Ucsb23 Member


  • So its been a tough past week for me. I caught a cold which put be down and I missed three workouts. I jumped back in on Sunday with Legs and Back. That workout always makes me more sore than the others. I'm feeling good and can't believe we are all going to be done in amonth. Time flies by.
  • HI all! So this has not been a great week for me. I had to miss three days in a row due to crazy hours at work. I jumped back in today and feel so much better. I was missing the workouts and could feel it in my body. I'm going to make sure I do not miss a day for the rest of the program. Its harde to believe that phase…
  • Hey everyone. So were over half way done. Next week is a rest week and I'm looking forward to it. We are starting eight week correct. Anyway, I went to the dfoctor to get my annual physical and his scale had me 8 lbs down since starting P90x. I have lost a total of 23 lbs since July and have gone down a pant size. I'm…
  • SO I got home last night and relized we are in week 7 and not week 8 so its not a rest week (I was hoping). I got my chest, triceps and shoulders routine done last night. I was dragging when I first started it but it was over before I knew it. I also got alot better from last week so it's working. Were almost half way…
  • So life has been busy as usual. I went on a mini vacation for three days and did not get a single workout in. I did jump back in yesterday doing legs and back. I got on the scale yesterday morning and it was 5 lbs heavier....WTF? Any ways, I got back on this morning and was down 3.5 lbs so it must have been water weight or…
  • Another week down. I did legs and back on Saturday and I was so sore yesterday. I couldn't do Kenpo ysterday because of the soreness so I took a rest day and got the Kenp in today. I haven't been on the scale lately but my clothes are fiting much better. This has been a good experience so far but I will be happy when the…
  • I woke up and took my 30 day (alright 29 day) pics and got really motivated. I saw results and can't wait until day 90. I have along way to go but can see a difference and excitied about whats to come. I did chest, shoulders and triceps today and it was a good workout. I totally had to do knee pushups most of the time but…
  • So I got home and did not feel like working out but thought of all of you BRINGING IT and pushed play. After 15 minutes, I was into Kenpo X and pushing really hard. I really enjoyed the workout tonight. I managed to finally lose a couple pounds by adding more carbs to my diet. Maybe I needed more energy or somehtuing but…
  • Hey everyone. It's been one busy week and past week but I have got in all my routines but not have had time to check the posts. I was excited about the recovery week until I saw that Yoga is thrown in there twice. I love to yoga at the studio but the P90x yoga is not so fun. I have to push really hard to get through it. I…
  • It's been a busy week but I have been able to get all the workouts in. I'm really starting to love the arms workout...not so much on the ab ripper. I got on the scale and have only lost 1.5 lbs since starting but have lost an inch off my waist. Love reading all the posts. All you guys are such great motivation. It's goiung…
  • Took me awhile to find the second thread but here I am. I have managed to get all my workouts and I am feeling great. Legs killed me on Saturday so I did Kenpo X yesterday. I haven't been on the scale yet but my belt is one notch tighter so I think it's working.
  • Just got done with arms and shoulders and I'm feeling great. I was able to improve from last week and was even able to get through the bonus round. I dragged yesterday through Cardio X (was not having a good day) but I pushed through it and thought of all of you. The ab ripper is still though. I still can't make it past a…
  • Alright. I got my workout in today but it was tough. I took a rest day yesterday and Kenpo X because my body was so sore. I did get on the scale and I was 2 pounds heavier :( This is my own fault as I enjoyed the weekend a little to much. I still pushed play and got through it. The post do provide much motivation. Thanks…
  • I missed yoga yesterday due to time constriants. I got it in this morning and was only able to fo 45 minutes. I guess I'm not that flexible....yet!!! Did legs and back today and I loved it. I think that is going to be my favorite workout. Thanks for all the updates!!!
  • Finished day 3!!! The ab workout is instense. I could only do a few of each. I really do need P90x. Thaks for the motivation everyone.
  • a cup sounds about right. I just divide into four equal parts and save for lunch and dinners for the week.
  • My legs feel like there going to fall off. My hamstrings are burning but it feels good. Thanks for the motivation!!!
  • WTF? Just finished my first P90x workout (doing lean program). I'm beat. Good workout. Can't wait until tomorrow. What a challenge.
  • Going to enjoy the weekend before 90 days of hell to satisfaction start :happy: See you on Tuesday Mr. Horton.
  • I'm in. It'll be my first time. Just ordered it last night.
  • I'm in!!!I've also never done the program but know I will need some motivation to follow through.