Bob Harper's Inside Out Method Dvds

Does anybody do these? I asked about yoga dvds and somebody mentioned Bob Harper's yoga one and it lead me to these dvds. I think they look really good and I'm quite interested in getting them now.

Does anybody else do these? What do you think of them?

Here's the link:


  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    I only have his strength one, but it's good. He definitely kicks your butt.
  • His youtube channel has many shorts of his workouts. They look like honest, straight forward WORK!
  • MissMollieK
    MissMollieK Posts: 316 Member
    LOVE THEM!!! I own 2 of them - his ultimate cardio body and body rev cardio conditioning(aka inside out method) and they are definitely a workout you know you can sweat to! I only do them on occasion because I learned from doing them too often, my knees get super sore. I love how he is tough and integrates so many exercises into all of the body. I could only get through 1/2 of the video the first time I tried it- now I get to the end but still love how intense I was pushed. Also love when the young buff guy in the background has a more difficult time than the girls! ha! I say go for it! He rocks!
  • I have the yoga dvd and I love it! I would diffidently think about getting the others. No doubt though, it is very hard!
  • getyupcowgirl
    getyupcowgirl Posts: 70 Member
    I did the kettlebell one last week and I loved it so much that I bought the rest of the set! I can't wait for them to get here
  • lauristewart
    lauristewart Posts: 379 Member
    Bob Harper's stuff is way better than Jillian Michael's ever thought!!! I have the kettebell and the extreme weightloss dvd's......they both rock!!!
  • CPReaves
    CPReaves Posts: 11 Member
    I have 8 of Bob's DVDs and one of his kettlebells. The only ones I haven't done are the Yoga and Bob's Workout (but I do own them). I'm a little scared of Bob's Workout! I LOVE all of them and rotate through them. I think my absolute favorite is Totally Ripped Core. I did 30 days of Jillian Michaels 30DS, and I celebrated I was done and will NEVER do another one of her DVDs, because she annoyed me so badly. As hard as Bob's are, he remains positive and encouraging.
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
  • redfox43
    redfox43 Posts: 39 Member
    I have his set of 4 Total Body Transformation DVD's and they are awesome - extremely challenging but a great workout. I just ordered his set of 4 newest DVD's yesterday - they are on sale for $24 with free shipping this week. I would totally recommend his DVDs over Jillian's!
  • mcdomi
    mcdomi Posts: 20 Member
    Just ordered the complete collection from - they're on sale now, all 4 for $23.99! There are also workout schedules on the website, can't wait to get started!!
  • mcdomi
    mcdomi Posts: 20 Member
    Just ordered the complete collection from - they're on sale now, all 4 for $23.99! There are also workout schedules on the website, can't wait to get started!!
  • DevonLigotti
    DevonLigotti Posts: 56 Member
    I have a bunch of them and LOVE them. Very difficult, but rewarding. Be prepared for quads and glutes of steel, he beats on your lower body!! lol
  • oonga
    oonga Posts: 336 Member
    Is there much talking in his DVDs or is it mostly visual?
  • amyk1971
    amyk1971 Posts: 1 Member
    Can you tell me where you found the schedule? I just got these DVDs, but I cannot find a schedule anywhere! Frustration!