P90X Support Group...



  • springtrio
    springtrio Posts: 429 Member
    I'm so glad to see it's not just my hunger is thru the roof lately. I finished my food diary yesterday (and I absolutely NEVER eat after 5pm - NEVER) and kept wanting to graze all evening long...I had to go to sleep eventually to get rid of it. I'm going to increase and see where this takes me. Jaybone, you are kicking some serious *kitten*, man! I love your determination.

    Just did a 3 mile run this morning, along with Cardio X, and Ab Ripper. I puked. FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER. And from someone who was once 247lbs...I started intense and nothing has challenged me the way my triple workout did this AM. I'm really sore and have NO idea how I'm going to make it through the day today. WOW. This is intense. I know it's really premature to say this, but I don't know if it's in my head...but I seriously feel the changes already.
  • mwgirl78
    Woohoo! I feel great and am down 1 pound!
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Hey all,

    As promised, and I know a little later than promised, here are my Day one pictures. Please pardon the non contrast I did take them infront of a TV wearing black yoga pants (so not easy to see the bottom half). I did take some in a "bikini" *cough* bra and underware *cough* but I figured I would hold off on putting those out into the world just yet. So here are the befores - aka the Day 1's.




    Makes me want to seriously work to see changes! - I will take my pictures in the same clothes everytime but will change my location on the next progress update so that the definition can be seen a bit better. At the end I will likely post the before and after in my "bikini" wear - haha wouldn't like I should be in a Miss America pageant (though I am Canadian).

    Yoga today - don't know how well I will do, got stung on my ankle walking my dog this morning and it had swollen nicely *great start to my day* so the poses will be a little more difficult to maintain having to stretch the ankle. Wish me luck!

    PS - ARMS and SHOULDERS is the BOMB! Loved every minute of it - seriously! Can't wait til nest week when I get to do it again. It is "the money" workout!

    Keep Pushing Play!
  • roballesteros
    Woohoo! I feel great and am down 1 pound!

    Great Job!
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    Did the Day 2 cardio video last night..... Whew! Did that really get my heart rate up. It sure was a good workout.
    And I found out this morning that my scale was not lying to me. I am down 1.8 lbs from earlier in the week. Yippee!

    This morning is putting the will-power to the test, for there is a plethora of high-calorie foods all about. We are having a breakfast potluck and one of the guys brought in mini-cinnabons and bought one especially for me (the regular size). (he thinks i don't need to lose weight!). Well, I look online and it's 880 calories!!! That's just about 75% of my caloric intake for the day. Yikes!!

    So, what food choices will I make for today? Honestly, I'll probably have 1/3 of the cinnabon (293 cal) and see how hungry I am later in the morning. Other items on the menu for today are huevos rancheros, fried potatoes and french toast.

    I think I will track out my calories for the day this morning so I can see where I'm at and where I need to cut back or adjust. I did bring my lunch today so I know what other food I will be consuming for the remainder of my work day. All I know is that I certainly don't want to backslide on the weight-loss progress I've made this week.....
  • perceyhearts
    Oh man! Plyo kicked my butt yesterday. It also didnt help that it was yet another hot day. I was dead beat after that workout but I told my friend I would do TurboKick with her too. Burned a total of 791 calories yesterday. Today is Week 2 Day 3 shoulders and Arms tonight!

    Hopefully im doing this right..

    Before weight loss.. I like Pizza =]


    Current... I love working out


    After Plyo.. =]

  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Good afternoon you lovely lovely X-ers! :)

    Well I can see that you're all hitting it like maniacs! Feels great though doesn't it?

    Springtrio - Thanks for the compliment :) I'm doing my best to make each day as good as it can be. That's all any of us can ask of ourselves. I tell you what though, this would all be a lot more difficult if I was doing it on my own!

    Wendy - No worries, it's a balancing act eating in surplus. You're not the only one who finds it hard to eat enough food! Thanks for that link, I'll be checking that out as soon as I'm finished writing this.

    MWgirl - Every journey starts with a single step and your first pound is that step. You should be VERY proud of yourself, it's the first of many! Keep bringing it and before you know it they'll be falling off :)

    Sassy - Good job on getting the day 1 pics done. You'll be glad you did when you're comparing them against your day 90 shots! :)

    Jrnygirl - Just do your best to make the right choices daily. I regularly log my entire day's food first thing and see where I need to adjust through the day to hit my targets. I don't always get it right, just do your best (forget the rest).

