P90X Support Group...



  • Ucsb23
    Ucsb23 Posts: 27 Member
    So I got home and did not feel like working out but thought of all of you BRINGING IT and pushed play. After 15 minutes, I was into Kenpo X and pushing really hard. I really enjoyed the workout tonight. I managed to finally lose a couple pounds by adding more carbs to my diet. Maybe I needed more energy or somehtuing but it's working. Thanks for all the great motivation guys!!!! Keep pushing play,
  • miss_p90x
    miss_p90x Posts: 97 Member
    Hey y'all- Sorry , I have not checked in lately and missed it yesterday as well. I missed my workout the last two days and feeling bad :(. But, I will be pressing play no matter what today. Hope everyone is doing great, have a great weekend all!
  • KMCColeman,

    Don't give up. I did one round of P90 from January to April of this year. I lost minimal weight but transformed my body to start seeing some definition. I will admit that I did not do Yoga X and only started Kempo X during the last month a saw amaizing resultes. However, the difference on the scale did not happen until after I took a break from p90x. After I stopped working out for a week I dropped about 4-5 pounds. I am thinking it might be related to my muscles recovering. Is it possible that Sore Muscles retain water?

    Anyway don't give up. I started my 2nd round two weeks ago. It was tough but I am right back into it and making it X-like!

  • Afternoon all!

    Well I pushed again but not with Yoga. I'm sorry I can't do 90 minutes of nonsense, its just mind numbing and difficult to do purely based on the fact that your still sore from Back and Biceps the day before. So I did Cardio X which is a little yoga with cardio mixed into it. I also did a supplemental run on the treadmill for some extra cardio. You'd think Cardio would mean more weight loss, right? Wrong..WRONG! Apparently it means weight gain. 1.2 pounds to be exact. And I was WAAAAYYY under my calorie requirement for the day (according to My Fitness Pal it should be about 1440 without exercise and I got an additional 900 calories from my exercise entry). However I did have a fat girl triumph or 2 last night. My drawstring shorts are literally at the end of there rope and too big. I've run out of string to draw them in any further and the shorts part is really big now. I also put on a shirt I did a 5K run for in May of this year and it was majorly big on me which gave me a little incentive. I'm pretty sure these lumpy things on my arms are attempting to be muscles although I can't really be sure since they look a little like unstirred gravy with the skin on top..lol!

    So again I push play in the hopes of further change. Legs and Back with Ab Ripper X on tap tonight. If I survive, I'll add a supplemental run also.

    Paul-I think it has to be muscle or my fat is staging a counter offensive screaming "hell no, I won't go!" Im busting my butt and aside from taking a hacksaw to my midsection, I'm out of ideas as to what to do to drop the Ibs!

    Away I go to push play..everyone BRING IT!!
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,153 Member
    A Pound.....Think of it this way:
    Take a pound of Marshmellows and put them in a pile
    Now, take a pound of Gold and put that in a separate pile.

    Which one takes up more space???
    Go for the Gold.

    You see, its inches lost more than the number on the scale. Sure, some of us need to have that number be less but, if you are loosing inches then all is good. The scale is a worthless tool that someone decided we should live and die by. It's hard to give up old habits but, the scale has to be one of the habits that we figure into our fitness equation....but don't live by.

    Get a bodyfat caliper and take measurements that way....watch the numbers decrease on the caliper (not the scale)

    and again...
    Go for the GOLD
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,153 Member
    30min of YogaX. From 1:15:00 to 0:45:00 (or there about); I did through the Warrior3 sequence and have to say that I did really good. I have really improved on Warrior 3. Somewhere I heard Tony say that its the Stretching and Flexibility training that helps you so that you can lift more wieghts and thus gain muscle. So, while I may only do 30min of the YogaX, I am hopefully getting some of it's benefits. I also did Insanity Max Cardio Conditioning today (had to get some cardio in...yoga just doesn't cut it).

    And, I agree that CardioX could be a good substitute for this DVD. The StretchX dvd is also one that I don't use much....I do other cardio instead.
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!

    Day 33 complete, Legs & Back / Ab Ripper X. I really pushed Legs & Back hard today, increased my weights on all the weighted moves, and made sure to bang out every last rep with good form. I did really well, and was exhausted at the end. Which of course had a negative effect on Ab Ripper X... The pain came early on almost every Ab Ripper exercise today... It's always hardest for me on Legs & Back day, but today was particularly painful, LOL! But I got through as best as I could (Did my best, working on forgetting the rest!) and I feel great!

