P90X Support Group...



  • roballesteros
    I am not sure how to add my before pics...sorry I am not technologically competent....I was able to add them to my profile page though.

    Jaybone - Thanks for the P90X Banner info...I was able to do that.

  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    I am not sure how to add my before pics...sorry I am not technologically competent....I was able to add them to my profile page though.

    Jaybone - Thanks for the P90X Banner info...I was able to do that.


    You need to upload the pictures to Photobucket.com (it's a free account if you don't have one already) and grab the [IMG]link and do the same thing with changing to lowercase when you post it to the forum. But posting them in your profile is good enough for me :smile: Jay[/img]
  • drwstown76
    My legs are on fire!!!! haha... Its gonna kill me doing them tomorrow, but I am looking forward to doing some pull ups! ;)

    Wendy, are you flexing your feet when you do phifer scissors? I have found that when I flex my feet and I pull my shorts up a tad (because I wear them kinda low... haha) it really feels better on my low back. Let us know how you are doing with those... p.s... Phifer scissors KILL me!

    Just a little fyi for everyone... Up until about a month ago I NEVER ate black beans. Never even tried them (besides in Nachos at restaurants). So lately I have been eating them with lean turkey taco meat at dinner and they are SOOOOOO filling! Im telling you, I couldnt even finish my meal. That NEVER happens.

    Day 4 is in the books yall! Lets keep this ball rolling! we are really crushing this thing yall..... BOOM!

  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Hey P90X'ers!

    Day 4... YOGA! For those of you who read posts before September 6th or have been keeping up with the healthy doses of reality we are each bringing to the table after our workouts you would have heard me say that I am not a fan of Yoga and you would have heard kind contradictions by Jay and Mike (I believe) toting the great workouts. Well... having now completed the FULL 1.5 hour routine I am a changed woman!! My goodness was that rewarding! Difficult but rewarding! I am so glad I got through the million and two 'vinyasas' - however it is spelled haha! The balance poses were amazing and the 7 abs time was killer but so worth every second - the cool down! FAB! So how did it all go?

    I was dying through the warriors but really dug down deep and though I wasn't supposed to think anything you all came to mind - I thought of Wendy and the yoga party, Jay and his battles with balance, Drew and his comments on the rewarding corpse at the end, Mike and his calorie torching and I pushed through it. I continued faithfully with only one pause after the first 30 minutes for water and to shake out my arms (though they were shaking enough through the routine).

    For the first time EVER I made it past the 45 minute mark - half way for those who haven't done the routine as of yet :drinker: I heard Tony say those AMAZING words "this is our last 'vinyasa' for the night' FINALLY!!! No more skipping the push-ups and wishing I could stay in either upward facing dog or downward facing dog long until the cool down. I was super pumped to see what came next.

    BALANCE!! :love: Amazing, I felt like my mind was finally clear and all I had to focus on was staying still and enjoying the positions as Tony called them out. Loved it!

    We have all heard about ... the CRANE :noway: I actually gave it a try and though I did not hold it for the full 60 seconds and at one point I nearly tumbled through my entertainment unit I was able to hold it for 10 seconds at a time (then 5... then 1). I cannot wait until I can hold that the whole time and I am pumped to hear about your progress on that INSANE pose as well.

    Loving it :heart: - Day 4 in the books and I am super excited to try Legs and Back tomorrow! Ready to BRING IT!
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Getting excited to start the nutrition plan on Tuesday! Read through it again and it sounds delish! Can't wait!
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Don't mirror him he does the leg he tells you to LoL so go opposite.

    Really it doesn't matter because he works both sides but if you mirror him you have to ignore what he says when he says "left foot forward". I that makes sense
  • drwstown76
    Haha! Wendy!

    I have had the SAME dispute... and I argued that you follow the directions and she claimed that "it's easier to just do what he does!"

    Our resolution: We don't do that workout together because I am afraid that I will kick her!


    Have a good one yall!

    p.s. Sassy... Great job on the yoga!
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Hey all, happy Saturday!

    For the record, I don't mirror Tony, I follow the same way as he and the kids are doing it. It helps me stay on track when he says "left foot forward" and things like that.

    Sassy, GREAT job on the Yoga yesterday! I have been enjoying it too!

