P90X Support Group...



  • miss_p90x
    miss_p90x Posts: 97 Member

    I dont know much about iphone HRM. But, I use polar Ft7, i had also read couple of reviews before buying and many people recommend either polar ft4 or ft7. I like it as it keeps me accountable during exercise and tells me if I am in my fat burn zone or under it!

    Hope that will help!
  • miss_p90x
    miss_p90x Posts: 97 Member
    Ro- i am another Texan too, hopefully Drew is from around here too!
  • Alderaic
    Alderaic Posts: 294 Member
    Regarding Yoga X, if after one strength workout you have back pain or deep soreness, it helps a lot, like it totally removes the pain/soreness. the added calories burned are a huge bonus as well.

    I found it quite tough the first time, but if I do skip something today it's only the abs section, and I only skipped it once in 5 weeks.
    Get used to it, you will learn to love it.
  • Alderaic
    Alderaic Posts: 294 Member
    then make sure that you are pulling your legs and arms horizontally when doing bananas/superman, especially during the supermans, that's one of the advise from steve edwards to not hurt your back.

    read the following article on that move and especially steve's quote:

  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member

    Jay and Drew, killer numbers guys! Love it!

    I love that we have such a large dedicated group here... Keep it going everyone!!!

    I did day 19, Legs & Back / Ab Ripper X this morning. Had a real good session, definitely feeling stronger all around. Improving form, balance, and strength on all the leg exercises, and better numbers on the pull ups every time out. This workout is a killer, just like Chest & Back. I'm also feeling stronger during Ab Ripper, although still struggling with a couple of the moves. The reverse bicycle kills me for some reason, and the fifer scissors too. But it gets a little better each time.

    This was my last resistance workout for phase 1, since next week is my first recovery week.

    Hope you all kick it hard today! BRING IT!!!

  • msaap
    msaap Posts: 89 Member
    I'm with you MSAAP. I hate doing Yoga X even though i know its so good for me. So, I switched it up this morning and did Arms and Shoulders instead. Only got in 30 minutes though, because my husband was sick and I had to leave home early to take my little one to daycare.

    I walked uphill on the treadmill for 30 minutes at lunch and I will do Ab Ripper when I get home before I make dinner. I usually have to break up my workouts but it keeps my energy level up throughout the day.


    But, I did a bad thing at lunch and added a bag a fritos to my healthy sancwich. So, it looks like dinner might just be vegetables and fruit. heh.

    It's nice to know I'm not alone. At least you're adding in cardio. Some folks just skip it and do nothing in it's place. Being a Southern Chick, I'm always surrounded by bad but very tasty foods. I believe in indulging myself every now and then. In the past I would completely cut certain foods out, and in a moment of weakness I would binge eat all of it. Now, I eat something naughty every 2 weeks and it keeps me happy and from over doing it.
  • gullettgirl
    gullettgirl Posts: 52 Member
    Did YogaX yesterday. Felt so good!!! ---- no crane for me in the first week hahaha I learned a valuable lesson as well this week...I had to make the change over to the P90X eating plan...I hurt so bad on Wednesday because I didn't eat enough protein. Since the change over, I feel so much better and have more energy. :) I'll have to do today's workout tonight. I got a bit of a late start today and have to get ready for work. Just wanted to pop in and say hi! :) Keep up the great work everyone!!!
  • LindseyB5
    I am one day away from finishing week 2 of p90x. I have always exercised but before starting p90x, I was on a roll working out 6 days a week for the past month and half. I get irritated because I have not seen any physical changes. I have had an increase in strength but the physical aspect would be great! I'm going to continue and not give up on my 90 days of X! I feel that I need to become very strict on my diet in order to see the results I have pictured!
  • drwstown76
    Day 11! We are Breezing through this things yall... we can't be stopped!
    Here is my week 2 update video... Keep this thing going you guys!
    Tick Tick Tick..... BOOM!!!


    Have a great friday everyone... Bring It!
    Drew :happy:
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Day 11. Yoga X.

    Couldn't seem to get my mind into it today. I had a 2 minute break after the vinyasa sequences and before the balance poses. I actually told Tony to F off at one point because I couldn't do what he was asking me to do! lol!

    Highlights included managing to hold Crane for 20 seconds and finally managing to reach my toes on the hamstring stretch :)

    We're flying through this guys. Nearly at the end of week 2 no stopping us! :)

    I have 100 pushup challenge to do later on. Today's 5 sets total 120 pushups. Wish me luck!

  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    Haven't been feeling it much this week, but sill getting it done. I can tell I am getting stronger and getting in more reps, especially in ab ripper :bigsmile: Which is fantastic since that is my major problem area. I even got all 25 in in and outs and did at least 1/2 on all the other workouts. I have yoga tonight and am not excited:indifferent: but it will be worth it. Keep up the good work everyone!
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    By the way, if nobody minds, I'll keep posting the links to the P90x group banners every 4 pages or so. Just so any new folk who miss them as the pages roll by can add if they like.

