P90X Support Group...



  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    Day 2 report... I missed my Day 2 video last night. :ohwell:
    Sometimes there are not enough hours in the day to get everything accomplished. I'm not going to give up though. Tonight's schedule may be a little less hectic and I may be able to squeeze in exercise time tonight before bed.

    I'm determined to make it through the program. Given my schedule and obligations, I know that fitting in exercise on a daily basis is not always doable, but I will make the best of it and continue to push thru and try to accomplish at least 4 workouts per week. My results may not come as quickly as others, but it will still be much better than not trying at all.
  • ocrunner11
    ocrunner11 Posts: 293 Member
    OCRunner... Though Drew started this group I hardly think we are only here for him:laugh: . I know you are being funny but a support group is what it is for all of us. Many a time I draw my motivation from reading posts from those before me - nikki :drinker: and jay especially (not that Drew isn't fantastic - ps watched your video last night and am already excited to see next weeks!:bigsmile: ) We are all in it to win it so to speak - some so that they can have that "photoshopped" body they want, some to bring it a second time around and others it chisle it out before a wedding!! :heart: Yeah three weddings coming up:heart: !!! We should figure out our team name though shortly so that when we roll the forum we have something super awesome that only describes how dedicated we are to ourselves and our fellow P90X'ers! Besides that I hope you are feeling better soon so that you can join in the fun of feeling like jello and wanting more (thats probably the craziest part of this whole journey... feeling like your limbs are going to fall off and not wanting to wait til tomorrow to do it all over again!)

    Wendy - I wish I was on the Yoga day I would so have joined the party - this morning it was what I really needed, a great stretch and some mind clearing! Plyo was intense and my thighs hate me for all the squat jumps!! I would love to help guide you with the HRM but I have no clue how many calories the yoga burns. I sweat like its going out of style when I do yoga not to mention shake like a leaf in a fricken hurricane haha so I think it would be higher but we are all built differently so I would log what your HRM says for now - if you find out it is out of whack then get a new one and give yourself a pat on the back because you have blazzed through more calories than you thought!

    Day 3 – Shoulders and Arms, Ab Ripper X tonight and am already excited!! After working my legs to death I could use some arm focus! Let's hear how day three goes from our frequent writers and let's see if we can't get some of the other committers to comment on how they are feeling - DAY 3!!! BOOM:explode:
    You are so right, everyone on this site is a tremendous help. I am so thankful to be a part of wonderful group, seeking to improve their bodies and with that come a positive attitude. I have learned a great deal from you all. Enjoy the "Bring It" Day:heart:
  • uniqute1888
    uniqute1888 Posts: 182 Member
    Allergies kicked my but... so I missed yesterdays workout... But later today it will be 'X time'...
  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    I am in complete agreement. This group is great and I am super happy to be a part of it. I tried this program on my own before and didn't make it, so I am confident with everyones support here that I can make it through this time.

    Sassy, I am flattered that you get any motivation from me as I am probably one of the least fit people here. I am trying though by golly.
  • mwgirl78
    Yoga tonight!

    P90X yoga is not for the weak!

    I think my favorite is the posing.

    Hope everyone is having a fantastic day!
  • drwstown76
    Good Afternoon Everyone... :)

    So, today is day 3. First off, I would just like to say that my body is KILLING ME!! haha... My chest, back, abs, and especially my legs are on FIRE at all times. I was laying on the floor in the middle of ARX this morning with my eyes closed, just digging as deep as I could to finish strong. While I am in pain, I feel like I can not be stopped at this point... I am soooo ready to start seeing these extra lbs fall off!

    Sassy... I couldn't agree more. This group is full of motivation and unique people with different goals. I can't wait to see what everyone has to say every day. I started this group, but it is BY NO MEANS "my group". I am pulling energy and positivity from everyone. And I am thankful.

    Percey... It's interesting that you have found true love with Dive Bombers. They kick my butt. I really like that Tony ends the workout with those. I feel like, no matter how many Dive Bombers I can do, I can always get better with them! They rock...

    Mike! hahaha! Yoga X! Way to go man... You do an awesome job of pushing through! Tomorrow I'm gonna try a Yoga X/Speed and Agility double... Ill see how it goes. As far as crane goes, just make sure you fall forward or backward when you attempt it. Dont fall straight down! You will be fine... Give it a shot! You can do it!

    Jrnygirl.... I appreciate the fact that you are honest. Just try your best to find a way to get your workout in. Sometimes things pop up. It's understandable... If you make every effort to get it in, then that is all you can expect from yourself. Push play today!!! Let us know how you are doing tomorrow!

    Nikki... You can definitely make it through this program. You are doing such an amazing job already AND I think EVERYONE is pulling some motivation from you! You rock and you are going just as hard (if nnot harder) as anyone here! I am VERY excited to see your final results!

    Ucsb... I feel ya bro. My legs are screaming! haha! Plyo rocks! Keep it up man! Bring It!

    Have a great afternoon everyone... PUSH PLAY TODAY! and check in...
  • lmp176
    Well I am looking forward to Yoga tonight. I know that I half assed it last week due to being exhausted already so I am excited about it tonight. It was great last night to write down increased reps on my worksheet and felt good. My diet may be my killer this week. We've had meetings at work and meetings at work mean lunches that are pre-ordered in and other nonsense. I didn't want to but I had a cookie today so I'll have to work super hard at Yoga.

