P90X Support Group...



  • roballesteros
    Did Legs & Back today...still no success with an unassisted pull up...but I'm happy with my progress! I also went on a short run afterwards...I need all the extra calories I can get on College Football Saturdays.

    Didn't have time for ARX as I am going to the University of Houston game today but I will add it to Kenpo tomorrow.

    I hope everyone has an awesome Saturday!!!

    Go COOGS!!

  • MrsBooker
    MrsBooker Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks for the welcome and support everyone! I did decide to up my cals from 1200 to 1500. I think I have been starving my poor muscles for awhile now, which is part of the reason I have not been seeing anymore progress. I will be starting P90X today (yay!). I will definitely keep you all posted on how it goes. Looking forward to sharing this journey with you guys! Reading your posts has been very motivational. Have an awesome week!
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Afternoon Team X!

    I have a confession to make. I didn't do legs/back yesterday as planned. I was busy most of the day and so planned to get it done in the evening but I was pretty exhausted and fell asleep on the couch. By the time I woke up feeling groggy, it was pretty late and I couldn't bring myself to bring it.

    Soooo... Today is workout Sunday. I never have any problems getting them in on Sundays, it's like I'm a workout machine for one day a week! So I was up early(ish) and got my legs/back plus ARX done. Managed 408 out of 349 on the ARX. I also added a 2kg weight to the mason twists. I may up that to a 4.5kg weight and look at adding extra weight to other movements too. Fifer Scissors are the only one I still can't get 25 on! Grrrr... Still, that's the last ARX I have to do for phase 1!

    I watched the start of the new season of biggest loser with the fiance (our weekend guilty pleasure!) and headed back to the gym room to do my catchup day on hundred pushup challenge. I've stepped it down to column 2 of the challenge but this is still totally kicking my *kitten*! I'm considering repeating this week as I've struggled all the way through it.

    Later on I plan to head back to the gym room AGAIN for my scheduled Kenpo X which will bring me back up to date and ready to start recovery week next week. Ladies and gents, we are OUT of the resistance part of phase 1! Can I get a whoop whoop!?! :D

    I gained another 3 lb yesterday at weigh in taking my total gain to 7lb since reaching goal weight. I'd say it's probably half and half muscle/fat as expected. I plan to gain about another 4 to 6 before cutting and muscle maintenance. As there's no resistance next week however and so nowhere for the mass amounts of protein to go, I'll be dropping my calories down from 2600 to about 2000 for the week which is a maintenance level for me. I'm pretty sure I know what I'm doing here but seeing the scale move up is nerve racking after it took so much work to get it down in the first place. Still, this is all a journey and even though the scale is moving up, I'm loving the body changes I can see in the mirror!

    Whatever you're all doing today, bring it and make it count!

  • barell
    barell Posts: 8 Member
    Hi everyone.

    You have another newbie to the group (Day 8). Can't begin to tell you how much I have enjoyed reading your posts & the great attitudes you all have. I am thrilled to be tagging along in this journey.

    Week 1 was a blast! Really looking forward to Week 2, just hope I can overcome the coordination issues on the pylo and kenpo!
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    It would be nice if I actually put the video link in here! hahahahahaha!

    Here it is


    Great video Drew. It's really great to have you posting these every week for a solid round up of the week's progress.

    Forgot to mention in my post above by the way. I'm seeing some progress on the pullups!!!! I totalled 13 unassisted today. Most impressively, the first set of reverse grip chinups saw me hitting 5 consecutive unassisted! I've no idea what the breakthrough was but it really feels like I've gotten past a barrier here. Damn shame there's no more pullup action for another week or so now - that's bad timing to make the breakthrough eh...


  • drwstown76
    Happy Football Sunday Yall!!!!! WOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOO! Im fired up today...

    I went out to the football field this morning AND NO ONE SHOWED UP! haha!
    I was feeling down in the dumps and I definitely didn't feel like ramping up the energy to push play. Of course the my commitment to you guys rested on my conscience.... So I popped kempo in and pushed play!
    Needless to say, I was throwin hooks, jabs, and uppercuts with all of my might about 10 minutes into the workout. NOW I FEEL ACCOMPLISHED AND POSITIVE going into my favorite afternoon and evening of the week! Thanks Guys!

    Have a great Sunday Yall! Rest week is coming up... but that doesnt mean we shouldnt bring it in our workout!!!! Push Play and Keep the offort up! BOOM!


