout schedules on the website, can't wait to get started!!
  • 53lbs lost?! Incredible achievement, well done!!!
  • Hi Everyone! I'm Michelle, live in downtown Toronto, and I'm on a mission to make this the last time I have to lose weight EVER!! Feel free to add me as a friend and we can keep each other motivated with messages of support! Also, if anyone would like to go to a yoga class or walk together, let me know! Good luck on your…