P90X Support Group...



  • kriots
    kriots Posts: 375 Member
    i felt the same way with the Yoga x. my husband and I have to do it together to get through it, or i need him to get through it, after an hour i want to quit, but i am glad i dont
  • msaap
    msaap Posts: 89 Member
    You guys are AWESOME!! I did Plyo last night and I felt no pain this morning!!! Now I'm gearing up to do Shoulders & Arms this evening. I love the way my body is transitioning into a well oiled machine. It's one thing to lose weight, but it's a amazing feeling to lose weight and tone your body as you go.
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Msaap - way to bring it yesterday with PLYO. That is one of my fav and least fav workouts of them all. It is a love hate relationship with Tony when he is telling me to jump and I could swear that I am but barely get my feet off the ground. Eventually I am looking forward to owning that video! I really enjoy the back to basics sports inspired moves - makes me feel like I'm in highschool again!

    So funny story - today I was walking to the clients and was walking with the receptionist to the elevator when she said to me "you have really powerful looking legs, do you work out or are you naturally blessed" haha :blushing: She then proceed to tell me how she was married and straight but had been admiring my legs for since I started the audit at the beginning of the week. Talk about NSV haha! Guess all those claf raises last night with my substitute of Legs and Back are paying off :drinker: I did let her know that my secret is one part genetics but mostly Tony Horton! P90X baby!!!
  • 5mule
    5mule Posts: 32 Member
    What's up fellow P90Xers! Can anyone join this group? If so, I'm in! I'm on day 10. It's awesome to see so many other people on MFP who BRING IT!!!
  • drwstown76
    SASSY!!! HAHAHA! BoooooooooooooM! Great story.... I love it!

    Mule... welcome on board sir! We look forward to reading all of your triumphs man! Bring It!

  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Hey all, busy busy day today. Just wanted to jump in and post my update for the day...

    Day 24 Kenpo X done this morning... I love that workout! I brought it hard, and felt great afterwards.

    Mule, welcome to the group!

    Everyone else, great work bringing it today!!!

  • judimuro
    judimuro Posts: 17 Member
    I would like to join this group. I'm on week 10 of P90 and I can definitely see some changes! I haven't lost as much weight as I would have liked, but I definitely feel stronger. I can complete plyo without dying and am consistently doing more reps. I can finally do dive bomber push ups and I can (mostly) keep up with the yoga video. Good luck to everyone "bringing it!"
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member

    Just a quick one to drop in my log for the day. Man, I hate plyometrics! This stubbornly twingey right ankle is still giving me jip, so I had to modify some of the movements to lower the impact. Still brung it though! I'm hoping I won't be stuck with it for the whole program, that would suck!

    Also just finished my hundred pushup challenge for the day. After Monday's humiliating defeat, I moved down to the easier column 2 but it still kicked my *kitten*. Managed the minimum of 20, 25, 20, 20, 28. I'm thinking I'll move it from Mon/Wed/Fri to Tues/Thurs/Sat to better fit in with P90x. Let's face it, I've essentially worked triceps and pecs 3 days running and with arms/shoulders tomorrow, that'll be 4 days on the Tri's!

    Been thinking about this video... Who's thinking of doing a video roundup of the program on day 90? It would be great to get a little bit of video and voice off everyone with your MFP username and your thoughts on the program and I can link it in with the group vid in some way. Just a thought of course, nobody has to be in the video who doesn't want to be :)

    Signing off for bed. Good work everyone, way to bring it for 16 days straight - some of you even more! :)

  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Judi, Mule and any other new folks I missed - Welcome on board! Good to have you with us on the journey :)

  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Jay... I love the idea of a composition of our progress! I think that it would really show well and be a reminder of what we accomplished together! Way to look toward a happy and successful future!!

    Realized this evening when I got home I left plyo in my computer at work and Kenpo at my parents haha - had to do Cardio-X. As Tony says though, "Do you best forget the rest" and that's what I did! I busted my butt in Cardio-X, loved it and am looking forward to arms and shoulders tomorrow - BRING IT
  • msaap
    msaap Posts: 89 Member
    So funny story - today I was walking to the clients and was walking with the receptionist to the elevator when she said to me "you have really powerful looking legs, do you work out or are you naturally blessed" haha :blushing: She then proceed to tell me how she was married and straight but had been admiring my legs for since I started the audit at the beginning of the week. Talk about NSV haha! Guess all those claf raises last night with my substitute of Legs and Back are paying off :drinker: I did let her know that my secret is one part genetics but mostly Tony Horton! P90X baby!!!

