What does your breakfast consist of?



  • Freyhb
    Freyhb Posts: 28 Member
    You can customize your eggs...One recipe I'm really loving nowadays is I take 2 tbsp of El Paso Mild Salsa and put it on a heated pan, then cut up some onions and sprinkle those on the salsa, then I break two eggs on top of the salsa (like sunny side up eggs) and top it with green chillies split lengthwise. Cook it for a few minutes till the yolks reach your desired consistency. You have your quick version nbof a shakshuka ready! Have it with 2 slices of Weight Watchers bread and this becomes such a filling meal. I generally have a hard time eating lunch after this.
  • ninalemon
    ninalemon Posts: 36 Member
    I am a creature of habit, I like simplicity. I tend to rotate between a few things: smoothies (kale, fruit, fresh ginger and flax seeds), oatmeal with blueberries and flax or avocado toast on Ezekiel bread.

    Sometimes on the weekends I make pancakes (topped with hot blueberries, mmmm) or bananas muffins.

    I got on a kick for awhile of making a “cereal” of minced kale, raw oats, pomegranate seeds, grapefruit sections, sunflower seeds and flax seeds with almond milk. I loooooove this breakfast but I don’t have that much time most mornings. .....I think I may have to make it this weekend :)
  • SweetestVictory
    SweetestVictory Posts: 9 Member
    edited February 2018
    Hi all, those are great ideas! Here’s the morning routine I've found that works best for me.

    I drink 2 big glasses of water upon arising, put on my workout clothes, do some stretches, make my green drink and drink it 20 minutes before hopping on the treadmill for 30 minutes, with water bottle handy.

    After the treadmill I start cooking 1 serving of steel-cut oats with stevia, coconut oil, vanilla and cinnamon for 30 minutes.

    While my breakfast is cooking I do 15 minutes circuit training. When finished, I drink another big glass of water and check my breakfast. Just before the oats are done I cook two eggs, top off the steel-cut oats with blueberries and enjoy while watching or listening to something motivational for 20 to 30 minutes. Then it's off to the shower and on with the rest of my day!

    If I find I am crunched for time I will either cook the steel-oats while on the treadmill or cook the steel-cut oats in a thermos the night before. I also have scottish oats on hand that only take about 10 minutes to cook, just in case something unexpected comes up.

    This has been my routine for close to a year now and I always look forward to enjoying my breakfast after my morning workout!
  • kdbulger
    kdbulger Posts: 396 Member
    I love quinoa with yogurt and berries.
    Oatmeal + berries and turkey bacon on the side
    Protein shake/smoothie with toast and butter
    Bagel with cream cheese and fruit on the side

    I vary it and keep it fresh. Breakfast is my favourite meal of the day.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    - low prep foods like Greek yogurt, granola bars, cereal with milk, sandwich, dinner leftovers, fruit, cottage cheese, instant oatmeal
    - usually just drink water
  • wi1234567890
    wi1234567890 Posts: 57 Member
    My breakfast has been the same for the past several months and consists of 2 eggs, 1 oz feta cheese and 3 oz tomatoes. Sometimes I add blueberries and half of an apple to that. This is my favorite breakfast combination so far and I am not bored of eating it every day.
  • balvis3919
    balvis3919 Posts: 60 Member
    I eat keto so mine will be different. I eat:

    1oz onion, cooked
    1oz mushroom, cooked
    1-2 oz sausage, cooked (measured before cooking)
    All scrambled up with a 1/2oz cheese and 1T sour cream.
    16oz coffee
    3 squeezes of my sugar free sweetener
    2T sugar free to rank coffee syrup and
    3T half & half.

    Every day is the same. I mix my proteins up though. I switch between sausage, bacon or steak.
  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    I have been doing some research and came to the conclusion that every morning I will be having a cup of coffee (sorry but not black), oatmeal (tastes horrible but they say it’s one of the best), and 2 hard boiled eggs (with or without yolk?) Just wanted to maybe get some other options from you guys and hear what y’all make for your breakfast. As they say it’s the most important meal so I really want to focus on getting all the “goodies” in just in case the rest of my day doesn’t go as planned!

