P90X Support Group...



  • yeehawww
    yeehawww Posts: 28 Member
    hey everybody!

    just finished Cardio X! Felt good, i just wish it were longer! I usually do 2 workouts a day, one strength one cardio. but on cardio x/kenpo x days i usually just go for the p90x workout. since cardio x is so short and i can really tell my body is getting used to it i think i might try and throw in some pop pilates later :)

    anyways you guys are doing awesome! keep it up and rock it!
  • roballesteros
    I am so glad I found you guys, I thought my motivation was lost! You guys are addicting in a good way and you keep me in check!

    Sunday was busy for me, my son had a swim meet, which can take all day but I was determined to get in Kenpo, even if I had to sacrifice my run. I managed to do Kenpo before the meet and talk about getting out pent up frustration....just imagine anyone or anything that has been a stressor in your life as a target and you really get into it. I guess I was doing that because according to my HRM I burned 75 more calories than I did the first time I did this DVD. I was a good workout!

    Today was rest or X Stretch and I decided to go with X Stretch...it felt really good. I was a little soar from Legs and Back on Saturday but after Stretch I felt much better, soreness was all but gone. I then went on a long run....I feel like a million bucks especially now that my group is back! :happy:

    I am going to plan a party for WHEN (not if) myself, Jay and Wendy conquer the dreaded PULL-UP and when Mike is able to do the crane in Yoga X......(I am just wondering whose idea it was that we should even attempted such a ridiculous position...SATAN that's who!) When we are able to complete these terrible things, DRINKS are on me :drinker:

    Make your workout count!

  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Ro... you are awesome! Way to find us now I hope Drew can locate us haha!

    Fun thought - we should have a P90X reunion haha!! PARTY just after results! What a way to motivate us all to work our butts off!
  • drwstown76
    Hey Yall!!!!!!!!!

    I found you.... We filled up an entire message boad! 500 posts! You are right mike, this group is freaking incredible. 2 weeks down for most of us and even more for others! WAY TO GO!!!!

    I read all of your posts and IMMEDIATELY felt recharged.

    Ro... Welcome to this board! I was feeling the same way! Whew....
    Nikki... Time to push forward, you got this!
    Sassy... way to push play today! and the reunion sounds AWESOME!!!!!
    Wendy... Glad you are feeling better! welcome back to the grind!

    I went ahead and did kenpo x today after 3 hours of football yesterday. My legs are SPENT, but it felt good to get some burn in today! Im glad tomorrow is gonna be light on my legs!

    Quote from my girl last night... "Hon, you are starting to get those barbie dolls back already!"
    yesssss! She's refering to these lines near my hips when I am lean... it was nice to hear! She likes them... So i do too! (even if i dont know what the heck it means) haha

    Have A GREAT night yall.... im glad to see this new thread looking so positive. I feel a million times better than i did an hour ago!

    p.s. NEWBIES.... welcome!
    p.s.s. Yeehaw.... You are totally crushing this thing! Thanks for leading the way! :)
  • miss_p90x
    miss_p90x Posts: 97 Member
    Found it :)
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Cardio-X in the books BOOM brought it with sweat dripping!! Damn superman bananas at the end!! Gotta love the burn!! Forgot my chest and back at my parents so going to have to switch or sub... Haven't decided bu might do legs and back and save chest and back for Saturday... Either way I am ready for week three!!

    Congrats to everyone on completing weeks two and three let's continue to rock this!! Keep pushing play!
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Well.. All quiet from my end yesterday.

    My brother came over so I was busy until about 9pm. Then I had to do my hundred pushup challenge (it beat me for the first time) so it was 9:30 by the time that was finished. I COULD have still gotten an X Stretch in but the fiance wanted an early night and she's been very patient with me taking an hour and a half a day out of our scarce time together so far so I thought I'd give this one to her.

    So no X Stretch for me again. Second week running I've taken the rest day over the X Stretch - tut tut...

    Diet & supplement wise I've been doing better the last few days. Mixing my protein shakes up with milk rather than water certainly helps the protein intake and the lactose in the milk negates the need to add any dextrose as a transporter for the creatine - which is a good thing.

    Back to bringing it tonight with the last Chest/Back of this phase!

    Day 15 people! We're smashing this sucker!!

  • msaap
    msaap Posts: 89 Member
    My boyfriend laughed at me yesterday. I was very sick doing chest and back, but I was so determined to do something. I had to take A LOT of breaks, but I did it.
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Msaap... Great way to push through it!
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Hey everyone! Nice to see everyone finding the new thread!

    Day 23 done, Core Synergistics... First time doing this one, and it was pretty difficult!!! Lots of core work and some complex moves that require a little practice LOL. Overall I did pretty well. I've done some of these moves before in Core Cardio from the P90 Master Series, so that helped. But some of the moves were brand new (and HARD)... Glad I watched this video before doing it.