    I must admit that I am disappointed that I am not seeing a difference on the scale right away but I also realize that I am building muscle and its not going to all fall off at once. Thanks to you all for keeping me motivated to Bring It everyday!

  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    Drew - Thanks for the support. I will keep you updated on progress. I was excited to see a small drop in weight this morning, although I think the scale was lying to me, but hey, I'll take a little white lie now and then to keep me motivated! ha-ha!
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Good evening all - well, it's evening over here in the UK anyway ;)

    Day 3 down, 87 to go! Seems like it's flying by already.

    Seeing a lot of positivity in the group today. A lot of people making the commitment to themselves to push play and bring everything they can to the program. I could name names - Drew, Sassy, Mike, Nikki Etc - but to be honest you're ALL inspiring me to push through with this, every single one of you, with your positivity and spirit! So a huge thanks to you all!

    So, my review of day 3 in Jay's house? Well I'm on day 1 of a 5 day break from work today as it's the Fiance's 30th on Sunday so we're spending some time together. I find it harder to get motivated when I'm outside my weekday routine, so getting my *kitten* up the stairs and pushing play can be a struggle. However, I knew 100% I'd be SOOO upset with myself if I missed a day in my first proper week! So I dragged myself into my gym room (which by the way is pretty sweet, it doubles as our cinema room so I get Tony Horton on a 6 foot projector screen!) and pushed play!

    As this is the first time I've done Arms/Shoulders since logging all my weights and reps, I honestly had no idea how much weight I needed for each movement so I had to guess it a little. Some I got spot on, others I got hopelessly wrong. What with having to switch the weight on my adjustables, the workout with ARX probably took me about an hour and 40. Tough but good!

    By the end of Arms/Shoulders, I felt really spent and honestly didn't think I had anything left in me for Ab Ripper X, but then I thought about all you guys doing it with me today and knew there was no way on this earth I was going to let myself or the group down by missing this vital component. So I took a couple of minutes, refilled my water in the bathroom and rolled out my mat - and guess what? I even topped Tuesday's ARX on reps! I got 299 out of 349 movements and I managed to keep up with 25 of each of the first 4 before I started flagging.

    A towel off and a recovery shake and now I'm sat on my yoga mat drenched in sweat typing my daily report. To think a couple of hours ago I was struggling to get my *kitten* off the couch. Just goes to show, all you need to do is PUSH PLAY and commit to starting it off, each minute flows from the next and before you know it you're done!

    Ok, I'm going to eat something. Keep bringing it and keep posting back here my friends, your progress reports are what keep me pushing myself into it every day!
  • perceyhearts
    @Drew- It was only my 2nd time doing that video but I can already tell a difference and my attitude is all positive with the workouts. =] Love this program! I already plan to get Insanity next!
  • drwstown76
    Jaybone! Dude! That was one AWESOME read... Thanks man! Cheers!
  • roballesteros
    Completed day 3, Shoulders & Arms. I have a bad attitude when it comes to weights but I gotta tell ya I sort of enjoyed it. I will be running 4 miles this afternoon so Shoulders & Arms really fit right in with that! We will see what tomorrow brings!

    Good Luck to All...keep working hard day 90 will be here before you know it!

  • roballesteros
    I almost forgot....Ab Ripper is not for the weak....GEEEEEEZZZ! Will I ever be able to do all the reps??? Doubtful, but I'll keep pushing :happy:

  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
  • mwgirl78

    I felt the same way about ARX, but in time you will be surprised by your ability to push yourself. Everytime I work out I work to take my workout to the next level.

    I believe in you!
  • Elanesse100
    Elanesse100 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm about to finish up my first time through P90X. I have two and a half weeks to go. I will be starting over again right after that (First week of October I think).
  • Ucsb23
    Ucsb23 Posts: 27 Member
    Finished day 3!!! The ab workout is instense. I could only do a few of each. I really do need P90x. Thaks for the motivation everyone.
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    What a day! First despite the heavy rains had an awesome spinning workout followed by P90x Plyo. I am drenched in sweat but my confidence is growing. Getting ready for my long run this weekend.

  • roballesteros
    Thanks for the vote of confidence mwgirl! It's greatly appreciated!
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    I'm really wanting to build muscle with this program so here is my plan: Up my calories from 1100 to 1500, 40/40/20 carbs/protein/fat, measure weight and body measurements every week, body fat ever 30 days (I ordered calipers for this). I'm nervous about adding the calories but I know you can't build muscle on a calorie deficit. Any tips most appreciated!

    Wendy, we're in the same boat. I'm focussing on packing on lean muscle rather than losing weight. I've increased my cals from 1320 (deficit) to 2130 (maintenance) up to 2600 (surplus) with a 40/40/20 split.

    From what I understand, we can expect to gain some fat along with the lean muscle but it's a cycle of bulking and cutting. Gain muscle (and as little fat as we can manage through well thought out diet choices) when bulking, and maintain muscle while losing fat in the cutting phase.

    Work out your bmr including activity multiplier but excluding exercise you plan to eat back the calories for and ensure you're eating that as a minimum plus a small surplus. Gotta make sure your nutrients are getting in at the right times when bulking too. Post workout shakes are a must, along with some slow release protein at bedtime to prevent muscle wastage overnight.

    Let me know how you get on. I'd also appreciate any tips on this subject if anyone has any better info for me. :)