    Wendy, glad to hear your husband jumped in on Kenpo with you! Question, what schedule are you following? It seems like you're a day ahead of the rest of the group that started Tuesday?? Legs & Back is usually day 5, and Kenpo is Day 6...

    I did Kenpo this morning too, to complete day 13! Almost 2 weeks done! Went out for dinner last night for the wife's birthday and ate way too much, so I'm feeling it today... But Kenpo definitely made me feel better.

    Looking forward to stretching tomorrow, and then kicking off week 3 on Monday!

    Hope you all have a great weekend!

  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Hey all. Just wanted to drop in quickly to say that today has been a constant battle against time to get everything done!

    8pm local time and I'm JUST getting to do legs and back. See you in an hour and a half for post workout review :)

  • roballesteros
    I did the dreaded Legs and Back today...yep that means pull ups....that is just plain torture! My dream is to make it to 3 pull ups by the end of the program....I know it's pathetic but if you would have seen me today you would defintely agree that there is no way she will reach her dream! All joking as side, today's workout was defiitely the most difficult for me....and then just for fun I did ARX, why doesn't Tony Horton just kick me when I'm down but there was some definite improvement from my last attempt of ARX...you were RIGHT mwgirl78!

    Topped it all off with a 3 mile run...that was the easy part!

    Good Luck to all over the weekend....keep pushing play!

    Go Cougars! (Univer. of Houston, that is :tongue: )

  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Ok, I'm done.

    I have to say that today was no fun for me.

    After not feeling too great when I got up, I was straight out for lunch with the in laws, which was all fine but nothing on the menu except pizza. I did what I could and ordered the chicken ceasar salad pizza (very tasty).

    After that I had to go pick my car up from the garage (£300 later and my ride is legal for another year), after which I knew I had to go out and get the last few bits for my Fiance's 30th tomorrow. So I pick up the helium balloons, the banners, the ridiculously oversized card and the wrapping paper. I go to the Next store to pick her up a top and a pair of jeans but the top I wanted to get they didn't have in her size (newly slim size after she trimmed down with me over the last 4 months). They phoned through to another Next store which was on my way home and they reserved the last one in her size. No biggie, I had to go that way anyway to pick up a cake from the ASDA next door.

    Not being a football (soccer for you non-brits) fan, I have no idea who's playing against who and when so I can easily find myself caught unsuspecting by stadium crowds and the horrendous traffic they bring with them! Yep, today was match day at the Manchester City stadium directly opposite the Next and Asda stores I needed to get to. What should have been a 10 minute drive turned into an hour and a half of sitting in slow moving traffic with streams of pedestrians all over the road (in the US, I guess they'd all be booked for Jaywalking right?).

    Eventually got to the store, picked up the sweater, picked up the cake from next door, along with a nice headband I thought she'd like and The Breakfast Club on DVD and I'm out! More traffic on the 10 minute journey home from there turned it into 25 minutes....

    As you can guess I was stressed and hot and sweaty by the time I finally got in the door at around 6:15. Then I had to wrap all the presents which left my gym room in a mess so that needed to be cleaned up. I finally sat down with a cup of tea to watch Biggest Loser which I'd sky+'d this morning!

    8pm rolled around. The last thing I wanted to do was get up to do Legs & Back - which by the way is probably my least favourite strength routine so far. I just wanted to put the feet up and call it a day. I didn't. I pulled myself up the stairs, pulled the shorts and vest on and brought it!

    Now it's 9:30pm local time and for the first time since getting out of bed, I'm going to take a load off knowing I have nothing else to do today - bliss! :)

    Anyways... I guess the reason I'm telling you all this - besides the value of the amusing anecdote about my long *kitten* day ;) - is in the hope that someone here can take away a feeling of "Hey, if Jay can push play late in the evening when he's had a tough day, how hard can it be?".

    Keep bringing it people, we're twice as strong with each others support here!

    Until next time folks, keep it real and keep pushing play!

  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    By the way, if I could weigh in in the mirror Tony debate. It could be indicative of whether you're a visual or an auditory learner. Visual people will prefer to mirror and happily ignore the audio clues. Auditory people will prefer to follow what he's saying and find it difficult not to instinctively put their left leg out when Tony says "put your left leg out" etc

    Could be…

  • Ucsb23
    Ucsb23 Posts: 27 Member
    I missed yoga yesterday due to time constriants. I got it in this morning and was only able to fo 45 minutes. I guess I'm not that flexible....yet!!! Did legs and back today and I loved it. I think that is going to be my favorite workout. Thanks for all the updates!!!
  • drwstown76
    So... Day 5, done and over with. Legs and Back with ARX! Not my favorite workout, but I do love doing pulups!
    I took in about 130g of carbs today, which is a few more than I want. I feel great.... Life is so good!