    Ready for Kenpo X tomorrow!!

  • Hey TEAM X!!!! I don't have time to type out a post... but I really want to get back to everyone who updated today. (especially Wendy).

    Here is my Week 4 update Video! Check it out if ya feel like it...


  • I had a terrible day today, it didn't start out that way and I had everything all planned out which included working out and then like a ticking time bomb things just exploded and I had absolutely no desire to workout. Luckily today was only XStretch for me and I kept telling myself that....I convinced myself that I would feel 100% better if I did it.

    I was absolutely right... I did feel better, so much so that I even went on a short run afterward. Working out is so good for me, not just to keep me fit but also to be able to deal with life's tribulations.

    THANK YOU T. Horton for helping me today!

    I hope everyone of you guys has a fabulous weekend and work out!

    Make IT Count!

  • Good Morning Team X! :drinker:

    I hope everyone is geared up and ready to go for week 5!

    Ro... You are so freaking awesome! Thanks for popping in with your positivity. It goes a very long way in my world... Greatly appreciated! Way to Bring It!

    Wendy... I thought about how you are feeling a lot since I read your blog. I am soooooo torn. I have 2 completely conflicting ways of thinking on your particular situation and Im having trouble deciding which one I think is best. So here is the thing... ill give you both and I hope that one of them helps you. I apologize ahead of time for being so wishy washy.
    1. My heart tells me that you should stick with the program. Any way you look at it, if you finish p90x, it will be an accomplishment. You will be a P90X graduate and that is something that does not come easy for everyone. Especially with schedules and the amount of effort it takes to get through some of the difficult workouts. I firmly believe that EVERYONE should do whatever they can to finish something they start. Sefishly... I would HATE to lose you in this group. Your updates... your attitude... your genuine positivity.... your ALREADY fantastic fitness level are motivational to me and everyone else here. Those of us who are still with this group are in it til the end and you help us almost every day. :flowerforyou:

    2. My brain tells me that this program is not for everyone. People who are already fit... People who are good at making healthy choices.... people who don't have goals that require extreme measures are examples of people who might not benefit as much from this. My brain says that if you feel like you would be better off doing something else... then I say weigh your pros and cons and go with what works best for you. Remember... there are only 64 more days left. 64 more days out of your life... Thats not too many! Btw... I have made tweaks to the program to fit my needs. I get grief from people in my life for my doubles... for my refusal to take rest days... for the pressure it puts on them to make things happen. I am doing what is best for me, so it would not be fair for me to tell anyone what is best for them. I don't know you personally, but I do know that you are aware of your fitness level. Its very high. Your a beast Wendy.

    ok... I hope that helps...

    As for my progress... Today is day 26. Core Synergistics again! Freaking LOVE IT! I hope Jaybone did better with it today
    I have to take apart my recliner and move into another room for this AND plyo... Its worth it tho...

    I have a confession to make... I was laying in bed last night with Shan and we were talking about Core Synergistics and some of the other workouts (bc I have a one track mind! It drives her nuts! haha. She is patient with me... she is the freaking best! I am so fortunate!!!!). She was explaining to me that she doesnt like core syergistics because she doesnt feel like she gets enough burn during the workout. I immediately got frustrated... I just dont understand that. Between the military push ups, banana rolls, dreya rolls, and that one where you lunge and do every exercise known to man... I am freaking exhausted by the end of this thing. It just makes me think that she has the mentality of "i cant do these exercises... so i wont give it my all". I know that if she gave this workout everything she had, she would get a great burn. But I cant make her do it... all I want is for her to take that extra step and work so hard that she doesnt leave anything out there. She did that when she worked out with me over this past week (a couple of nights) and she BEAT MY *kitten* in the weight loss competition. I love her so freaking much that I want her to reach her goals even more than I want to reach my own. Her victories feel like my victories. She has one more gear inside of her... I know it. I cant make her do it though... She is working very hard and I am very proud of her effort. One more gear...

    Ok... thats my thing. Have a WONDERFUL weekend Team X! Push Play and Bring It hardcore! Tick Tick Tick.... BOOM! :explode:
  • miss_p90x
    miss_p90x Posts: 97 Member
    Drew- you are a great motivator, i just watched your video and i loved it. I have been not doing so good this week, missed three days of workout and today trying to get in two of them in, already done with one, and one later in the evening.