    All in all, I'm enjoying the recovery week, but looking forward to lifting some real weight again next week!


  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    Way to go Msaap! I am starting week 4 today, "recovery" in my book is not yoga for an hour and 1/2 but hey, it is what it is. Good luck to everyone on the start of their new week!
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Day 15 in the bag.

    I felt chest/back was quite easy and stress free for me today. Just pushed on through and it was over before I knew it. In a way, I'll miss chest/back over the next 5 weeks until it makes a return. The banter between the guys in this vid is my favourite :)

    Increased my weights on the moves that needed weight (I'm so far pulling 15kg on lawnmowers and heavy pants and 12.5kg on back flys.) and increased my reps all round (although still no real unassisted pullups!!!). At this rate I'm gonna need to get some more 5kg weight plates as I can only go up to 17.5kg per hand with my current setup!

    ARX was tough as hell, but that's nothing new. I managed 362 out of 339 which is pretty good but still 4 short of my personal best. I know the moves I can go for extra credit on and the moves I struggle to get the 25 on. I'm gonna start playing with adding a little weight into the ARX routine. Today I held a 1.25kg weight plate for the mason twists - too easy, Thursday I'll go for a 2kg plate.

    I caught sight of myself in the full length during today's workout and I have to say I have NEVER in my life had guns like I have right now! I'm seeing BIG changes here guys. Remember, we're half way to the 30 day photo check in! Can't wait to see all your progress!

    I was also thinking I'll put together a video featuring all of us at the end of this thing. I'm quite keen on video editing y'see. I thought some kind of moving montage of our day 1/30/60/90 pics or something. Haven't thought about it properly yet but I bet we could do something pretty cool as a lasting testament to what we're achieving here! If anyone has any ideas, drop me a line.

    Keep bringing it all. Until next time.


  • drwstown76
    Week 3 has begun yall.... Blasting through this thing. Is this program extreme? yup!!! Is this group even more extreme???? You bet your *kitten* we are! Way to go guys!

    Todays workout was pretty extreme... I'm freaking exhausted. I pushed it as hard as I could with chest and back and increased EVERY number. And believe me, I left nothing in the tank. Sitting here in my classroom (30 minutes prior to class) wondering if the instructor would mind if laid down on the hard tile floor until class starts! FREAKING AWESOME WORKOUT! BRINGIN IT!
    push up total - 244
    pull up total - 69

    Ab ripper X was tough... Especially Phifer Scissors, Hip Rock and Raise, and Pulse Ups! wow....

    Jaybone... I agree, the workout flew by today. The very first time i ooked at the timer, there was only 10 minutes left! I was like... "YayY" haha. And I think the video would be an awesome idea man. I would be so grateful if you could put that together. All of these triumphs rolled into one package! Great idea bro!

    Have a good night yall.... Talk to you tomorrow!
  • drwstown76
    Jaybone.... FREAKING AWESOME @ about catching a glimpse of the gun show in the mirror! Way to go my man! BOOM!

    msaap... Way to push play! Thats a way to make things happen.

    A very wise Jedi once said... "you do or do not... there is no try!"

    Bring it Yall!

  • Ucsb23
    Ucsb23 Posts: 27 Member
    Took me awhile to find the second thread but here I am. I have managed to get all my workouts and I am feeling great. Legs killed me on Saturday so I did Kenpo X yesterday. I haven't been on the scale yet but my belt is one notch tighter so I think it's working.
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Just thought I'd follow suit and throw up my totals:

    168 total pushups - 136 week 1 & 152 week 2

    53 total pullups (1 unassisted...) - 43 week 1 & 41 week 2 (both 1 unassisted).

    My ARX numbers for the 7 done so far are:

    130 (yeah, I phoned that one in a bit...)


  • boett_09
    Just started p90x lean yesterday, and I am SOOO glad to find ya'll on here! Hoping to get some tips and encouragement on here, since my hubby is in Iraq for another 5ish months.
  • kriots
    kriots Posts: 375 Member
    thanks for the support ya'll I am just going to move on to week 8. I finished up yesterday with Kempo, and I brought it! I noticed though I am burning less calories than before..maybe b/c i weigh less? or I am used to it?? before was like 520 calories, now around 415... today is my rest day though, I like to go outside and run!
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    "Loving every minute of it" Did Legs and back tonight as i don't have my chest and back disc (left it at my parents *grumble* :mad:) Loved legs and back tonight but dogged it a bit at the end. I was dead tired but loving the pain.

    Ab ripper killed me haha - getting better at it though and feeling better while i do it!

    Keep pushing play team!
  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    Week 4, day 1 done! Just when I think how much I hate yoga, I realize how much stronger I am during the moves. :smile: I definately have to thank everyone on here, when I have my "I don't want to do this today" moments, I think about all you guys kicking *kitten*. :drinker:
    Keep it up everyone, for you and me! Time is flying by and it will be over before we know it.