

  • I too have tried WW twice and lost weight both times. Tried it again, and just no go. Have done the South Beach route once and lost weight on it as well, but just couldn't stomach it. This time I just want to try and control portions and lay off the junk food (for the most part). Family occasions are tough though. Keep…
  • Way to go New Tracy! When you come up next time, introduce her to the New Danica.
  • Hey I will be 50 in September and I also want to lose 50. Good luck to you. We can do this.
  • How much water are you drinking? Also if you eat more protein it will make you feel fuller for longer. I know for myself that sometimes I eat just because that's what the clock is saying or I think I should be. Some articles and books recommend writing down what you are feeling before you eat so that you can see why you…
  • If you don't eat enough calories, you body will go into starvation mode and slow down your metabolism. Even though you are exercising etc. it will slow. Also eating enough will keep your blood sugars level and maintain you from one meal to the next. Eating not enough is as bad as eating too much. Hope this answers your…
  • Good luck Christina. I just joined today as well. Take one day at a time and one meal at a time and before you know it you will have reached goal.
  • Wow! I am impressed. Thanks to all for the good wishes. I wish you all the same. It is nice to know that we are all on this journey together. I am looking forward to seeing all of your losses and positive results. Good luck everyone.
    in I'm new Comment by Danica27 March 2010
  • Thanks Tracy. Let Melly know I am here too please.
    in I'm new Comment by Danica27 March 2010
  • Thanks. Seeing as how you are a runner, I have a question for you. I want to start a walk to run program, but I am confused about the difference between jogging and running. Is jogging considered running or does it have to be a longer stride to be considered running? Thanks for the input.
    in I'm new Comment by Danica27 March 2010