People starting P90x 1st September

Im going to be forward, and look for people starting P90x on/around the 1st September. I decided to, and have been working towards doing it - if I start on 1st Sept, it puts my finishing date at 29th November (...if my maths is correct, which seeing as Im a bit rubbish at it, it may not be.) Thats my fiance's birthday so it is a good motivation to stick to it.

Basically it would be nice to have the support and motivation of others doing it at the same time. I have never done P90x before, and I know its going to be a huge challenge, and I feel I will be more likely to stay the distance with a bit of encouragement! Im currently on Level 3 of JM's shred, so hope Ill be a little prepared for Mr Horton's regime! Im going to do before and after pics, measurements and weights etc etc...

Hopefully there are some other people out there who would like to join in?!?! :smile:


  • ginicoui
    I'm in! I bought de DVD 2 month ago and waiting the end of summer for start. It's the good time to start! My english is not perfect, I'm french first so.... :wink:
  • Ucsb23
    Ucsb23 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm in!!!I've also never done the program but know I will need some motivation to follow through.
  • katekentlaw
    I'll jump in. I started a few weeks ago, but have been really inconsistent with it. This will give me something to "start over" and push myself through the workouts.

    My greatest challenge is that I'm a law student taking night classes while working a full time job as a law clerk. I do my workouts at 5 A.M. every morning, but that's rough when I was up until midnight the night before studying. But an extra hour of sleep doesn't make me feel energized for the long day NEARLY as much as a good workout, which iswhat I have to keep in mind when I'm tempted to hit snooze.
  • samand25
    samand25 Posts: 30 Member
    Me too! Ive just bought all the equipment, now just need the motivation to actually stick to the routine rather than skip the bits I dislkie!