    So if you'd like to have the P90X 'Bringing It' banner in your signature (the cool black one you see in quite a few people's signatures in this group) and show the rest of MFP that you're committed to this round, the links are as follows:

    For USA date format (9/6 to 12/4), use this link:


    For international date format (6/9 to 4/12), use this link:


    To add it to your signature, copy/paste it into your signature and change the upper case at either end to lower caseCheers  Jay
  • uniqute1888
    uniqute1888 Posts: 182 Member
    I'm adding Brazil Butt Lift to the routine... Can i get a holllla for 2hr workouts!
  • roballesteros
    I did Yoga X...true to my word I only did 70 minutes of it...but to my credit I did not just slack off I had already gone on a 5.5 mile run :).

    Jay - I'm glad to hear that I am not the only one who uses bad language directed towards Mr. Horton...I have been known to yell out obsenities during my P90X workouts....:blushing:

    Tomorrow is legs and back....ughhh...pray for me...the obscenities while be flying!:sad:

    It's Friday folks, the weekend is upon us, ENJOY IT!

    Make your work out count!
  • Alderaic
    Alderaic Posts: 294 Member
    finished week 5 yesterday with Kenpo and ab ripper,
    so far I moved ab ripper a couple times to the cardio day and I usually find it easier like that.

    KPP guys
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Good morning all, and HAPPY SATURDAY!

    Day 20 complete, Kenpo X, and it was a good one. I am drenched. Pushed it hard, and burned a ton of calories... Feeling really good overall.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend! X Stretch tomorrow!


  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    So a week recruiting in review and what I am doing to "catch-up" as much as possible.

    This week was killer for me, in terms of being out of the house form before 6 and home after 10. Getting in sleep was more important than succeeding for me this week as not sleeping and pushing myself would have lead to a burned out candle and could very possibly not have made this weekend possible. I missed Tuesday through Thursday of my workouts and so I have committed to doing doubles this weekend so that I can bring it to the table and do my best.

    Other follies of a week recruiting? Eating out and eating late. I did not make solid decisions at 10 every night. It is amazing how your body feels after eating whole foods and then putting processed garbage in it. I am so happy to be home and able to fill my fridge and stock myself for success - I went out last night and grabbed loads fo veggies, fish, chicken, soup, rice and I am pumped not to be dumping that garbage into my system.

    Cardio-X this morning and Arms and Shoulders this afternoon. Tomorrow is Cardio-X and legs and back. Why Cardio-X? It has a solid combination of the cardio programs and allows me to bring it in both workouts. Monday I am not resting I will Kenpo and hit it hard week 3!! Finally using my pull up bar!!! I am excited to be able to only pump out one unassisted chin up! (Wendy I am with you, lifting my body weight is not my forte haha).

    Loved Cardio-X this morning and am pumped for it to be 3 and me to rock arms & Shoulders with ARX!!
  • uniqute1888
    uniqute1888 Posts: 182 Member
    Kenpo today! i love it so much! and also did my brazil butt lift - bum bum and tummy tuck... I know dont work abs everyday.. but this once hasnt kiled me and I am modifying the BBL schedule to match the P90X schedule so abs will be on the same day... Wish me luck my booty is already feeling it!

    Good luck to everyone on their workouts today!
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Evening folks.

    For some reason I always really struggle to get the motivation on Saturdays... Sundays I have no problem getting into Kenpo first thing! But Saturdays I have to push myself.

    Anyway, I've been feeling a little sick in my tummy today so I'm breaking it down into segments. Didn't get to do my 100 pushup challenge last night so I rocked that one out this morning. I got 120 pushups over 5 sets which I REALLY didn't think I'd be able to do. The reps were 22, 30, 20, 20, 28.

    Just got finished with legs and back now - started it at 5:30pm.

    Improved on my reps on all of the pullups but I'm still only getting 2 or 3 unassisted pullups through the whole workout! Every time, I try and every time I fail to get more than 1 at a time. It's like that damn wheel on Yoga, every time I give it a go and every time I revert to bridge.

    Also improved my weights. Last week I was using 6.5kg (14.3lb) in each hand for all of the movements except calf raises which I used 10kg (22lb) in each hand. This week I added a kg to each hand for all of the squat/lunge movements making it 7.5kg (16.5lb) per hand. I still used 10kg (22lb) in each hand for the calf raises but this week I felt like I could add more. Next week I'll add a couple of kg on.

    Ab ripper X is going to have to wait until later when I'm not feeling so icky. I will get it in before bedtime though, mark my words!

    I'm planning on making some protein packed flapjack bars today or tomorrow with oats, peanut butter, condensed milk, whey powder and cranberries. Protein bars are HELLA expensive so I'm attempting to make my own. I'll let you all know how it goes and post up the recipe if they're any good!


  • drwstown76
    Jay... way to get it in man. Awesome effort pushing through the upset stomach. You rock bro!

    Try not to be frustrated witht he pulups man... they WILL come! you know how hard work. You got this man!

    You are freaking beasting it out with that push up challenge... Im sure your pecs ridiculous!!!!

    I played football (american) this morning for my buddies team bc they were missing a player. We got crushed. If there were an area of my personility that I would like to work on next, it would be acheiving a willingness to lose without letting it get to me. Heres the thing.. I CAN'T STAND losing. I immediately got on the phone after the game and contacted my football buddies to organize a team for the spring season... Ill be doing p90x2 by then... Ill be ready to dominate!

    Have an awesome weekend yall...
    Ill update after legs and back tonight!