    Barell... welcome to our group! you did it! :) Congrats on completing week 1... now go crush week 2! You got this!

    E A G L E S... EAGLES!
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Hey group, I have been MIA and I apologize. It was an extremely busy and painful weekend for me... Here is the update:

    Friday - I am pretty sure I checked in on the group so that I could continue my streak of days logged in *fingers crossed* because aparently I didn't post anything which is totally not like me haha. It was date night with it my boyfriend - a much needed night out just the two of us to celebrate his birthday. Needless to say, we did not get Yoga in that night - getting home past midnight meant there was not enough time to put in 1.5 hours.

    Saturday - we woke up, did groceries, cleaned the house a bit, I gave him his birthday gift - he was STOKED!!! Haha, he never caught onto the fact that I was always working the same muscle groups he was while he did P90X at his place haha - I would dumb it down with, oh I did some pushups (chest and back days) some lunges and squats (legs and back) and - used my dumbells and did some curls (arms and shoulders). He was so excited - I have the pull up par, the push up grips, resistance bands, floor mats and the full set of discs. Then he looked at me and was like - wait... you've been doing it this whole time too!!! No wonder you are looking fantastic!!! I looked at him and said "now that you know, and since we skipped Yoga last night - we need to bring it with Chest and Back today and try out some of the new toys!!!" :drinker: Great surprise and awesome gift!!!

    Sunday - BASEBALL tournament :noway: almost 5 hours of softball, four huge bruises and a sunburn later I made it home and had nothing left in me to do Kenpo. I got to the sofa and I crashed, got up only to walk the dog for an hour and go to bed! Hahaha! Oh well, I brought it on the diamond (I don't hit far so I make up for it by running FAST - rarely ever out at first even though I can hardly get the ball off the inner diamond - you can only imagine the sprints I was running!)

    Today marks day 7 week 3, I think I might bring out the Stretch-X because my body could really use it, that is after I walk my dog and before my hockey game... we will see how many hours I have but I am toatlly pumped for recovery week! Bring it!
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Happy Monday, team!!! Hope everyone enjoyed the weekend...

    So... Phase 2 is underway! Day 29 (Chest, Shoulders & Triceps / Ab Ripper X) COMPLETE! After stretching everything out yesterday with X Stretch, I was ready to lift some weights this morning. This is a KILLER workout!!! Some of these moves are really tough... Slow motion push ups, plyo/clap push ups, one armed push ups... OH MY!

    My shoulders were pretty tight and sore this morning (I have ongoing rotator cuff inflammation) so it took a while for them to loosen up at the start of the workout... And of course this one starts with slow motion push ups which gave me little pinches of pain, creaking, and popping in the shoulders... Nothing new for me, but annoying nonetheless. Once I got a few moves done, they loosened up for good, and then I was fine the rest of the way.

    It's funny, I find that my rotator cuffs are more sore and stiff when I'm NOT lifting weights. When I'm consistently doing upper body work, they stay pretty loose, but since I just finished a recovery week (no real weight lifting) they were pretty stiff. I've seen this pattern before, and hopefully now they will be nice and loose for the next 3 weeks of lifting.

    Anyway, hope you're all doing great, I know many of you are about to start your phase 1 recovery week. Have fun with Core Synergistics, it's a good one!

    I get Plyo tomorrow!! BRING IT!!!

  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    Hello everyone! I have also been MIA for a few days. I did log from my phone but it wasn't pretty. I had a family member that needed some TLC on Friday and it turned into a full weekend of too much fun and way to much food. I think I may have gained at least a # but I refuse to get on the scale today. I missed 2 workouts too :cry: That is ok though, I am back on the wagon today! Going to bring it as hard as I can, gotta get my rockstar rep back. LOL. Hope everyone has an awsome day!
  • spongela
    Hey all, I just did my first day today, chest back and Ab ripper. Found it a tough but fun workout, that i certainly felt afterwards. I cant do many push ups right now and I can only do assisted pull ups, so i am hoping this will improve. I also took before pics so i can see the results over time :)
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    Nother noob here!! I did day 2 Plyo x today. Was a nice little workout. I finished Insanity last week and i'm looking forward to toning up some of this flab!
  • roballesteros
    I am back on track after taking Sunday off....no particular reason for taking Sunday off just never felt like getting off the couch (lame, I know). I did Kenpo and ARX today which should have been my rest day, so everything is good now.