    WTG Sassy!!! I can't wait to have gorgeous legs.
  • drwstown76
    Hey Yall! Day 16 in the books...
    I used to dread plyometrics... now I LOVE it! I do my best to kick it into as high a gear as possible and earn the results. By the end of Plyo, I always feel like I truly brought it. Sweaty and Spent!
    I also got a chance to play some hoops this afternoon, so that was a nice added burn!
    Enjoy Thursday Yall!
  • drwstown76
    Btw... Judi, Welcome! Glad to have you on board!

    Jaybone... Im willing to do whatever you need to help with the video. Id be happy to do a video... You rock dude!

  • roballesteros
    Well I got my workouts screwed up and did Shoulders and Arms plus ARX instead of CardioX...I guess it's not that big of a deal...I will do CardioX tomorrow.

    I did try 15lbs weights with Shoulders and Arms today. I was able to do 25% of the reps with the 15lbs weights...I even impressed myself....I know T. Horton was impressed too ;-)

    I did not get to run today, mostly due to procrastination on my part so I feel like a loser but rest is probably what my body needs right now anyway (a complete and obvious justification of being a procrastinator)

    Sassy - I am so happy for you! What an awesome compliment....I have no doubt that you have smokin' hot legs!

    Jay - I can not believe you are doing the push up challenge on top of P90X....you deserve mad props! You will have that magazine cover before you know it!

    This group is truely inspiring!

    2 more work days until the weekend!!!


  • Alderaic
    Alderaic Posts: 294 Member
    flu is in, started on sunday, though I was able to complete most of my workout, except that I could not finish plyo, not enough breath. But yesterday I had to skip Yoga, which is meaningful as it is my favorite workout.... hopefully I'll be in a better shape tonight for legs and back, but as I'm in training with an external company I cannot call in sick.

    KPP guys, minor roadblocks are only that ;)
  • miss_p90x
    miss_p90x Posts: 97 Member
    Hey all, I was intially one day ahead of everyone, but i missed a workout on Tuesday and did that on Wednesday. So, now I am on the same timelines as everyone. Keep it up guys. I am looking forward to doing Shoulders and Arms today :)

    Sassy, that is great, i hope to get compliments like that by the end of the 90 days.
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Hey team!

    Well, day 17 is here. The last shoulders and arms for this phase and last we'll see of this workout until week 9!

    I have a neighbourhood watch meeting to go to tonight so it's looking like a late night workout for me tonight. This one always takes me longer than usual too as I have to keep pausing to change weights between movements.

    Looking forward to next week to see what Core Synergistics brings. Not looking forward to 2 Yoga's in the week though. It's not that I dislike Yoga, it's just that it's a hell of a big time commitment! Well, nobody said it would be easy eh...

    I read something pretty shocking on another site somewhere yesterday. Maren from Chest/Back... Maren who can knock out about a million pullups... Little cutesy Maren with her German potato soup... Turns out she's an adult film star - and I don't mean one or two, she's been in hundreds! I don't think I can ever look at the chest/back workout in the same way again!

    Anyways... Look forward to posting my numbers after tonights workout folks. Whatever workout you're on today, bring it and make it count!

  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Morning all!

    Got my stretch on this morning with X Stretch for day 25!

    Almost done with Phase 1 recovery week, and super psyched to try some new workouts next week in Phase 2!

    Awesome job bringing it people, we are kicking this thing in the teeth!

    As for Maren......... well.... everybody's got to make a living, right? We all have things we're good at, and apparently she's good at more than just dive bomber push ups... :tongue:

  • pichona120

    So today will be the first day of diet and excersise!!!! :wink: lets hope it all turns out!
    Trying to get fit to go see my fiance in Dec. :drinker: heading to the beautiful beach!
    :wink: wanna look stunning in my bathing suit...jeje
  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    That is too funny Jay :laugh: I just love reading your posts.

    On day 24 here, I can tell a little difference and am down another # !:bigsmile: Super happy for your NSV Sassy! :drinker:

    Welcome to all the new people on this thread and good luck. Let's keep pushing play! Hope everyone has a great workout and a great day.