    Fly Eagles Fly....
    E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES!!!!!!

    Keep pushing play yall! Enjoy your sunday! :)
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    11:51 pm here in Eastern Time and I got in my day 5!! Jay it's seriously all because of you and for that I say thank you!! Thr bf came over and we spent the day at a wedding show the evening having dinner with my parents and the night watching Megamind. We had planned to do yoga together (long story I will save for my week one reflection) but with it being 1.5 hours and us only finishing dinner at 8 we passed. So I waited patiently until the end of the movie contemplating getting up early tomorrow to do legs and back then hit Kempo with the bf in the afternoon. It wasn't until I read your exciting day - scarcasim - jay that I decided that at 10:30 I too could push play and stay on track!

    My legs are spent and I am off to bed looking forward to my favorite workout tomorrow - bring on day 6!!

    Way to go everyone!
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Oh .. Should say no ARX tonight - at midnight it was just too much haha
  • springtrio
    springtrio Posts: 429 Member
    I could use some advice. I'm running a marathon next Sunday, and was wondering what I could do to keep "confusing" my muscles so I can keep P90X working for me. Anyone have any advice? Doing ab ripper, and thinking about something else upper body (not nessesarily following plan)...but I still want to keep my body guessing w/o doing too much damage to my legs since i'm tapering for the marathon. Any advice welcome.
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Morning folks.

    Just a real quick one this morning. In contrast to my late night legs/back last night, I got up early to do Kenpo this morning. 10:30 and I'm done and drinking my shake! :)

    I knew that today was going to be a busy day so the only possible time I'd be able to fit it in would be first thing. Now I am NOT a morning exerciser usually but hey, it's Kenpo X! My favourite cardio workout ever! Loved it just as much as last week :)

    Day 6 in the bag folks. I've yet to decide whether I'll have a rest day tomorrow or if I'll do X Stretch. I'll decide when the time comes..

    Great job everyone for sticking with it. We're pretty much out of our first week!

    Like I say, just a quick one as I've loads and loads to do today. I'll post in later tonight or maybe tomorrow with my 'round up' thoughts on week 1.


    PS - Sassy! Awesome late workout! I'm impressed!! :)
  • quixoticmantis
    quixoticmantis Posts: 297 Member
    Hello all!

    My boyfriend and I have the P90X discs, and have tried three times to finish the program.

    We never do :(

    Something always gets in the way - mostly work and general life ( we live on a farm and there's a LOT of work to do! ) We both usually work 10 - 12 our days and it's really hard to find time to fit in an entire hour of workout out.

    Man, I know this sounds like a bunch of EXCUSES. Which I know they are, so hey.

    How can we get more motivated? How can we make more time? We're both always so freaking tired and worn out at the beginning AND end of every day.

    Plus - I have a very bad back......kyphosis, mild degenerative disc disease, and fusing of certain discs. Any tips on not hurting myself? I always end up hurting myself. :indifferent:

    Thanks everybody!
  • hockeydad40
    hockeydad40 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you all for the motivation like many of you have said I would give up on some moves but I stop and think of what you all would do or say and I push through. Man there are parts of me that are sore that I didnt even know there were muscles there. I had to miss day 4 due to things that day that just kept coming up but I made it up the next day by doubling up. My diet was spot on for most of the week but weekends are killer on my diet. Last night was pizza and beer night which is going to be hard to give up.

    Speaking of diet someone at work gave me an idea for a meal that anyone can tailor to their own liking thought I would pass it on. They are egg white cupcakes. you take your egg whites place them in a cupcake pan mix with some veggies (i tried salsa, next time I will have to drain the salsa first they turned out a little watery) then bake for 20 minutes at 425 degrees. I make them the night before and just heat up in the AM. Anyone else have any quick and easy meal ideas? I usually eat 5-6 at a time that gives me 25-30g of protein.

    I was just wondering if anyone else was thinking about skipping the day off and instead starting week 2 on Monday to move the rest day to Sunday?