    Perceyhearts - Plyo is tough, but just push through each movement and each one is one closer to that great feeling you get when you complete it for another week!

    On the subject of diet. If you follow the P90x diet strictly, you shouldn't need to count calories or macro splits etc. I'm doing something slightly different which works for me. Do what works for you and fits in with your goals, just try your best to make every food choice a good one and don't beat on yourself if you fall down occasionally, just pick it back up with the next bite that you take :)

    So.. Day 4 report from Jay's home gym.

    Yoga X was tougher than I remember from last week. I don't know if it's because I've been bringing it all week or what but I just couldn't hold balance for the Warrior 3 and the rest of the one legged poses. I tumbled and crashed all over the place but I kept on picking myself up.

    You know what I noticed doing Yoga this week? I noticed that it comes in waves of difficulty. Just as you think it's getting too tough and you can't carry on, Tony announces that's the end of that phase and we go into something easier - which doesn't last too long as it builds in intensity again!

    I didn't manage everything by a long shot. I wimped out on a few seconds of every Yoga belly move and I couldn't manage crane for more than a few seconds at a time. I stuck with it though and pushed through. If it was easy it wouldn't be much of a workout I guess.

    Anyways, Om's over, I once again find myself drenched in sweat, drinking my recovery shake on my yoga mat and writing up my report. And you know what? I feel good!

    I'm gonna go take a shower then I'm out to the in-laws for dinner (salmon with almond topping, good solid protein!).

    Until next time folks, keep pushing play, keep bringing it and keep logging in here with your field reports. It's our common goal here that keeps me going!


  • lmp176
    Struggled with Yoga AGAIN... Did better than last week but I think my problem is not knowing what the moves are and having to look up at the tv when I'm supposed to be focused and concentrating on other things. I will be home on Sunday (my rest day) so I think I'm going to do X-Stretch to gain some additional flexibility and go through the yoga poses one by one and actually hit pause on the video.

    Legs and Back tonight with ARX. This is my 2nd favorite workout behind Kenpo which is tomorrow :o)

    Keep up the great work everyone! So glad to have you all as a sounding board and an inspiration!

  • mwgirl78
    lmp176 - Yoga is definitely tough, after you go through it a few times, listening will be enough to complete each exercise. The movements are so tough for me! After 25 minutes into the program, I roll my eyes at each vinyasa (sp?), but I push through what I can do and try to do better each time. Repetition is key! You can do it!!! Yoga! Yoga! Yoga!

    I love Kenpo too! My favorite is the elbow exercises, they feel awesome on my triceps and shoulders.

    jayb0ne - Thanks for the shout out! I am so ready to kick my weight's butt!

    Bringin' It!!!
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Hey gang!

    Glad to see all of you bringing it every day and posting your updates! Everyone is doing so great, and it is contagious!!! Keep posting your updates, you just might motivate someone to push harder and bring it with more intensity!

    I did Legs & Back / Ab Ripper X this morning to complete Day 12. My pull up numbers are getting better each time, and I added more weight to the weighted leg exercises. Ab Ripper kicked my butt as usual, but I know it won't be too long before I'M kicking IT'S butt.

    For pull ups, I just wanted to share what I'm using. A while back I bought the Lifeline Pullup Revolution. It's a pull up assist device that lowers the resistance of your pull ups by helping lift the weight of your body. It's adjustable in height and tension, and helps you keep proper pull up form while lightening the load so you can do more reps. So for each set of pull ups, I start by doing as many as I can do UNASSISTED (which by the later sets may only be 1 or 2), and then when I hit failure I stick my foot in the loop and it helps me crank out a few more. It seems to be really helping me increase my numbers. I prefer this over using a chair because with the chair you end up using your leg to help more and more with each rep, which I think may lessen the effectiveness of the exercise. I equate it to doing bicep curls and lowering the weight for each rep. Anyway, I know the chair works for lots of people, I just prefer the Pullup Revolution!

    Tomorrow is Kenpo X for me, and then X Stretch on Sunday. Hope everyone has a great weekend!


    Oh, P.S.... I just pre-ordered P90X2!!! It will be here before the holidays! Merry Christmas to me!
  • roballesteros
    Completed Yoga X today...I'm glad I had done some yoga in the past because I would have been completely lost. I really, really enjoyed the balancing part of it. Well that closes out day 4 of P90X, tomorrow will be tough for me to get P90X in, as I am huge college football fan and it's college football day....may have to get up at the crack of dawn to get it in :-/ ......I am committed...I WILL DO IT!