    Your comments and video has motivated me for the day. I am looking forward to next week, ready to do some intense workout again as this week was not so great for me :(
  • msaap
    msaap Posts: 89 Member
    Hey guys! Just checking in, my 2 year old has been sick all week. I was waking up at 6am to do my P90X so I'd be ready for her when she got up. It was a wonderful experience, because it made me realize how lazy I was being. I had convinced myself in the past that 6am was to early for me, but I was wrong! I hope everyone had a good week! I had a great week and am ready for week 5!
  • spongela
    spongela Posts: 107
    Just completed my first week of p90x, my legs are killing me from the last 2 days, and my arms and abs were really sore the first 3 days lol, but anyways its been a great first workout week. I had never done yoga before, so i found some of it hard but i kind of like it, so I look forward to hopefully getting better at it. As well as being able to do more push ups and eventually be able to do unassisted pull ups. The only thing i think is that because i am doing the lean programme i am not getting enough cardio, but will see how the second week goes :)
  • Spongela.... Congrats on completing week 1! You are well on your way... :) I love your sgnature... pretty awesome!
    Your numbers WILL DEFINITELY increase as long as you BRING IT every day!
    Great Job!

  • Miss P90X.... Thanks! :):):)

    Msaap... You are really kicking this programs butt!!! Way to go!!! 6 am cant see you at all! BOOM!
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Hey team!

    It's Saturday and that means Kenpo X for me! It was a really good one today, and I brought it hard!!!!!

    Looking forward to a good X Stretch tomorrow to wrap up week 5.

    Hope everyone is doing great!

  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Hey team X. Happy Sunday!

    So, I've been off the grid for a couple of days here. Pretty ashamed to say that I missed Friday's X Stretch. I had a few drinks instead. Then I missed Saturday's Core Synergistics - I was hungover and had to go do some shopping. No excuses really...

    So I pulled a double today. X Stretch from Friday was done this morning, Core Synergistics has just been finished (6:15pm local time). That leaves me one day behind with Yoga to do.

    X Stretch - Well this is my first time doing this routine as I've lamely missed all 3 'optional' Monday X Stretches so far. Looks like I'll be missing it again tomorrow as I'll be doing Yoga to catch up. Yeah.. I enjoyed it... I don't think there was much here that we haven't variously seen over the warmups and cooldowns of the other routines but it's good to do the whole bunch together. Very enjoyable and relaxing, I must say.

    Core Synergistics - Well, I've now re-arranged my gym room/guest bedroom/cinema room to accommodate this workout better. I've created a space whereby I can do bananas, boats, supermans etc to my heart's desire. I've also made enough room so I can have the mat out but step off it for things I don't need it for. Ok, while I don't think this will ever be my favourite workout in the world, I can see the value in it. I made my peace with Core Synergistics today ;)

    Stay cool kids. Keep bringing it!

  • kriots
    kriots Posts: 375 Member
    was wondering if anyone has completed the classic, then started the program over with the lean program? i was thinking of doing this
  • Alderaic
    Alderaic Posts: 294 Member
    lean is an easier version of the program, you usually do the reverse, lean then classic.

    to get leaner, the version is called doubles, and it adds a lot of extra cardio on top of the regular workouts (depending of the weeks, I think it is up to three extra workouts)
  • Happy Monday P90Xers!

    I hope you all had a fantastic weekend of BRINGING IT!! My schedule is Monday through Saturday and Sunday is my rest day which is perfect for me because sitting on my butt watching football with my husband and son is my idea of REST:)

    I'm past the halfway mark and this is Week 8 for me (recovery week). On tap today is Yoga X which I cannot tolerate for more than 30 minutes. My record is 45 minutes because frankly Yoga makes me want to throw things at the TV. You'd think it would be Plyo or Core..nope, Yoga. Hate it and I'm pretty sure I always will. So 9 times out of 10 I swap that for Cardio X and a supplemental treadmill run for 20-30 minutes afterwards. Seems to help me feel the burn and I feel like I've accomplished more than being annoyed..lol!

    So after my rest day I weighed myself and I'm happy to say I am 2.2 pounds lighter. Its not a ton of weight but its something! I also lost another inch around my waist and chest (which my husband isn't too thrilled about:) and I continue to lose inches on my thighs and hips. I'm also 2 jean sizes smaller than I was on Day 1. So thank goodness for small victories. At this point, I'll take whatever victories I can get!

    I hope you all continue to post your struggles and triumphs daily. They definitely keep me motivated to finish and become part of the elite P90X grad program. Keep pushing play everyone!