    Why would you eat oatmeal if you don’t like it? There’s no reason to eat something you don’t like. It’s not as though you need oatmeal to be healthy or to lose weight.

    Eat the egg yolks if you like them. Don’t if you don’t. Just log them if you do.

    Breakfast being the most important meal of the day is just a dumb saying. It’s not a fact.
    For that matter, whatever you eat first after waking up is technically breakfast even if you eat it at 2pm.

    Eat what you like. Log it.

    I rarely eat breakfast.
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    I always have cereal and milk, plus yogurt sometimes. (Not the oatmeal hot cereal I see promoted so much on here).

    Then I have a boiled egg with a slice of toast, and a cup of tea.

    Sometimes jam, marmalade, ham, cheese, etc, instead of the egg.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    It's somewhat variable, but one of my usuals is a couple of eggs cooked in some manner or another over pinto beans and smothered in red chile sauce (New Mexico thing) and usually a side of Canadian bacon or something.

    I have oats on occasion and I usually do them savory...oats on their own are boring and I'm not one to put fruit and whatnot in them as I prefer savory...


    Just a few...there's all kinds of stuff you can find on-line.

    Healthy doesn't need to be bland and boring...
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    When I get to work, I have a cup of black coffee and a tall glass of cold water.

    Me too. I hold off and have a big, filling lunch, hearty afternoon snack and large supper. No need to eat anything you don’t love. There are a gazillion options
  • Kelkat405
    Kelkat405 Posts: 166 Member
    Double protein English muffin toasted with PBfit everyday
  • hroderick
    hroderick Posts: 756 Member
    a slice of whole wheat bread (60) and a serving of pbfit on it (50).
  • its_me_april
    its_me_april Posts: 57 Member
    I do breakfast a bit later, after coffee and water...1 cup egg whites topped with ketchup and 2 pieces Dave’s killer bread powerseed toast with spray butter (sometimes jam on 1 piece) is my “go to” savory breakfast. If I need something sweet, I go for kodiak cakes with added egg white, topped with whip cream, berries and SF syrup, or a yogurt bowl with Splenda sweetened Greek yogurt, berries or apples, SF syrup and kashi toasted berry crumble cereal. Those are my “faves.”

    Personally, I like protein and carbs in the AM and tend to eat more fats around dinner time / after dinner since fat tends to make me feel more sluggish / heavy.
  • ChubbyMcChubface
    ChubbyMcChubface Posts: 21 Member
    I'm partial to a handful of diced mushroom, a handful of diced green pepper, 3 large handfuls of spinach, sauteed in a pan till soft with maybe an ounce of diced ham, then crack a couple eggs into it and scramble it all together.

    A hearty, filling breakfast for under 300 calories. Sometimes I'll crumble some feta cheese into it for a little treat.
  • feisty_bucket
    feisty_bucket Posts: 1,047 Member
    I eat my biggest meal of the day first, so that's breakfast. Big bowl of meat and veggies and eggs. Then taper down after that.
  • mcdomi
    mcdomi Posts: 20 Member
    I've been using Dietchef system for the last 2 weeks so its either:
    - Muesli with semi skimmed milk and chopped apple / pear
    - Apple and Cinnamon granola with yoghurt and chopped apple / pear
    - Spiced sultana porridge, and a piece of fruit after
    - Muesli Bar and piece of fruit
    - Weekends - 2 small pancakes with brown sugar and lemon juice

    Usually accompanied by a large black coffee with 1 sweetener

    It's my favourite meal of the day :)
  • karenmi
    karenmi Posts: 242 Member
    Same thing every day, have for years - 1/2 cup All Bran Buds for the fibre, 1 TBSP Hemp Hearts for a healthy fat, 3/4 cup 2% Plain Greek Yogurt for protein and 1/6 cup dried sour cherries for some sweetness. Boring but easy to eat at work and fills me up.
  • chantalemarie
    chantalemarie Posts: 66 Member
    i eat 2 pieces of rye toast, 2 tsps of butter/margarine, and half an avocado. sometimes i'll have a glass of chocolate milk to go with.