  • mwgirl78
    I have a question for everyone...my office has a cafeteria...the cafe has a salad bar, which I love!!

    The only scale is how much the entire salad weighs, so I'm not sure how many calories to log...I usually try to keep my salad to about .5 pound (if that), thoughts?
  • drwstown76
    Good Afternoon Everyone! :)

    Day 4 already! Yoga X. Ya know, its funny, you don't think you are getting a good workout in until about halfway through it and you are sweating bullets and feel like you might die... Great workout. I forgot how much I LOVE yoga belly 7! It's great. Also, the last few minutes with corpse and the meditation pose are really good for me because I never stop moving. Always having to be more effecient and wise with my time... So that last part is a built in break. Im grateful for that.

    I also did Asylum Speed and Agility this morning... It totally kicked my butt.

    On a personal note, I weighed in for my weight loss competition today. 183.2 lbs. I couldn't believe that number. 5 lbs in less than a week? I must have been carrying some serious water weight, but it certainly was nice to see that number drop! I can't wait for my day 30 pics!

    I agree with Jaybone when it comes to diet... You really do have to do whats best for you. I follow the nutrition guide EXACTLY because that is what works for me. I will say, however, that when I reach my goal weight of 168, then I will definitely increase the calories and the protein intake.

    Mike... You are rocking it out man! Keep it up! Day 12 already... you are flying through! Ab Ripper cant see you!!!!

    Sassy... Hows the ankle?? Im sure that didnt feel great during yoga x. Way to push through it though!

    You guys are truly inspiring! All of you!
    Thanks for that!
  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    Hey everyone! Glad to see that everyone is doing their best on workouts and feeling the burn. I have yoga today and agree with the fact that is kicks butt! Jaybone you are the s**t just for being able to do the crane at all. I love reding your posts, it brightens my day and gives me much needed motivation. I have been a little :indifferent: for the last few days, but still managing to bring it. I have lost 1 1/2 pounds so far and super stoked about it. Sassy I hope your ankle is better and once again I am jealous of day 1 pics. I found the one I took before I started the failed round of P90 and boy oh boy, not pretty. It would break the computer screen if I tried to put it up.:laugh: I kind of regret not taking any this time around but I will get over it. Keep up the great job everyone. Mike and Drew you both rock it like no other! Thank you everyone for being the cheerleaders in my head that keep me going :flowerforyou:
  • cjcooper04
    cjcooper04 Posts: 9 Member
    I started P90X on Sept 5... so I am a day ahead of the group but I don't work out until the evening so when I get on midday I can chat about the night before. I am doing P90X with my fiance, Matt, to get in shape for our wedding April 2012. I had lost 11 pounds in the early spring and have since gained it all back. I started a different job and started slacking on my diet. So now I have the weight to lose plus extra vanity weight for the wedding. So far I have enjoyed P90X. I am very sore, which proves it is a tough workout. My biggest concern is gaining weight before losing it. I know initially there will be weight gain from muscle building. For those women that have done P90X before, at what point did you start to lose weight?
  • mwgirl78
    Hi cjcooper04! Congrats on your work so far! I'm completing P90X for my wedding too! I started my program on Wednesday and have lost 1 pound so far, I'm sure that is a combination of water weight and reducing my daily calorie intake. I also try to complete some extra cardio with my vizsla (Penny) during the morning. Good luck!
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Whooo! I make that 5 of us that are prepping for weddings! Can't think of a better way to do it :)

    Mine's on April 28th 2012.
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Oh, quick reminder for anyone who missed it a whole bunch of pages back. If you'd like to have the P90X 'Bringing It' banner in your signature and show the rest of MFP that you're committed to this round, the links are as follows:

    For USA date format (9/6 to 12/4), use this link:


    For international date format (6/9 to 4/12), use this link:


    To add it to your sig, copy/paste it into your signature and change the upper case at either end to lower caseCheers  Jay
  • perceyhearts
    Thanks Jay!
  • miss_p90x
    miss_p90x Posts: 97 Member
    Did Yoga yesterday, I thought it wont kick my butt but it surely did, burend around 450 according to my heart rate monitor.

    I have to say all of you guys are really bringing it, we have to keep all together until day 90 y'all, it really motivates me to work harder when I see the comments how y'all are bringin' it.

    Thanks Drew for the Nutrition tips, and thanks Jaybone for the signature, I have added it under my signature and hopefuly it work as soon as I hit "post reply"

    Good luck to all for todays workout if you have not completed it yet :)