    Recovery week starts tomorrow......not sure how I feel about this...I am really tempted to do week 3 again....I am only doing the lean version of P90X so I do not think I need that much rest....but I am also running around 25 miles a week....Does anyone have any thoughts on this???

    I am always second guessing T.Horton...don't know what's wrong with me....I should just leave it to the professional but that would be completely out of character for me.:tongue:

    All that being said... I CAN NOT BELIEVE WE ARE ON WEEK 4! Geeez how time flies....WE ARE AWESOME

  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Hey all,

    Didn't get to write up my post-workout post yesterday but I did get Kenpo X in. I know, I know, I said I was going to do it on Sunday but that'll teach me to write about something before doing it... I missed it! Well, I'm back on track now (although I've essentially skipped all 3 optional X-Stretch days so far which sucks a bit).

    Week 4 is here folks. Bring it through recovery week and we'll be into phase 2 before we know it! You're all doing great, keep it up!

    By the way, if anyone missed it earlier, today is the last day of voting in my photo contest. If you want to help me out, please go to http://hpstm.tc/7ky9 and click the facebook 'like' button at the bottom. You can also say http://hpstm.tc/7ky9 and #hipstamatic in one tweet if you're a twitter user to give me a vote. Number 20 and (hopefully) climbing!


  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Welcome to week four!! Lets bring it with all we've got!!

    Jay... Voted for ya
  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    Have some catching up to do. Did cardio yesterday, felt I didn't do so well. Taking 2 days off threw my game off. Yoga tonight, we will hope I can keep up.

    Ro- I am doing lean to and recovery week to me is just as challenging, I recommend just staying on schedule.

    Hope everyone has a great workout today!
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Nikki ... I was just going to say the same thing to Ro, having looked at the schedule, recovery week is not a breeze and just really helps to change it up a bit to keep you interested in the program. There are so many Yoga days that challenge your muscles and stability, core synergistcis which is quite the workout if you focus on form! Really it is worth it for sure!

    Looking forward to Day one of recovery - I will let you know how it goes tonight!!! BOOM
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Hey everyone.

    Well my one on one with Tony 'Fountain of Youth' dvd arrived yesterday after taking a helluva long time to get here (Getting something from Beachbody to the UK is ugh! Don't ask!) so I decided today I'd check that one out instead of the regular Yoga X.

    If you've not tried it, I'd recommend it. It includes most of the fundamentals of the Yoga X workout with some bonus moves thrown in. It's only 45 minutes long but it certainly ain't no walk in the park! This is definitely more advanced stuff than Yoga X. Also, you really need to have done Yoga X a few times to be able to keep up as there's very little explanations about how to do moves that we've seen before. A lot of it you have to rely on audio cues. It also moves along quite quickly so you need to either keep up or be able to drop easily back in if you fall behind.

    Al in all, a good workout. I think I sweated more today in 45 minutes than I did on Friday in 92 minutes of Yoga X. I think I'll stick to Yoga X mostly for the program but it's good to have another option to supplement.

    Some of the other one on ones look great and I'd love to check em all out but I'm not messing around with the shipping again to get them one at a time. I may save up to get the whole volume box set in one.

    I also started off with 100 pushup challenge today. I'm repeating week 4 as it pretty much thrashed me last week. I got 18, 22, 16, 16, 25. I've switched it out to Tues/Thurs/Sat to fit in better with P90x.

    Ok, I'm going to enjoy my extra 40 minutes or so! :)

  • roballesteros
    Thanks Sassy and Nikki!!....I did look over the recovery week a little more closely and noticed that it wasn't much of a change...so I will do the recovery week exactly as prescribed.

    I guess that means Yoga X tonight.... Hope everyone is having a good week!

    Make your Workout Count!!

  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Hey everyone!

    It's Day 30 for me!!! 1/3 of the way done with this round and feeling great!

    Did Plyo this morning, and it was a good one. DRIPPING with sweat LOL...

    Hope you're all doing great and rocking your workouts!


  • drwstown76
    Mike!!!!!!!! Phase one complete! BOOM! POW! Nicely done man...

    Week 4 underway yall! Lets keep it up!

    Im freaking exhausted today, heading to class after work and workout....
    I hope everyone is doing well!
    Keep pushing play!
